>tfw no good men left
what happen lol
Tfw no good men left
Other urls found in this thread:
There is literally nothing wrong with 3rd, 4th, and maybe the 6th.
Next post.
wait, what's wrong with the third guy?
What's wrong with 3rd and 4th?
t. the third guy
Third guy looks old and probably would remind her of her dad
>implying girls raised properly don't want to fuck a guy like their dad
He's to strict and won't let her get away with being a lazy booze-soaked curr.
Honestly each guy would be happier with a better-matched woman, too, so it's probably for the best that Josephine's a bitch.
>last guy dashing on the roastie so she can pay for it
None of them are Chad.
>3rd guy
3rd guy is supposed to be uptight and boring. Notice how he's not drinking alcohol but is instead drinking coffee and is the only one depicted with perfect posture?
New age hippie who plays the pan flute. Now, while I may find the pan flute to be a beautiful instrument and somewhat enjoy the hippie aesthetic, women CANNOT take either such an instrument or man seriously.
How many guys has she sucked or fucked? I doubt shes the picture perfect woman. Fucking whores
I like how she's expecting the man to pay for it in #6. Stupid roastie
If women believed in equality panel 6 wouldn't be a problem.
>roastie mad her life isnt like her soap operas
>That feeling when I'm pretty much the second guy but with longer hair
Feels bad man
>judging a book by its cover because you are no real person or borderline sociopathing and trying to find someone who will fill your void for you while you sit there and expect everything to fall into your laps because you are a womyn
That's a bad comic. 1/100
He's a fucking straight white male.
and then she drove to chad's mom's basement because chad doesn't need a job, car, apartment, or date to fuck a bitch. the end
Third guy seems too serious, boring and doesn't know how to relax and have fun.
I know that feel.
2nd guy with shaved hair + don't drink alcohol like 3rd guy.
I hope Josephine dies of cunt cancer.
She's already a cunt, she only need the cancer.
Bitches wouldn't last a day in the dating jungle as a non-Chad male
It's interesting how different and hate-filled this thread is from the thread where Josephine is a man and all her dates are women. Jow Forums has serious issues.
Men realized they don't need to follow templates or cater to women. Men and boys are doing them now and doing each other.
Men seek affection, kindness and closeness and not to be your providers nor servants.
I'm a pretty BI guy and I'm busy fooling around with guys. When the day comes I wanna settle down that's when I start giving you my attention and time.
My biological clock is not ticking so I don't have to settle for some 30 something woman who suddenly realized it's time to create a bond and a family unit.
The Wall must be very shocking and scary place to hit for a woman. It's their only true reality check before they start justifying odd lifestyles and choices.
>something directed at someone is completely different than something directed at someone else
!?!?!?!?!?!? !? !?!? !?$@ #$?! @$!@ $@!
>5 free meals
>had to pay for last one
>wow no GOOD(good looking, smart, AND wealthy) MEN(people that give me their money with no strings attached) left in the world
>forget a wallet
>suddenly you're dregs of the society
>tfw guy 5
white bitches be cray cray
It's the same content but with 2 letters removed and "what happen lol" added to get past the filter. Same population of people got to see both but this is where your ire lies. You are so low.
Remind me one time a man went out with a woman and he didn't pay the full bill. Women are entitled as fuck.
oh my fucking god i read this article before but this is updated since i last read it i guess and the guy is actually being charged
whats wrong with the second one?
I think the third guy looks nice. I like that he doesn't drink either.
I might be up for 5 if he wants a companion and not to try getting his raisin to work.
If 6 actually did forget his wallet and isn't a freeloader, he's good, too. I don't mind paying sometimes.
Excellent. Spic puts roast in the rare for 1k. But that's literally just one small time perp. Nice cherry picked example. Didn't prove a thing.
On other hand, it's a social protocol for men to drive women around, take them out, foot the bill, for drinks, hold the door for them.
it proves that if a man tries to do the same thing a woman does he gets charged with a felony crime
how many times does a woman just up and leave in the middle of a date and leave the man with the bill?
I'm the second guy but i don't smoke or drink
>and not to try getting his raisin to work.
You know you'll get older too and your pussy and asshole will look disgusting as fuck, right?
Why do you have a gross ponytail, user.
What did they mean by this?
oregano comentario
I know right. Women have it so easy. The society forces and pressures men into this shit. His masculinity is brought into question if he tries to stand up for himself.
always had long hair, my neck feels cold without it
What's your point here? Like most people, I don't want some shriveled wiener in me as a young woman.
