Be me

>be me
>last night talking to guy he says he and his friend wants to fuck me
>agree to be fucked by the both of them but only if they both use condoms
>one guy comes and gets me and takes me to the place with the other guy
>we all undress and i ask them about the condoms
>they say they dont have any condoms
>i tell them that i only have safe sex and that i told them i only wanted to do it with condoms
>they start getting aggressive and talking down to me demeaning me and making me feel like shit
>grabs fist full of my hair and slaps my face over and over until im crying
> him and his friend rape me for the next 3 hours before leaving me on the side of the road
>go home and pretend nothing happened last night because i dont want my parents to think bad of me
>wake up a hour ago and dont know how to go on like nothing happened last night
what do i do user im so hurt i really feel like they took something from me like a piece of my soul is missing or something :(. i want to call the police and get them arrested but i dont even know their name or anything about them just their grindr profiles. i dont want the cops to show up and have to explain to my parents that i was raped and deal with all that court shit but really think they should be locked away for what they did to me. what do i do?

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> him and his friend rape me for the next 3 hours before leaving me on the side of the road
stopped pretending you didnt loved it, you sissy whore

Call the police
Youre an adult now your parents can't help you

Either deal with cops and court or do nothing fag

You desperate fuck, why did you do this.. don't go fucking random guys.

Did you cum? How many times did they nut inside you?

No you're not stop lying.

well you either get justice and deal with the process or you don't fag. You can't get justice without the due process.

i dont know what im gonna do i need more time to decide if im going to call cops or not. my parents know im trans but i dont want them to know about this :( do you think i could keep it hidden from them if i went to the police station to report it instead of calling them? i dont want to get any letters or anything about it is my concern i dont want my parents to know :(

>what do i do?
Call the cops and sue them? They need to pay dude, rape is serious. Also nlt saying you "asked for it" but whoring your ass in "group sex" on the internet will sometimes lead to rape, hope you don't do this ever again

Are you an adult user? I'm sure if you went to the police they would respect your privacy when it comes to something like this. There is no reason for your parents to find out. You need to contact police or this will be something you regret for the rest of your life. Dont let those guys get away with what they did to you, and possibly what they might do to others.

If you looked more like a fucking man they wouldn't even asked you to fuck with them, faggot

>what do I do
Stop this lifestyle and seek God

yes im 23 and i havnt made up my mind yet but im leaning torwards reporting it

stupid bastard lmfao

>Sad girl
Honestly fucking kys.You won't suffer anymore,your parents won't suffer anymore(you know deep inside they fucking do),it's the best for everyone,please.

serves you right wannabe roastie

>I feel like they took something from me
Yeah they took your hair

Go to the police, but if not at least try to talk to someone about it. A therapist or friend, etc.

eww, you're probably not even a trap you're just a gross tranny in a wig. And now you're all used up and a gross man whore.

>tfw I'll never find a beautiful wholesome trap wife to treat like a beautiful little girl and I get to be the pretty face twink boy of her dreams
>and we can go out and get lunch and dinner together while people compliment us on how much of a cute couple we make.

why even live.

Just do it. Dont overthink it. Make sure to ask them if they will be able to keep your privacy. I'm sure they would make adjustments to the process. It's an understandably embarrassing situation and I'm sure happens a lot. Good luck

okay im going to thank you user youve convinced me

Go to the hospital and have a rape kit done. Talk to the nurses, they are much more compassionate than cops. If you do decide to press charges the police should be able to find these guys through grindr, but you will probably have to give them your phone so they'll see whatever else is in your phone too.

What happened to you was horrible and wrong and you deserve justice.

God, even guys who are just pretending to be women are fucking retarded. Here's what you do:

1. Go to the police. If you're not overreacting/straight up lying, then tell the fucking police. Don't wait a few years and do some #MeToo faggot shit. Go to the police AS SOON AS YOU CAN. And since the system is rigged as fuck you're basically set if you just accuse anyone of rape.

2. Don't fuck random people. This is I hate hookup culture. It just fuels retards like you and then you act like the victim when fucking random people somehow backfires.

