>barely $3k to my name

how should i kms

Attached: zv0amng049o11.jpg (569x728, 35K)

>barely any chance of me getting a husky

Attached: triggered.png (1920x1080, 1.68M)

>caring that much about money
fucking normie

Could be worse, I'm 22 with -1200 or so

Can i have 700 so i can build my modest pc? Pretty pleaseeeee?

kys by getting an llc and business license then go ham on a radical business idea.

>26 years old
>$0 in savings

I should probably just jump off a roof right now damn

>Under $100 left in my account
>I'm owed 4k by family
>No living expenses but have to buy my own food
>Not seeing this money anytime soon as it was to help out family in finance troubles
>Don't even get an interview for jobs I'm applying for
>Applied for welfare but I don't get the money until 2 months from now
>It's gonna be $200 a month max

Poor bait. Have your (You) as you crave it so bad

I've got your husky right here, you little redheaded slut.


>already 10k in debt

Attached: 1540318037256.jpg (709x765, 39K)

That's not a husky that's a pug

Attached: Calming Triggered.png (1920x1080, 1.99M)

How'd you get that far?

>180 euro to my name

Attached: 1522126508526.jpg (399x400, 16K)

>2 pounds to my name

Attached: med_1514953187_00032.jpg (640x357, 30K)

I know that feel. It fucking sucks when family screws you like that. I'm still owed plenty of money as well

>less than 1k in my bank account
>seasonal job about to end
>not eligible for unemployment
>30k in debt because I fell for the college meme
Beat that

>all these burgers
I'm making less than $50/month.

>$1200 to my name
>$2000 worth of books on my shelves

Helium CPAP



sell your books user

>Wahhh I don't have 3,000 dollars I'm so sad!!!!
You are like a baby. Watch this.

Attached: jewgold.png (403x110, 2K)

> bragging on a thread about how op wants to commit suicide
congrats you're a genuine cunt

>tfw always have a perpetual $200

It just goes to food or inconvenient bills.

>barely $100 to my name
its over before it even started

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I wanna kms is something people say ironically all the time

>70$ in bank account, just got paid too
>need to pay for a copay for a drs appt
>also need 40$ to pay for gas to get home (driving from maryland to pennsylvania)
>also need groceries
>work freelance and various jobs at school, receny got ghosted by 2 clients

good night bros

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man im glad i put a bit of money in crypto in 2016 or i'd be in OP's situation right now