That post makes you sound like an assblasted 70 year old, which is funny to think about.
I can explain it to you again, but I can't understand it for you.
I think he might be old and mad.
Unless young men are also obliged to fuck grannies people should probably just stick to their own age groups.
6th is alpha and lets the bitch pay for a meal
>Unless young men are also obliged to fuck grannies
Which they are.
It's because the average woman is more attractive than the average man.
>t. third guy
>because he can't pay for his own dinner that means she wasn't paying for her own in the other panels despite no evidence to the contrary
>women who don't want to pay for my meal don't believe in equality
>judging a book by its cover
>she went to the date in the first place
>one of the guys is picking his nose
>the other is staring at her slack-jawed
>the other is playing the fucking flute in public
>and one "forgot" his wallet
The only ones she's arguably judging based on looks are the really old guy and the uptight third guy.
>"Uh if you don't fuck an old guy you're a bigot, roastie."
>"Everyone knows that 16 year old girls are in their sexual prime."
>>"Uh if you don't fuck an old guy you're a bigot, roastie."
>>"Everyone knows that 16 year old girls are in their sexual prime."
Actually I'd legally ban sex before 25, but nice strawman.
>If you have daddy issues you WERE raised properly
This is what "real men" look like and if women don't like it they need to stop being so misandrist with the ideal male body types they are forcing upon society.
>Second and fourth guy are supposed to be bad
women have no taste
>tfw bf turns from #2 into #3 almost overnight
Jow Forums is a helluva drug
All girls want their spouse to be like their opposite gender parents or like an opposite gender parent, many men are like this as well(male mother need) but no woman will seriously accommodate a desire like that for anyone but their ungrown children. Men are expected to be lover, carer and surrogate father, while women refuse to be anything resembling a real nurturer.
Can you explain the turtle tattoo? It's pretty cool, I like turtles.
>tfw turning from 2 to 4 overnight
Panflute is a helluva drug.
If that's your actual view than I concede it's a straw-man and apologize to you personally - but let's not pretend that your perspective is the mainstream one here and that the one I satirized isn't common.
I don't even get what this non-sequitur is supposed to be about. My guess is you're bitching about fat acceptance activists talking about real women having curves or whatever, and trying to issue some false equivalence between the men this woman is rejecting in the comic and fat activists.
1. Is the woman in this comic fat? No. She's thin and blonde. Therefore, she isn't being hypocritical when she says she wants an attractive man.
2. You're making a rhetorical argument that makes your imagined opponent look stupid but does not actually support your own position. Okay, so some fat chicks may be hypocrites, and that makes them personally look stupid. But to argue their personal moral failing is an argument against their position is an ad hominem.
TLDR: real men r brainlets
The second dude would be hot if he closed his fucking mouth, but the fourth guy is a 10/10. Sixth guy is a qt, too, but I've had too many men "forget" their wallets hoping for free food in my life when I've always gone Dutch so no fucking thank you.
Explain how this is a double standard, because I think you use inflammatory words you don't know because the context sounds similar, or because you're deliberately trying to gain rhetoric points.
>If that's your actual view than I concede it's a straw-man and apologize to you personally - but let's not pretend that your perspective is the mainstream one here and that the one I satirized isn't common.
I don't know how common it is, but generally I think that people should be emotionally and spiritually stable before engaging in these things, and not obsessed with appearances or other ephemeral factors, so yeah. Jow Forums isn't always the same person!
I assumed what "gone Dutch" meant rather than google it first to verify, my mistake.
This is now a Josephine underpants thread
>banning sex after 25
>not banning all premarital sex
3rd choice looks good to me. after a certain age those no good anything left. learn to cope roastie.
How about you stop being so shallow and have a nice time for once without putting so much fucking stupid and inane expectations. you're fucking stupid and probably never had something meaningful.
>I think that people should be emotionally and spiritually stable before engaging in these things
Sure, I've had plenty of older men hit on me and I've turned them down purely because I don't feel I was emotionally mature enough to relate to a 30-something year old, financially stable man when I was a nervous 22-year old graduate student. Only thing I take issue with is "spiritually".
>can you hear my fedora tip across this series of tubes
>not obsessed with appearances
It's not a black and white issue, and it's highly specific to the person. You may be genuinely asexual, but to people who want to have sex, having your partner be attractive is a completely fair expectation. And within that, there is a gradient between only fucking 6'5 Chads or rail-thin, plastically modified Stacies and wanting a partner who stays in shape and doesn't pick their nose. To lump all sexual interest together as equally superficial is a really ham-fisted assessment.