3. Stop pretending to be a girl. Listen buddy, I don't care if you're care. I don't care if you like dressing up as a girl and making yourself look like a girl. But you're still a guy. You will always have a Y chromosome. Face reality and accept that you are just a gay boy who likes to look girly. There's nothing wrong with being a girly boy, but don't go around cutting your dick off (also, the reality of post-surgery is terrible and anyone who says otherwise is lying trying to get you to ruin your life), don't go taking hormones, don't fuck with your body's biology.
Grow your hair out, dress in your little girly clothes, even change your fucking name to Jessica or some shit, but don't biologically alter your body. If there is a single thing you never want to fuck with, it's nature. Fucking with nature will have severe consequences (which is why trannies have such high suicide rates. It is literally a mental illness to want to alter your body with surgery like that).

I know it's rough, I know you feel like shit, but you've got to face reality. Go to the police. Be more careful in the future. And for the love of god, don't permanently fuck up your body just because you like cock.

here how it's going to go down for mangirl over here.
>claims 2 guys raped him
>is already questionable because he's a man BUT OKAY
>rape kit done, arrest on DNA evidence based on charged
>goes through scrutiny
>2 guys v 1 guy guess who has more witnesses user??

gg case dismissed. Tranny loses, is shamed, and humiliated even further.

I hope he has to pay their lawyer fees too.

>3. Stop pretending to be a girl. Listen buddy, I don't care if you're care. I don't care if you like dressing up as a girl and making yourself look like a girl. But you're still a guy. You will always have a Y chromosome. Face reality and accept that you are just a gay boy who likes to look girly. There's nothing wrong with being a girly boy, but don't go around cutting your dick off (also, the reality of post-surgery is terrible and anyone who says otherwise is lying trying to get you to ruin your life), don't go taking hormones, don't fuck with your body's biology.
Grow your hair out, dress in your little girly clothes, even change your fucking name to Jessica or some shit, but don't biologically alter your body. If there is a single thing you never want to fuck with, it's nature. Fucking with nature will have severe consequences (which is why trannies have such high suicide rates. It is literally a mental illness to want to alter your body with surgery like that).
pol go back


post this on reddit instead

thanks even if i dont agree with the last part i still respect your opinion and you were more polite than most people would be who have the same belief.

i say in the texts that i would only do it with condoms though would that make a difference?

idk they fucking raped me like im pretty sure that consent can be taken away at any time and i definitely made it clear that i didnt want it

>Sad girl
Nope, you're a guy

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This. OP you should have told them you have HIV

>im pretty sure that consent can be taken away at any time
lol. you just fail trolled buddy.

>it's a week after I had sex with that guy, even though we have text messages saying we're going to hook up, agreed to have sex and everything else detailed and voice mail. HE HASN'T CALLED ME BACK IN A WEEK. i'm pretty sure he actually raped me.

This is why im still a virgin, I dont trust strangers and im afraid of having an experience similar to yours

definitly get a screenshot of their grindr profil for the cops. You could also bait with a fake account and let them meet up with the police instead of you

I'm the douche flaming op who is 90% likely a troll. Just don't ask strangers to casually meet up and fuck you. it's possible to make friends, talk with them over a long period of time, cam with them, make sure they aren't crazy, meet them in public and you know do everything a normal person does.

This happened because no one takes traps seriously. All you are is a sex toy and not a person to most men. You get to experience life like a woman except ten times worse.
Just go to the cops or nothing and stop being a filthy skank.

Hopefully you got AIDS or at least some nasty shit for life. Sick, perverted creature.

im really not that slutty at all im mostly on grindr just to get compliments from people for egoboost i like showing off pics of me i dont have sex very often though and my usual friend with benefits was busy and was talking to this guy and he seemed normal there was no red flags or anything that he was gonna do this to me but i shouldnt have met with them so soon

if i do youre the first person im gonna give it to, dickhead.

dunno why you wanna be mean to me :l

Report them. Detective take that shit pretty well. Your parents prob won't care and be supportive

People here often get mad at others who are often to have sex. go figure

>jealous op guy sex
>jealous op got raped
lmao i think you're confused user.

Take those 24 hour post sex hiv killers

>be me
>sissy faggot
>get treated like sissy faggot
>want to tell the cops
>but don't want to tell the cops
I don't know, rope yourself?

