Tfw no good women left

>tfw no good women left

Attached: joseph signs up on meetic.png (1213x1600, 940K)

Fourth waifu is hot AF.

Second, fourth, and sixth are all good

Based and redpilled, I'd go for the bacchante qt in a heartbeat

>wanting some Wiccan freak who slogs down 20$ cups of "mead"

this has been posted a lot before and, as usual and already stated, the 4th is the one

Panflute girl did nothing wrong
cartoonist is a DYEL with shit taste.

>tfw no panflute, goblet drinking, magic the gathering playing, renaissance festival attending waifu

normal fags have no taste.

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I for one am glad we can all agree that panflute girl is a qt

Attached: alice_happy.jpg (800x540, 57K)

Cartoonist is a woman who made the character a woman and all the dates male, some artfag from here edited it so that the genders are switched.

Girls like that are pretty big sluts, though.

really? Dang. I suppose being a slut is am old-timey trait...

at least they're a bit more fun than your standard THOT, but make sure to keep it wrapped regardless.

Attached: rennfair girl kissed by mud men.jpg (2304x2796, 1.19M)

>tfw she tells you that kiss was only pretending
What's next sucking him off will also be pretend?

No good women left indeed

Based artfag

I'd marry the fuck out of all of them except the 120 year old one. 1 2 and 4 are really cute.

except that a slutty woman was treated like dirt in medieval times. who is she to disobey jesus to satisfy her fleeting earthly desires ?

Attached: shakespearesnoopdogg.jpg (800x802, 147K)

>really cute
Buddy you need to reevaluate your standards.

would 3 keep you locked in chastity?

Why though? I love fat chicks and the outfit is really hot. The nose picking not so much.

Pic related, the kind of woman I'd love in real life.

Attached: 473941442.jpg (983x1024, 534K)

might as well get the gauge and end it my dude

>yellow spandex minidress with pink leopard spots is hot
But it makes her look like Dame Edna

I just think those prints look really good on fat women, what can I say. I love the tumblr fashion stereotype.

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you make me sick man- not only total cancer ((((women)))) but also leftie psyop whores

what the fuck man

Does enyone have the original?

Please don't spam Jow Forums with your incel comics thankyouverymuch

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so are you in it FOR the trash?
Also would you fuck Mimi from The Drew Carey Show?

Attached: mimi.jpg (994x768, 157K)

good taste, made the same pic!

Attached: is this it.png (328x227, 59K)

>tomorrow theme

I see you're a man of taste as well.

Indeed. Though, well, there's one pixel difference in the size, but I'm willing to ignore that. Keep the good work up!

Fucking hell this is very reddit.

OP, I remembered I made the edit because I saw the original pop up in /co/ and because of my aspergers I like to tally which bitch is most desired by posters (usually 4,2,6, and 3 in that order).
I don't know who posted the original.

No, but I would if it was an actually attractive (SS)BBW dressed like that. She just has a really ugly face to me.
Obviously I don't like the ideology, just the look.

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Me on the top right orig

Editing roastie apologist Tumblr comics and turning them against them with a simple edit is just priceless imo.

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>Me on the top right orig

It's really just a happy little coincidence.

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why is joseph meeting women when he is clearly gay (as fuck)

Big city meterosexuals, user.

right here buddy


so you're saying that he's a homosexual in denial, got it.

I'd unironically fuck the living shit out of number 4.
Troubadour gf or bust.

Joseph is gay as fuck for not wanting number 4

>600 replying to 500
2 spoopy, daddy.

>that leg hair
Is it really a woman?

The third is HOT

Mein kamaraden, the eternal ((((josph)))) will know justice at the heels of our jackboots soon enough.

Yes and a very pretty one. She has some facial hair too when she doesn't shave if you're into that.

Attached: tumblr_mjahxt860x1qa13pro1_1280.jpg (1280x1919, 245K)

>ignoring your hormones going that out of whack
It'd be like a man just shrugging it off after he grew a set of tits. With T that high she's at a pretty big risk of ovarian cysts, and she might have less of the natural protection women have against cardiac shit like stroke and heart attack. Should definitely seek out a gynecologist and start losing weight.

You mean like 99% of men who have tits do? No one really gives a shit about these things.

>Go on a date with a woman
>She lays it out almost immediately that I am basically just one of 5+ guys she has to pick and choose from at any given moment and the whole thing feels like a job interview or even worse like I am a fucking clown dancing from foot to foot for her amusement
>Know that how matter hard I try, I'll still only be on the "short list" of guys she wants to fuck/keep around at best and that there will always be someone taller, smarter, richer, and manlier than me available to her thanks to the internet
What's funny is these aren't even hot chicks, these are women below me in terms of attractiveness. Chubby girls with awful personalities. I can only imagine how insane it must be for attractive women.