What is your opinion about philosophy R9K?

What is your opinion about philosophy R9K?

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Its very important but also very stupid.

I love all forms of it. Even pseudophilosophy. I could discuss about it for hours.

I miss RS addiction. It was a better time.

Low iq
Learn technical skills instead

a group of people who expects or is excessively ready to accept failure.

There isn't much philosophy

I'm deep in it right now, pretty comfy

I like the Traditionalist school, Guenon was based

That too broad of a topic to even start a meaningful discussion

A catch 22 since even not engaging it is a philosophy in itself.
And i hate catch22

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Honestly wish I was studying it at uni. V jealous of my friend he gets to read interesting shit all the time and I'm stuck tuning pianos on my course lmao

Don't even bother studying it at most colleges. It's nothing but
"let's read what [some scholar] said about [philosopher]"
"let's read this excerpt"
If you find a course that you can connect with previous students and make sure it's not a load of shit that doesn't even do readings of the source material, go for it.

All opinions are inherently philosophical.

im studying philosophy rn, first year is meh but it will get way better later

Studying philosophy killed my interest in it, the same way studying literature killed my interest in reading for pleasure. While the courses can be occasionally interesting, they often aren't. But you still have to study and memorize everything obviously. Of course there are much harder and less interesting classes to take, but somehow it sucks more when it's something you see the potential to be interesting.

The only topic of books i'm able to read. A lot of philosophers are stupid but they're kinda motivation to think about something and stop worrying about your fucked up person.

How do philosopher majors even plan to make money?

pseudo intellectuals will work at Starbucks
real philosophers don't need money

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philosophy is not something that can be learned. It is a way of living. It is the cornerstone of every action made consciously, and can be found in nature. "Why" is the question, and the reason for all actions.

schopenhauer was right about everything and tried to save us from hegel

One of the most important and helpful things around if you know when to stop, otherwise it becomes pointless mental wanking.

I want to talk about philosophy but everyone assumes people who want to talk about it are obese manchildren brainlets. It's a bummer.

i enjoy dio posting it really annoys the people who try to have serious conversations about philosophy

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you know diogenes fucked the dogs in your pic right

I like to ponder the nature of perception and its relation to reality. Is perception all that exists? Intuitively it seems so (since perceptions are all we ever experience), but logically it seems incoherent, because if perceptions were all that existed, then we should have knowledge of everything since no external world exists, only our internal construction of it. I think this falls under what's called phenomenology and also epistemology. Obviously I'm just a pleb casual but these topics do interest me.