Hey Jow Forums lost my job 1 week before Christmas...

Hey Jow Forums lost my job 1 week before Christmas, gf broke up with me the day after being terminated (unrelated to being fired), realized that I was on my way to finally being being comfortable with my body before I met my ex but once we started dating I stopped going to the gym and since then I’ve gained almost 70lb. Today was my first day back in the gym in a little over 3 years. I feel judged and disgusted with myself. My ex is at a kickback with some friends while I can’t even stand to see myself in the mirrors of the gym. I feel numb and in pain at the same time, wish I had the balls to kill my self but I can’t get myself to do it. Life seriously fucking sucks right now. Any stories, advice or anything at all you guys want to share to make my night better or worse?

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The world will keep spinning.

You let yourself go

How can you blame her for letting you go?


That’s the worst part. I got no one to blame but myself.

And that's the thought that leads to self improvement. Just start going to the gym again, get a couple job interviews and you'll be fine.

Thanks, hopefully after the holidays all companies will start hiring actively again. What’s going to suck the most is making my way back down to 200lb. My deadlifts went from 450lb to barely being able to lift 175lb.

>unrelated to being fired
doubt it

you sound like a complete fuckwad

When it rains it pours huh

Poor fatty lost his gf because of his disgusting lifestyle and now is gonna lose his blog post thread


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Aww yeah it's arms day!
Thank you natty catty!

you fucking deserve it for wearing shoes in the sauna


My former gym bro and roommate just OD'd on heroin, and I had to stand there and talk to cops while they wheeled his body out and my neighbors gave me dirty looks.
He got pretty depressed and stopped lifting right after I fucked my arm up and stopped going about six weeks ago.
Dubs decides what I do with his dog.

Wtf why do you stop going to the gym just because you get a girlfriend

God is afraid of your progress. You should kill him.

This really is the ultimate pill. I'm still trying to swallow it.

Life is a dream. We're here for a blip and then disappear. The world was doing fine without us, and will do so when we're gone. So try and decrease as much of the pain you create for yourself inside your head.

this isn't your blog you pathetic faggot bitch. fuck off and kill yourself.


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>trips of truth
>the size of that lad
Reality strikes again doesn’t it? Maybe you shouldn’t be such a lardo OP. Maybe then your girlfriend wouldn’t have left you.
Thank you natty catty

Give it love for ever


Three years of non-lifting tends to do that to you. Just forget the past and take this is a lesson to not neglect your lifts and personal life in the future, especially for a thot. They will never be loyal. If you want loyalty get a dog
It varies but usually companies hire the most through February, so your chances should be pretty good

What breed?
And just take care of it dude, dogs are awesome

If you were ever fit you'll get back in shape in few months, that's what i love about it - you only have to get jacked once. I've had a year break due to life as well a couple times and getting back was a walk in a cake.
I'd be more worried about your job, but you didn't really elaborate on that.


I was let go due to a mistake I made. Company was already trying to cut back on people. I guess it was the excuse they needed.