>Jow Forums isn't the same person
user, I wasn't even talking to you when I made that comment, I was making fun of general trends on this site with another user, and then apologized when you chose to take offence. Take the apology and stop being a cunt because a person made a perfectly reasonable assumption based on where this discussion is occuring and what views you already expressed. I'm pretty pro-gun, so I'm not offended or uppity when someone presumes I might be more right-wing than I actually am.
>Jow Forums
What the fuck?
>being shallow
How am I being shallow?
>because you dislike men that look like men you never had anything meaningful
And you haven't either, otherwise you wouldn't be here bitching about women's dating preferences. Oneitis doesn't count because she was never yours.
1. picking his nose. Bald. Short. Chubby. Drinking hard liquor.
2.Long greasy hair. Mouth Breather. Bad posture. Drinking beer instead of wine. Not dressed for a date.
3.Quiet, boring, isn't drinking alcohol, probably has a dead body in the freezer in his basement
4. disegard for other restraunt patreons causing embarassment, bad social situational awareness, not dressed correctly, dressed like he came from the local Renaissance fair. Where the fuck did he even get a chalice at???
5.She isn't sure if she is looking at the ghost of her dead grandfather.
6. Didn't shave, unprepared, half ass attempt at dressing nice, no tie, didn't tuck in his shirt, drank most of his wine before she even touched hers.
Now for her!
1. Elbows on the table. Intense stare.
2. chewing on her glasses. Very unhygienic and gross. Squinting her eyes constantly at the guy for some reason. What even is that dress??? are you trying to be a galaxy?
3. Terrible posture. giving the appearence of uninterest of whatever the other person says, ordered wine instead of a non alcoholic beverage when her date ordered a non alcoholic beverage then proceeds to down it. Ugly flower dress
4. putting her hands on her face, disgusting. Elbows on table again. Stop putting your dirty elbows on the table. Not dressing for the occasion
5. You really like your wine don't you. Couldn't you tell from the profile picture he was old enough to be your grandfather? Did you go on this date on purpose? Wearing a tank top on a date, really?
6. Didn't bring any money and expected her date to pay for everything for her, terrible posture. Ordered wine but isn't drinking it with her date.
Of course though this comic had the woman drawn to be flawless on the surface but when you look past it you'll see a lot of emotional baggage.
>but to people who want to have sex, having your partner be attractive is a completely fair expectation
Only if you're a shallow whore.
>Only thing I take issue with is "spiritually".
>>can you hear my fedora tip across this series of tubes
Love is, among other things, a spiritual connection between two people.
So when's the last time you fucked pic related, user? She has a GREAT personality. Has this great trick where she uses her pussy slime as a Doritos cheese dip.
>spiritual connection
[citation needed]
My tipping aside, I hope you find someone who shares your perspective. I can'r relate, but I like anyone who holds love in high regard.
Well, I've already been posting women that I like that aren't mainstream attractive ITT. Here's another.
A 30+ year old single female needs to realize she is low on the totem pole. No it does not matter you're slim and blonde, look at your face in the mirror. There are just way too many 22 - 24 year old girls in this world. You're expired and need to readjust your standards.
I can't believe you could pop a chub to this monster.
>What the fuck?
I do what I want, even when what I want is not being meaner than I think I need to be.
>that I like that aren't mainstream attractive
But then aren't you just as shallow as you alleged I am? Except my shallowness is a more convential breed and yours is unusual. But if you are a chubby chaser, and you wouldn't hook up with a super skinny girl who was really nice and friendly, how is that different than me wanting to date someone who also goes to the gym regularly?
Jokes on you, I'm 23 and I've looked 35 and acted 12 since I was 14.
Your posts reminds me of that scene from Metalocalypse where Toki really wants to celebrate Christmas, but the band laughs at him and he gets mad and starts swearing at them saying how he'll get those dumb motherfuckers the best goddamn gifts. And that's adorable and makes me happy.
>if you are a chubby chaser, and you wouldn't hook up with a super skinny girl who was really nice and friendly
I wouldn't hook up with anyone. I would however marry her after dating her in a perfectly chaste manner for a year or two first.
I'm sorry that this is too complex and nuanced for you.
