Feeling tired, lethargic

>feeling tired, lethargic
>eat 20 raw chicken livers
>instantly feel rejuvenated
You took the /rawmeat/ pill, havne't you user?

Thank you based sv3rige

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Other urls found in this thread:


>life is monotonous
>mind and body in cruise mode
>eat something full of bacteria and disease
>body is now fighting to stay alive

dat hairline

That dyel body and shit hairline.
Why would anyone want to emulate the diet of this silly faggot?

>gets gout
Fully personal faggot

>gout is totally about purines and not sugar, which is why restricting purines barely improves gout but restricting fructose cures it

Pubmed pr fake news

>Feeling pretty thirsty
>Drink animal blood
>Instantly lose an inch of hairline

>bacteria = bad theory
You realize your body is filled with bacteria and usually the healthier people have more bacteria diversity

Yes, our livers are also full of toxic shit

By coincidence I went on all meat diet around the time I got gout - I didn’t realize it was gout but it went away eventually. Fructose or even alcohol is usually to blame. Also if you body is switching over to burning fat and using ketones, some people get gout in the transition

If you are referring to eating the chicken livers, I think the most important thing is to eat animals that were healthy

Livers do not store toxins. They store nutrients.


I literally look exactly like him, hairline included. Am I fucled?

Check back in with us in 24h user tell us how hot the nurses on the gastro ward are and how horrid salmonella medicine tastes.

pls reply to my thread

t. someone who doesn't know anything about biology.

YES we have bacteria in places that are supposed to have them: skin, colon, mouth, etc...
HEALTH PROBLEMS start when you eat raw shit full of bacteria and the bacteria migrate to places that are normally STERILE. like your blood.

Please anons, don't listen to this shit, this board is full of dumb troglodytes who don't know anything about the human body.

formerly chucled

To me he is as autistic as vegan.
We are fucking omnivorous for a good reason.

Man has a forehead that would make a Somalian jealous.

Your turn.

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>be me
>on a carnivore diet for a month
>first few days feel good, ditched processed sugar and have a decent sleep
>2 weeks go by without any change
>suddenly feel like shit
>have the biggest shitfest in my entire life
>took me 30min to finish my toilette time
>take a look at shit and its fucking red
>another 2 weeks go by, start to smell like shit, skin looks horrible, teeth feel like they are about to fall out
>visit doc and tell him about my diet
>he calls me crazy, takes a blood test
>turns out my cholesterol was over the fucking roof, way beyond what he sees
>pre diabetic
>extremely high iron in blood
>low vitamin c
>low potassium
>low vitamin k
>low vitamin d
>low folate
>he tell me to eat fruits and veggies
>start eating a ton of veggies and fruits, ditch meat completely
>after 1 week feel like a new born baby
>never felt that great in my entire life before
>now on a high carb plant based diet

fuck you jews and you fucking stupid diet shit you fucking retards, you fucking made my life shorter with that stupid advice I FUCKING HATE YOU CUNTS

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Fuck off vegan scum

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Hahahaha I kinda went through the same, but I wasn't an all meat tard, so my symptoms weren't near that severe. I did have high cholesterol and my teeth got fucked up. But the vegetables in my diet kept my vitamin levels up, at least.

Just make sure you get your b12.

He lost that hairline during his vegan faggotry days. Really makes you think huh

Think that he's a sami retard with bad genetics?

>Body is fighting to stay alive.

Sounds like veganism.


Fake news

no, its sounds like the normal sv3rige raw meat diet you idiot.

Report back to me vegan when you master that first pull-up.


everyone who takes youtube experts seriously deserves to die of malnutrition
be it raw meat faggots with autism that beat their girlfriends up or vegan mutts that have severe sociopath tendencies

You'll be pleased to know that Sverige is omnivorous.. He eats lots of fruits from mangoes to Mandarin oranges to wild berries, he also enjoys juicing cucumbers. He has the most balanced diet on Jewtube bro.

Why chicken tho? Isn't beef of pig liver less likely to give you salmonella?

Sv3rige? You mean that goy who's solid as a rock, single handedly destroyed veganism, and has a beautiful gf? That Sv3rige?


Thanks Sv3rige for turning me on to the primal diet, and thanks for destroying veganism once and for all. Veganism is the Jewish plot to starve the white race to death...



I’m convinced that all of these “carrnists" eat lots of veggies when nobody is looking. That and do lots of roids. They pretend to be carnist so they can get these carnist cultists to practically worship them. Carnists need these types of people to exist so they can always use them in their inevitable arguments for why a carnist diet is best. “Carnist diet makes you weak and scrawny huh? Well have you ever heard of (insert “carnist” name here). He’s 230lbs. and 5% bodyfat. Checkmate vegan” Meanwhile these so called “carnists” are scamming these clueless weaklings for almost every penny they have by selling their bullshit supplements, training programs, diet advice, etc. It’s actually a genius plan. But they’re still a bunch of cock suckers for doing it.

>Meanwhile openly on his own channel Sv3rige happily consume plenty of plants... Oranges, cucumbers juice mangoes etc etc.

Way to counter meme your own lies vegan lol.


Itt: shit that never happened

The (((vegan trolls))) must barf up some standard talking points and them spam them whenever the goyim start getting too close to enlightenment.

Raw meat is the ultimate probiotic


You're a retard.

Just don't eat at all
no food no problem

the Snake Diet is based and redpilled

yes user i did
>feel like shit
>eat chicken liver
>rejuvinated instantly, feel like a god among man

step into the light brahs, we're all gonna make it
thank you based sv3rige

I went carnist 3 days ago and my dick fell off


>feeling tired and lethargic
>eat raw bone marrow and amost die
>still shill your diet
>go full schizo and go into a psych ward
>attempt to eat the doctors flesh after they give you nutrients from plants
>absolute retards still follow your advice

hey user I think you dropped this

Attached: risperdal.jpg (288x216, 9K)

And you dropped this.

Attached: download (1).jpg (225x225, 11K)

That is exactly how vegans operate hehe


enjoy the parasites

Fucking lol. That's almost as funny as vegans teeth....


What teeth


My bad.
