Why cant you just do the speed limit? Why do you have to go fast?
Why cant you just do the speed limit? Why do you have to go fast?
I go fast cause I race people
I did the speed limit after I was pulled over and given a warning but I fucking hate driving so anything to get me off the road faster is a good thing.
Bc cops can't be arsed to pull me over for going a bit faster
The slowest speed limit breaker is the one who gets caught.
Fucking npc faggot get out. It's about the chase.
Go to /o/ and ask the same question.
I always do the speed limit, and piss off all the people behind me. All the wagies i should say, because I'm a NEET and my car isn't even mine kek so I'm in no rush
so i can get home quicker
is this a serious question?
>drive exact speed limit
>people angrily pass and speed by me constantly
I love tail gating assholes like you, then you slow down, but that was all part of the plan. Leaving a hole big enough for me to zoom around you and the car in the other lane and cut you off in the process.
Is fun, you're all just logs floating down an npc river to me. Getting around the retards is all of the fun.
More evidence still that NEETs are parasites.
I don't slow down though. I don't even acknowledge you people no matter how much you honk. And I've seen you dumb wagies get pulled over for tailgating too kek
Because driving fast is fun
Yeah I wouldn't slow down either. Cruise control at exact speed limit, listening to audio books. Not concerned with some asshole driving in a huff.
This is why I make sure to match the speed of the car in the lane next to me if I see a zoomy ragie wagie
Why are you on the road at the same time as wagies if you're a NEET?
>obeys the law
>considerate and safe driving
ragecuck detected
I have a job where I get off in the morning right when all the others wagies are on the road. I have a nice chuckle toying with them and chanting "ragie wagie ragie wagie"
speed limits are pointless. the law states you should drive the same speed as the flow of traffic. here in california that's usually 30 over the limit.
agreed, it should be illegal to break the speed limit
Every road has a "design speed"--the speed at which the designers assume vehicles will be traveling on the road. The most basic factor in design speed is the relationship between the speed of a vehicle and the friction that the vehicle's tires can exert on the road before they start skidding. At higher speeds, that maximum "side friction factor" is smaller, so curves must be wider (or more steeply banked). This means that a long straightaway effectively has an infinite "design speed". Highway designers also are encouraged to avoid designing highways with the absolute minimum curve radius, so the effective design speed of a highway is almost always significantly higher than the posted speed limit. (In New Jersey, for example, the Department of Transportation's Roadway Design Manual mandates that the design speed should be 10 mph higher than the posted speed limit for new roads and 5 mph higher for existing roads that are undergoing maintenance.)
Also: If you're going slow when everybody else is going fast, other people will be confused by your slow driving and swerve to get around you, and such unexpected movements are likely to cause crashes.
t. civil engineer
>NPC can't comprehend a slow driver and causes a wreck
Sight distance is almost always the controlling factor for speed.
The posted speed limit is the law. The people exceeding it are at fault in those scenarios.
Turn in your license.
You're a real robot arent you? "ragie wagie"? I got a laugh.
>going 90 in a 60
>guy angrily passes me
I understand wanting to go faster and get there but theres nowhere you gotta get to that fast mother fucker
Amazing even after all these years the wagie meme still makes the wagies ragie
I always do the speed limit. there's no need to speed.
I always say if people were willing to walk as fast as they drive, life would be a lot easier.
>If you're going slow when everybody else is going fast, other people will be confused by your slow driving and swerve to get around you, and such unexpected movements are likely to cause crashes.
that's what lanes are for you dumb cuck
Go fast in the passing lane, don't fucking swerve around people. That's what causes wrecks.
who won the race
Nigga wtf are you even saying.
if you go on a city highway you have a million people passing you at 100 mph but if you walk on on the street or in a store or whatever, they meander about as fast as paint dries
people are inclined to drive very fast because it's easy, but walking quickly takes muscle and energy so there aren't many people who do it
because speeding is fun?
>driving (((cars))) in current year
Just get an ebike. Go 50 and zip through cars. Piss the wagies off because they spend thousands a year just to sit in traffic.
Because speed limits are artificially low despite absolute breakthroughs in stopping distance, acceleration and crash safely compared to when they were introduced, so you end up with a 3 lane highway with a 45mph speed limit that literally nobody follows. The greatest for me is taking this very long sweeping 3 lane highway marked 55mph to lunch every day and sitting behind people in the left lane chugging along at 45mph as people keep driving around them. It's even better if while this is happening they pass one of the clearly posted *55* speed limit signs.
Driving courtesy is really pretty easy, just don't cruise in the left lane, and if you are in the left lane, at least go at a passing speed (aka 5mph over) and move to the right if someone enters the passing lane behind you. I just want to get where I'm going, not tap my brakes every 15 seconds because you looked at your speedo and realized you were going 2mph over and should obviously slow down.
Because the speed limit on the highway is actually 90
T. Michigan
That particular race I think it was Taniguchi in the JUN S14. Tsuchiya just couldn't pull away in the MR-S.
>Because speed limits are artificially low despite absolute breakthroughs in stopping distance, acceleration and crash safely compared to when they were introduced
I drive and old car and it is not maintained very well.
Check mate normie. KYS
I gotta remember what it's like to feel alive.
The blast of adrenaline when I see the dial pass 100 is one of the only things that does it anymore.
>driving on mountain road
>going the speed limit
>everyone is going way faster than me and is driving around me
>road goes downhill
>decide to perform a little experiment
>let go of the gas and don't even try to brake, let the car go into free fall
>speed has reached way over the speed limit of 40 mph, going 70 mph
>cars are still fucking going faster than me and passing around me
Honestly, the best argument for more passenger railroads and less cars is how people drive as it is. People crash and die regularly on that road, and it's not hard to see why when you look at how they are behind the wheel.
because it increases my chances of death