New Year Resolutions

Got any, Jow Forums?

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Hit 200kg on bench press

>lose belly fat, have chest pass my belly in shirts at least
>end alcoholism
>bench 2pl8
>grow lats and chest
surely this will be the year

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If I don’t make it in 2019, I’ll embrace my destiny...

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4pl8 squat, go on date with oneitis, continue to top my classes and go below 10% bf whilst advanced strength level.
Also make more money.


>get a gf

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Lose 20 more lbs. Ive just never been concerned about my weight since its only 20 lbs overweight and I like the little chonkier look. Ill see if I like being twink otter mode.

I was a virgin until this year when I got my first gf. Bad news is she is incredibly lazy and stopped taking care of herself so Ill be working on increasing my social circle and skills to meet new friends/gf

Also not killing myself

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i'd like to quit eating out but thats impossible. i have to at least once a week. how do you guys do it?

cook my own food?

it gets boring no matter how many spices and shit you put in it


quit these fucking things also 2 pl8 bench

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Second time cutting and first time bulking. I put on 25lbs over 5 months, so I'm pretty anxious about dropping it asap.

>lose weight and get to sub 150lbs (I'm 5'9)
>make it to 3pl8 squat
>2pl8 bench
>1pl8 ohp
>3pl8 deadlift

I'm going to try a new routine other than strong lifts, any recommendations would be great.

Non lifting goals
>get my General ham radio license
>start writing a book on my spare time
>save up enough money to marry my gf

Get to 220 10% bf
Military press 275
Get a better job
Be Jow Forums for the first summer in my life

not killing myself

Good plan, you should at least be smoking MacDonald's instead of those poverty cigs.

>get under 100kg
>hit 1/2/3/4
>move out
>save 10k
>read 26 books

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Solve this weakness in my lower leg, I believe might have dvt, haven't been to the gym in two months because exhausted.

Take more photos. I realise I have none to look back on so taking more is the plan.

Lose weight
Stop being an alcoholic
Fit in at work


Not really.

I actually stopped lifting a month ago. I don't give a fuck anymore. I'll just maintain a normal weight by eating healthily.

Be more social and stop using alcohol as a crutch for socializing. Sleep more run more get a better job and limit Jow Forums use

>eating better/less
>learn a language
>get a girlfriend

None. If I want to achieve something I start today. Why the wait?

I Want to get ottermode in 13-25weeks
and push for 1/2/-/4

Current stats
196cm 6'5
84kg 185lbs

We're all gonna make it bros

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run everyday until im hot

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>finish my bachelor thesis
>move to a new place
>get my first real job
>get more in contact with nature
>more cardio (like everyday)
>bench 125Kg

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Food is fuel, not something to care about enjoying

6 week fast

Stop missing gym sessions.

I'm thinking about doing novidya for January, and get a morning routine going involving some stretches or yoga. Also wanna do pull-ups and push Ups at home every day in addition to my normal gym routine.
I also want to start doing cardio. I don't like running tho. Maybe I can go to the gym once or twice a week and use the rowing machine or the stair machine. I'm gonna move closer to the gym (200m) so it will be easier.
I also want to learn to be alone again. In March I got out of a 3 year relationship and jumped into the next one right away, and that one got fucked up because obviously I wasn't over the first one. I gotta learn to be alone again and be happy on my own - something I was good at during my incel years but not good at anymore. I just got dumped last week so I will not go back on Tinder or similar until at least February.

My big goals for 2019 are to finish uni and to remodel the house I just bought and to move in. After that, I can take better care of my company and start playing a bigger part in my dad's business, so that I can take it over one day.
2019 is gonna be big, and I don't need a gf for that to happen.

Don't do it. Death is the ultimate gains goblin


>stop playing league of legends (quit today after breaking monitor from anger)
>wish for a year of no fitness related injury
>get my black belt in karate (currently purple)
>go to medical school

>get a job
>reach a low fat % before summer
[spoiler]>find a gf[/spoiler]

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on the chance that you're in a bad place, me too.

Fucking end it all

>getting to my gw, then work on muscles
>start taking care of my body (trimming body hair, lotions, nice clothing) and generally starting to loving myself more
>quit smoking and doing drugs
>running more and more until I can do a marathon
>getting through my suicidal thoughts and generally feel better about myself
>fuck my crush until we both get fused by our genitalia

No junk food or alcohol for entire 2019, read more books at least 1 every month minimum, drop more fat then start building.

Still going to include edibles though because you need some form of escapism, its good for the mind.