>women literally can't argue without using strawmen
holy shit, who are you trying to convince thot
>chubby chaser
>wants to wait for marriage
If a girl can't wait in between lunch and dinner and has to shovel sixteen ho-hos in her gob, she probably can't wait for the D.
>thin and blonde means attractive
no it doesn't bruh
also 4 is clearly way out of her league, he should be looking down on her
it's just funny how comics like this happen, men are becoming less and less desperate, and roasts are clearly trying to cling on to their """power"""
I don't get what the joke is here. There's no buildup or punchline. It seems like all the guys were not good enough for her. WAit is the joke that the last guy was almost perfect but forgot his wallet? Does she not believe him when he said that? I have so many questions, can a woman please explain this (I know this board is 60% women)
>is the joke that the last guy was almost perfect but forgot his wallet? Does she not believe him when he said that?
How the fuck can you leave your house without your wallet?
How can you sit down, not recognize "hey, there's no wallet behind my asscheek", and then explain the situation?
>How the fuck can you leave your house without your wallet?
I guess we dont really need government services that help people because nobody should be making mistakes ever.
>It's because the average woman is more attractive than the average man.
By what standard? For instance, women are more likely to be obese than men.
>How the fuck can you leave your house without your wallet?
Pretty easily. It's one of about a dozen or more things you have to do before going on a date so forgetting one step that isn't necessary to do in order to leave the house is possible.
>I guess we dont really need government services that help people because nobody should be making mistakes ever.
Yes, please.
4th guy here
toot toot tooooooooooot
fuck this cunt
toot toot tooooooooooot
someone, pls shoop in a black guy and the girl going ecstatic
>black guy
dead meme
>being this autistic over the phrase "hook up"
You are every teacher that goes, "I don't know CAN you" and deserve the bullet.
Also if a bitch can't wait until dinner to eat, you think she's gonna wait more than five minutes for your burnt hotdog?
You can't even troll in a way that's complex enough to phase me.
>thin and blonde isn't hot
It is to the majority of the population. But yeah, 4 is super hot and she's dumb for rejecting him.
>men are becoming less and less desperate
Is that why you guys are driving vans into us? Because you're going your own way so hard you're driving straight off the street?
If you go on OKC you can find passable women. The men on the other hand are weird smelling autistic trannies and pajeets. To be fair, that's online dating, but my point is that the dregs of womankind are way more tolerable than the dregs of mankind. Women are only more obese by ~5% and that makes perfect sense considering they're shorter and hormonally primed to put on pounds.
>1st guy
ugly and ill mannered
>2nd guy
creepy and brutish
>3rd guy
uptight and serious
>4th guy
guy that isn't serious about "settling into adulthood"
tl note: not serious enough
>5th guy
obvious age incompatibility
>6th guy
I tried finding the reasoning behind those contexts as best as I could.
This however just sounds like "shit doesn't happen dot webcomic dot gov".
Shit a mediocre clickbait artist would post on facebook that would get shared by mid-30's washed up thots that still think they are not old enough to party.
Can you get a trip so everyone can filter this shit, it's the kind of trolling that hasn't been amusing since 2009.
>"hey, there's no wallet behind my asscheek"
Do you WANT to get pickpocketed?
Just put it in your front pockets you autistic little bitch.
I hate you.
I am a proud 7-Eleven #bananimelol User :). I shitpost in 7-Eleven(discord) every morning because it gives me energy to keep up with my wild schedule ~ No coffee crashes lol i am energized:sunglasses:
please fucking join m y server im d esperate: 88JQbKz
I am a proud 7-Eleven #bananimelol User :). I shitpost in 7-Eleven(discord) every morning because it gives me energy to keep up with my wild schedule ~ vNo coffee crashes lol i am energized:sunglasses:
please fucking join m y server im d esperate: 88JQbKz
dude is just flexin on her
I am a proud 7-Eleven #bananimelol User :). I shitpost in 7-Eleven(discord) every morning because it givess me energy to keep up with my wild schedule ~ No coffee crashes lol i am energized:sunglasses:fuck traps
please fucking join m y server im d esperate: 88JQbKz
I'm sure it's been stated but man there isn't anything wrong with 3 and 4.
I am a proud 7-Eleven #bananimelol User :). I shitpost in 7-Eleven(discord) every morning because it gives me energy to keep up with my wild schedule ~ No coffee crashes lol i am energized:sunglasses: i program in 6502 assembler everyday lol:)
please fucking join m y server im d esperate: 88JQbKz