>just went out for a run in the middle of winter in Minnesota
I swear it feels more and more like Miami with each passing winter here.
Just went out for a run in the middle of winter in Minnesota
Luke Jones
Other urls found in this thread:
Easton Hall
i found a australian guy that looks like rich
Luke Sanders
Jordan Walker
duluth checking in
Owen Sullivan
>lives in the u.s
>claims he's experienced winter
Eli Gomez
Yooo what gym you go to?
Lucas Barnes
where my u of m boys at
William Perez
>tfw you taste the dry, cold winter air as you step out of your house ready to rip out a 10K at sub 6min/mile pace
Ethan Richardson
Ne mpls here
Aiden Kelly
senior econ fag here. fuck the rec though, I lift off campus