comfy season approaches lads, we're all gonna make it
>Converted garage to woodshop this summer
>Have a heater that can keep me at 70-ish degrees in the winter
>mfw I'll be making pretty things during snowstorms
>debating buying a Kotatsu
God I hate winter. Wish I lived somewhere it doesn't get cold
that's a shame mate, where you live?
sounds nice, what kind of stuff you looking to make?
still suicidally depressed, but comfy threads are comfy
comfy feelings often come with a strange melancholy which kind of compliments the comf in a way. hope you feel better, or failing that at least feel snug
So far, I've been making things like jewelry boxes and bandsaw boxes but I want to start making cutting boards (there's a serious market for handmade ones) and maybe kuksa.
I really need to get a lathe next.
I hope my neetbux request comes thru so i can get extra comfy this season. Im nervous, pray for me. If i dont get the neetbux i Will be in big shit the coming period. Ill know in a week, Its Make or break for me. God have mercy on me a sinner
your pic was incredibly comfy, thanks user
sitting on the floor doesn't seem comfy
I just want to roam around the Tallinn Christmas Market with a little Estonian qt on my arm.
I will never get to do this.
Sharing my comfy. It's windy outside. Too bad this time of the year will pass quickly without me being able to appreciate it because stuff to do.
>tfw you have no one to share the cold season with
>tfw you will never be as comfy again like you were in your teens
>tfw can wear soft and comfy shirts and jackets with extra long sleeves again :3
i'm currently 18 and the realisation is setting in that teens are coming to an end
Sweaters and puffy jackets are the highlight of my year
i have a really nice jacket with fur type stuff on the inside, can't wait to wear it again
I'm exited for you user. Always wanted a fur lined jacket but they're always to damn expensive, end up getting polar fleece not quite as comf but still pretty wonderful.
yeah i got some cheap ass fake chinese jacket thing but it is still comfy and warm so who cares
>tfw no American city with 1940s/50s aesthetics
got an estonian mate i play dota with, seems like a pretty qewt cuntry
no worries user
i'm praying don't worry
sounds nice and, dare i say it, comfy. good luck with everything you make woodwork friend
Kiitos, I really enjoy woodworking. Since I'll never have a family, hopefully a piece or two will end up in a museum sometime in the future and I'll be immortalized.
having a shitty week so far
>been feeling moderately sick all week
>haven't been able to sleep
>getting absolutely fucked with school work
>can't stop thinking about cute girl from my class who I've never talked to but I've heard is really nice but I can't ever try anything with her because there's almost no way it wouldn't go poorly (long story) even though she probably currently has a decently positive opinion of me
>literally don't know of any other girls I'd be remotely interested in who I haven't already been unsuccessful with
>get a bit sad every time I see her
>just want to hurry up and graduate so I can forget about her
I'm trying to relax but I've had way too much going on lately, hope you guys are doing better than I am
>tfw no American city with only white people
oh and also
>got my first fever blister today
I don't know why but this time of day in the morning, where it's like not completely dark, but blue like in your pic, makes me feel so fucking comfy. I live on the countryside and got up one morning to take a piss outside close to the woods and it was this blue out, nothing but hearing the wind blow through the trees. I remember feeling so fucking peacefull and comfy.
Why are rain and fogginess so comfy?
wtf whats not what I selected
mars is pretty comfy, something about the quiet, vast solitude