Benching your own weight a good goal?

is benching your own weight a good goal for a beginner?

>weight 69kg (152lbs)
>current bench 50kg (110lbs)

>post your weight, currentbench, and goal. (new years resolution)

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forgot to mention that we do 10x5

Weight: 85kg
Bench: 100kg

aim for curling your own bodyweight on a straight bar, with bad form dont matter...aim for it you will thank me later

I can do that six times. But I don't go all the way down. I go down 90degrees with my arms.

I've told myself when I can do it 10times without resting I'll buy a cake.

you can do that with 69 kg but you cant bench 50 kg ?

I've never tried benching my max.

I always do 50kg x 10 x 5

Don't have a sparringpartner. And I'm not sure I know how to handle big weights.

Don't think I'm ready for maxweight x 1rep.

sounds kinda dangerous.

sorry for your loss bro

>curling 69 kg
>benching 50kg
Yeah see ya in church
>bench 80kgx5
>cheat curl 50kgx5
Fuck off lying cunt

285 pause 300 tng
>new years resolution
more cardio & yoga gains

> OHP 0.5 bw
> BP 1 bw
> Squat 1.5 bw
> DL 2 bw

all 1 rm
Once you've hit those you're a big boy and can start to become a uuuu.

I weight 64, able to bench 60 for at least 5 repetitions, which was my goal for this year (started lifting at october). Next year goal is reaching 2 plates.

It's a milestone but no not a goal, your goal is to exit beginner lifting into intermediate which is 2pl8.

70kg for 5
258 punk weight for 1 (225/100kg for 1 but if I get the meme I'll be happy)

72kg bodyweight
bench 85kg
ohp 62kg

These are children goals right?

Bruh the only person who can curl their own body weight is brad dingleberry. Brb cheat curling 200lbs to impress Jow Forums

weight 82kg
bench 85kg x 8
100kg x 2-3

>163 bw
>325 bench

Goals by next year:
>150 or less BW
>365+ bench

OP, as long as you eat youll be able to bench your BW in like 3-4 months

I started lifting a month ago and now bench my BW for 5 reps, I weigh 155. From what iv read this is really good progress so I'm happy.

>weight 68kg
>bench 90kg
it would be nice to hit 120 in 2019

>bench my bodyweight
haha yeah
>Bench 155lbs
Nigger I can't even squat my bodyweight.

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if you gain enough muscle by the time you can bench that much your bodyweight will have increased quite a bit, that way you have a new goal

I don’t think benching your body weight is a good goal if you’re looking for chest aesthetics. I weigh 170lbs and do 3x8s of 180lbs or 3x12s of 165lbs on push day. I don’t know what my 1RM is, but my chest doesn’t look any better for being able to rep my body weight.

Gonna start focusing more on incline DB press and declines/dips.

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