What's more impressive, being able to run a 5 minute mile or being able to do 20 non-kipping pull ups? I want to say the running but when I think about it I've never actually seen anyone do a pull up in my gym.
What's more impressive, being able to run a 5 minute mile or being able to do 20 non-kipping pull ups...
Let me guess, everyone is fat where you are?
running on a treadmill is cheating
It's the kipping pullup of running
This is Arkansas, so yes.
But I mean even the big guys at my gym don't do pull ups. And by big I mean thick and solid, not fat.
5 min mile is more impressive. It will take longer to achieve
The 5 minute mile by far. Sure, it might be rare to see people doing pullups. It's also extremely rare to see non competition runners doing faster than an 8 minute mile. I'm in the military and have known plenty of 'fast' runners, but only a small handful have been sub 5:45.
Not OP but I'm psure double time is a sub-6 or maybe even 5 min mile.
Uhh, no, not even close. Normal cadence is like 3.5mph and double time is just over 5mph, so it'd be a little less than a 12 minute mile.
5 min mile is ridiculously more impressive
an in shape gymbro doing ~1 year of sustained, not even that serious, 3d/week weight training can prob get to 20 pull ups
5 minute mile takes much longer and much serious commitment
I’m a somewhat chubby dyel and after 9 months of lifting I can easily do over 10 pull ups, 12 if I push myself. 20 pull ups are probably pretty easy to do if you have lifted for maybe 2 years and are lean, unless you are a roided out bodybuilder. 5 minute mile is way harder, but then again I can’t run for shit so I am lacking reference there.
not sure if trolling or just really dumb
So then we all agree that cardio>calisthenics?
calisthenics eventually become cardio
5min mile. I have that under my belt from when I was 20, was doing around 18 pull ups then but never really trained pullups it just happened. Now I can hit 20 pullups but will be lucky to run a sub 6 mile I think.
Nah, just a question of what standard you use. If OP used one arm muscle ups as a comparison, especially for reps that would probably be harder than a 5 min mile
I have literally never seen a CLEAN one armed muscle up
>I have that under my belt from when I was 20
based boomer.
Its impossible to do a clean one armed muscle up unless you can essentially dumbbell front raise your bodyweight, which noone can. Just doing it without too much hitching is already clean imo
Well if he was asking 5 min mile vs 10 handstand pushups or 5 min mile vs planche this would be a different discussion. In the latter example would be a laughable question for anyone over 175cm
29 years young sonny. Missing the good old days when it came naturally to me and there were fewer nigger.
What? Dumbbell front raise is shoulder exercise. Muscle up is a pull-up followed by a dip, so lats and then chest.
People who don’t run overestimate many basic benchmarks. A 5 minute mile was a standard mark for varsity in track when I was in HS.
Everyone can run. Not everyone can pullup
Still is what you talking
You can’t do a dip one armed though, so you end up pressing from your shoulder