During the act. It's obvious he meant consent can be withdrawn during the act you insufferable neckbeard.
Bet you're one of those types who thumbthump inconsistencies in D&D rulebooks while vaping.

Tell them you have aids so you wanted to do safe sex then skip town or do it before you move.

>slaps my face
That is the point you take those heels off and throw some hands senpai.

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based and allahpilled.

I am here to put your heavy tears to rest for tonight, ok? Don't touch any problem, shut your mouth. your bed Is our blanket, just sleep

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>be me
>go home and pretend nothing happened last night because i dont want my parents to think bad of me

excuse me... WTF? your parents know that you are their failed male offspring, their hearts and souls are already broken you fucking faggit

go have a good night rest thinking about that, propably with something disgusting inserted in your anus

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I can only what so much ironic projective shit sliging tonight. Stop it. Our parents are asshole fuckers. And you are probably really gay

you aren't even smart and diligent enough to afford living on your own, but get your asshole fucked on the weekend by total strangers and call the people feeding and housing you "asshole fuckers"?

I sincerely hope your story is true, I hope you get a lesson for life in shape of a nasty std to show that perhaps karma is really a thing

I mean, yeah you were raped there is no doubt but honestly I don't think anything big will happen to them because like the other user said there are logs of text where you agreed to have sex with them, meet them and so on

but he is right tho

he should just call himself femboy or trap but not girl, also never take hrt

you realize he sepcifically went to meet them with the intent of sex, right? and that anything after that comes down to he said she said? considering it's 1 mentally sick tranny vs 2 fag boys it's one person word against two. It doesn't matter how your fee fees fee about it because it comes down to facts.

But fine, let me rework that scenario for you you mongoloid

>it's a week after I had sex with that guy, even though we have text messages saying we're going to hook up, agreed to have sex and everything else detailed and voice mail. HE DIDN'T STOP MID THRUST WHEN I RANDOMLY CHANGED MY MIND IN THE MIDDLE OF SEX AND BECAUSE HE DIDN'T STOP IMMEDIATELY THAT SECOND IT INSTANTLY BECAME RAPE. i'm pretty sure he actually raped me.

how about this user, any sexual interaction between two individuals outside of marriage is rape?

Good for you.
Now leave this fucking board you filthy faggot

You're being dumb on purpose but I'll try to get through to you anyways
>faggot consents to sex
>conditional to use of condoms
>Chads agree to use condoms
>they don't
>faggot say no sex
>they force sex on him anyway
Which has zero to do with changing your mind a week later
About your example, there was a guy in Australia (IIRC) who got slapped with a rape charge because the woman withdrew consent mid-pounding and he didn't stop thrusting and pull out fast enough for her.
The only thing I'll acknowledge from your psot is the two against one, but judges are biased towards victims of sexual assault, especially if the faggot has those texts to back his version up and (I'm reaching here) a rape kit could show that no condom was in fact used

>be me

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Baby, I live on my own. I think you want to touch somebody fucked. I am just NEET, so there

>Fag boys

How? They fucked a trap not a man

they thought you were the op (me) im pretty sure

Now let's work this out for you you silly fucking dumb ignorant cunt boy. YOU'RE ASSUMING THAT OP IS TELLING THE TRUTH 100% AND IS ACCURATE. YOU'RE ASSUMING OP IS EVEN A TRAP IN THE FIRST PLACE AND NOT A TROLL. THIS IS WHY YOU'RE NOT RELIABLE. And just so you know every thing I have said to OP while it is not delicate or nice this is exactly what will happen to him if he goes to the cops. The only facts are the ones that are available and not in his favor.

Maybe I'm being dumb on purpose, but at least it's better than being just straight up dumb like you.

I'm used to abuse. Thanks, you licked my wounds :)

Why would I not? If we are to just assume OP is bamboozling us we might as well call him a LARPer and be on our way. If we are here to discuss in his thread we might as well take his post at face value and argue about that.
Also you never doubted he was telling any less than 100% truth either. My friend, this is called moving the goalposts.
I'm sorry you seem to have some trouble with your shift key, but I'm glad you sorted it our mid-post.

>go to strangers house for dangerous sex
>get buttmad when you get dangerous sex
You sound like a fag, OP

>when gay sex goes wrong
you messed up lad