>Lower alcohol intake to once a month
>Go to bed/wake at the same time every day
>no phone or devices 1 hour before bed
>Actually start lifting
>Create a morning routine and follow it
>Drink at least 2L of water per day
>NoPorn and keep flapping down to a few times a month
>Lower nicotine intale
>Eat healthy meals that I cook
>Take vitamins and Supplements
>Read every night before bed
>Brush teeth and shower twice a day
>Groom body once a week
>Start Using Sauna
>Earn more money than I did last year
>Hone my craft
>Buy an Ebike
>Floss every night
>Start a stretching or yoga routine
> Sex with a human female

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this will be the year I will give everything I've got, just to prove it to myself.
No more bitching, no more bullshit.

>Started eating a perfectly planned diet to maximize gains and lose fat
>Started a part time job to finance Uni
>Stopped smoking
>Stopped masturbation
>Started learning to play guitar
>Started following my gym plan consistently
>Better sleep
>Started learning for Uni
>Started a daily routine that I follow strictly
>Started reading books on weekends
>Save at least 5k
>learn a new language
>get a girl
>get some friends
>move out

this is what I've lookling for, I know its a lot and its tough but I have to try it. This is the first time in my life I set such goals for a new year. The "" means I've already done that

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Everyone else are taking really big steps, Having failed time and again I will not make this mistake, instead I will take a few very small steps next year. If I don't manage even baby steps then I'll do a 1x1 rope pulls.

>Wake up at 08:00 everyday
This is doable because I know I can force myself awake (been done before, even on little sleep). My body WILL adapt to this forceful awakening and will start needing to go to sleep earlier
>Not read a book, but Sit down with a book for 4 hours a day
Only me and the book for 4 hours a day, even if i dont read it. Eventually, I WILL get bored of fantasizing and force myself to read a sentence or two.
>1.5 scoops of protein x 2 everyday + 1 meal of meat
I am a skinny fuck, but if i fill out my protein quota at least I'm maintaining.
>clean my room more than I pollute it each day.
Eventually this must lead to a clean room right? even at 1 item surplus of cleaning, I will be done in a month or two.

Finally I know no one gives a shit about my opinion, but I really pity everyone shouting "muh gf". You are fucking pathetic for needing other people this much.


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So what did you achieve today?

>Drop 20-30 lbs so I can be shredded in time for summer (should be doable in 3-4 months or so if I take my time)
>Read more
>Finish my associates and start my undergrad
>Get full time with benefits at my job
>Regain my strength that I lost from a bunch of injuries in 2018

Should be pretty easy, I'm actually feeling hopeful for the future for the first time in 2 years.

Lol, enjoy being a robot. Food is one of the most universally relatable things we have. You're allowed to enjoy food, just don't eat fried chicken every day, fuck.

Goals, but not resolutions
>reach 200lbs by the end of next semester
>get a gf

I've gone the route of Snufkin. I only take photos if someone tells me to do it so they can see what I've done. I've got the memory for myself otherwise.

start to bulk. ate more at christmas then i wanted so not sure if i can start 1 januari, kinda wanted to go to a bodyfat% that would get rid of my chest fat. i think i am 12% and really want to go to 10% at least before a real long term leanbulk to max 15%

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I started lifting the beginning of this December so hitting 1/2/3/4 on my lifts by the end of 2019 would be pretty nice
Other than that:
>get a promotion
>drivers license
>learn a music instrument (guitar/piano)
>read more

hard goals:
1. run a 5k
2. bench bodyweight
3. propose to gf
4. save $10k in the bank

soft goals:
1. motivate my family through my actions instead of my words
2. prepare myself enough professionally to be able to comfortably leave my job into a larger software company -- building a killer portfolio, exploring devops, and training my team to run things when i move on
3. stop thinking, and start doing

stretch goals:
1. release a video game T_T

To be a normie.

food is unironically better than sex you dolt

You always were :^)

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Gain 25lbs
Take more photos
land new job
Pay off all debts
Start emergency fund
Call family more
Minimize wardrobe
Go to a music festival
Build sex furniture
Build dog house
Beat my girlfriends ass more
Fuck her outside more


Hit lmao2pl8 bench and lmao1.5pl8 OHP, and be able to do weighted pull ups for reps.
I'd also like to try learning another language (thinking moonrunes)

I will make it

Lift heavier

>Get rid of my belly fat
>Limit my Jow Forums(nel) usage to boards that can be useful in some way. Already got Jow Forums and Jow Forums out of my life, Jow Forums is the only timegoblin left.
>Stop watching porn entirely and limit masturbating as much as possible.
>Reach handstand-pushups and dragon flags.
>Get a job for the first time in years and pay as much of my student debt as I am able to.
>Restore my social life
>Spend more time on reading, finishing a book once every 1-2 weeks would be a nice goal.
>Get into drawing again.
>Finally start running, it is something I have been postponing for 2 years now.