Mfw getting tested for autism tomorrow

>mfw getting tested for autism tomorrow

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You must be 18 to post here, hamster fucker.

im 25 you jew

And NOW just getting tested for autism? Did you grow up in Finland and nobody noticed until you moved to another country?

because my parents always just said oh he's just shy

To be fair, people have been pointing out autistic things I do since I was 12, and I still haven't been tested even though I'm 20. My single mom was just too poor to even spare $5, so that might've had something to do with it.

Binnish beoble are nod audisds :DDD

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Pic related has to count the grains of rice in her Chinese take-out before she eats it and throws the whole thing away if anything green touches the rice.

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I was diagnoised as a child and my own family accuses me of faking it....?
Best of luck OP, the reality is deeply upsetting, other people will define your life and put you down. I was bullied all my life and had to drop out for my own safety. other people will think you can't define yourself and take away your self-agency. Its silencing and lonely.

I always score really high on the autismo tests and my friends have said I'm likely to be on the spectrum, but I have no idea where to begin. How do you get 'tested'? makes it sound like an STD desu

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ask your counselor

okay thanks robotbro

>I was diagnosed as a child and my own family accuses me of faking it....?
lmao, I can kinda relate to that. My parents forced me to get tested for autism at 20 because they thought it might be the reason I wasn't progressing into adulthood. Yep, turns out they were right. And now a few years later they like to act like the psychologists must have all been wrong and I just need to pull myself up by my bootstraps
Weird fucks, stay consistent

Oh its nice to know someone who takes diagnoised autism and doesn't use it as a insult, or to dehumanize people.. or well, just not using "Autism" for evil.

For me its the opposite, as I became a adult I became MORE competent

what kind of questions did they ask? ive never done any autism test

Are you the guy who was asking about this a few weeks ago? Already answered this question and tried to find it in the archive but couldn't. If you're someone else I can just type it again

im op and i haven't been on r9k that much recently, and that wasnt me

It's a mix of seemingly standard questions and then really childish tasks. Here's what I remember:

>did you have any friends growing up
>have you ever been in a relationship, if not, do you want to
>have you ever been bullied, if so, what do you think you were bullied for
>do you think people have ever taken advantage of you
>what does your average day look like
>do you have hobbies
>is there anything you're passionate about
>what are some things in general that annoy you

then the kiddy stuff:
>assembling a simple puzzle
>playing pretend with a few little toys
>looking at a picture book and describing the emotions shown in the character illustrations
That stuff was awkward as hell to do as an adult man. I'd imagine anyone would look autistic as fuck doing that kind of stuff

Also a big part of it is them observing your general mannerisms in the process. They wanted to record my whole interview on tape so they could refer to it in the diagnostic process but I didn't want to be some permanent tape in an autism center somewhere lol. The guy made a stink about having to take "extra careful notes" now that I wouldn't let him record

And if your parents are involved they'll probably interview them about your early childhood and to get an outside perspective on you. My parents' interview took longer than mine. That outside perspective is important, a big part of autism is not having that self-awareness in certain areas

>did you have any friends growing up
didnt everyone have some because of their parents hanging out with people with kids
>have you ever been in a relationship, if not, do you want to
i dont get what this has to do with autism. autists can date people

>didnt everyone have some

>autists can date people
sure they can, but most don't including me. It's way too socially involved to figure out
>>In a study done by Toronto's Redpath Centre , just 32.1 percent of people with autism had had a partner and only 9 percent were married

high functioning autism is very often not recognized until later on because of the whole "high functioning" thing

psychologists are not your friends u less youre trying to plead insanity in court. everything u say can and will be used against u

What do you think they're going to do, come to your house and bully you for having autism?

they're gonna come to your house and wave a flag that says autism in your face

As long as they keep it to my house and don't follow me around. I'm still in the autism closet. The moment you let people know you have autism they go from thinking of you as just a normal weird guy to some kind of retarded baby