Taking a big smelly poo, called it Poleaboo ;) Edition
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Taking a big smelly poo, called it Poleaboo ;) Edition
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I'm putting together a squad, you in?
what score you get lads 86 ere
Finished my pot of flying saucers lads, so worried I have tinnitis since I've had ringing in my ears since last night
103, I don't even see myself as normie
chikas wet boy bum
#FreeChika edition.
76, a few years ago it would have been mid 80s i feel
Not sure why I'm constantly used as an example of a normie in britfeel. Id say I'm in the bottom 30% normie here
Wizard. State
fuck off andrew weve stopped talking about you now
>Poleaboo post a picture of a girl that's similar the ideal look you want to achieve.
No, you'll just make fun of me
or, you know, give you some genuine constructive criticism.
>tfw you'll never go on holiday with these two
andrwe hasn't posted here in ages
I won't lass, I just find this stuff interesting. Much better to talk about than people screaming at each other.
I've got a prediction for the future:
more and more young people are gonna start building and living in motorhomes because of the housing/renting prices right now and then the government are gonna pass some sort of anti-motorhome legislation and then theres gonna be a load of pissed off gen z-ers
quite a comfy picture that, except for the roastie scum ofcourse
How is everyone preparing for no deal brexit? Im thinking about stocking up on wine and tinned food
Got a 47. When I finish my degree, I'll have a 50.
yeah it is, but I meant to post this one
not poleaboo but st vincent is goals and i kinda resemble her
looking forward to losing some weight
there are basically anti-motorhome laws
you cant just park them up wherever and the rozzers can move you on even in the middle of the night
Stocking up on tinned wine and food
Im trying to get physically fit now and then I wont miss food so much
I'm not. It won't affect me at all
Fucking copy cat basterd im going to rob you
Like fuck you are, im hiding all my tinned wine somewhere youll never think to look
the social section was bullshit, racked up a lot of points from relationship things
sod off luke you went on holiday on your own and fucked girls before
literally a normie, no two ways about it
Jesus Christ, do I really get the lowest robot test score of anyone in britfeel now?
Squat and cough please lad
85. higher than i expected, reckon its because my physical is quite high from lifting and i got points for not being into weird shit. mental and social were quite low
maybe i am more normal than i think
Haven't bothered doing that 'test' because its a load of shit
6. Fuck my life. Sigh..
Use the new version, you dumb nigger.
I'm opposed to that chart for giving me points for not smoking weed or drinking which are two extremely normie activies
What did you pick up all those pints on
Idk I like it
True, I think drug use even correlates a bit with IQ and it isnt just poor people that do them
Think I know who this is
>He's not into weird shit
Yeah mine's low because I'm a NEET who never really does anything, not in great shape anymore.
I mostly got points from old relationships
>giving me points for not smoking weed or drinking which are two extremely normie activies
Check the one I posted
anyone got chika nudes yet
na night ziggeh, see ya in the mornin' pal 157
How's his foot game?
D&D and Anime is normie, too much points scored there. I don't think a single real robot plays D&D or roleplaying board games
i dont know he hasnt posted them yet
>Anime is normie
Ebin you're such a delusional mong. You sit in your house all day on Jow Forums/reddit reading posts with anime images, that's the only reason you think it's normie.
82, just made it lads on the up and up lately.
It's all over social media, even extremely popular rappers tweet about it don't they?
Lads that play D&D on the reg would be considered strange by normies, dont know what you would label that?
all normies is drink/clubbing, play normie games and watch stuff on netflix, see their gf if they have one.
yes you do know, where did you go?
It's not the 80s
D&D is a normie hobby
nah, he is right to an extent. loads of normies watch shit like death note, attack on titan, steins gate etc. they dont obsesses over it like lads here though, its just a tv series to them like watching walking dead
damn ebin with them hits
So close to being a Chad, fml. Ugly as fuck and suffer from mental health issues but family wealth and a good education have allowed me to live the normie life. Half of being a robot really just comes down to sheer luck in life. Money cures a lot of shit.
Can't be moved on if you're moving. When self driving is a standard thing you could have solar panels on the roof and just have the AI drive very slowly in a circle. They can't move you on then as you are always in motion.
>When self driving is a standard thing
Never gonna happen. Vastly overblown
If anime is normie why do people here bully me for owning so much merch?
Total: 80-Cyborg
Fucking 19. I might be lower than titlad and ebin even if they were to take it
is it fuck, people would terrored here for playing D&D. do you also think warhammer is normie? they are considered freaks by normies
>tfw the only thing going for me is my 6/10 face
need to find a desperate rich bf fast desu
It'd be easier to just get a caravan. Petrol is too expensive to need the convenience of constantly travelling.
This one dropped my score to 43.
Talking about the police and get 999 trips, i'm automatically right.
Because you have autism
This post was not original
>didn't put /britfeel/
>links old thread
I have a tendency to fall off the face of the earth sometimes. Been really ill and tired lately too
got 140
will break the successful barrier once i graduate, get a car and sort out my mental health
you need to get your act together if you wanna carry on being my right hand man. Best had have lifted today or i will be having words
burnt out from uni desu and i got ill over the weekend too i've barely been able to speak the past few days, gonna try and discipline myself because im behind on my project
Waiting to open packages is the only thing that produces dopamine anymore
Reminder Karenposter is very fat and very creepy/agressive with women.
He literally raped a girl.
15+4 in a day or two but I rated my face a 7.
That would cost more in petrol, or battery charge, or whatever the fuck than it would just renting a house
Obesity is not my fault, it's the food's fault. If snacks weren't so tasty I wouldn't live on them
Solar panels lad, just slap a load of shit like that on the roof, drive round in circles at like half a mile an hour in some field.
I literally didn't, but that girl got raped by an arab apparently a few months after I told her to fuck off. Deserved it.
That's shit, everyone seems to be coming down with something. I'm trying not to take any sick days but I just feel like lying in bed all day
Last thing you want to do is work when you're ill but do your best I guess. I'm off for sleps now or I won't be waking up tomorrow
Shippy you're a nasty prick.
All the good posters left. Should have gone with them.
Hmm, not sure on the kw usage/generation there.
Something very unsettling about a fat massive man who gropes and strangles women while wanting to be treated like an anime girl online.
because buying anime figures is weird while consuming mainstream stuff isn't and you probably buy weird anime merch.
watch daredevil is normie but i bet if you bought a daredevil figure figure people would think you are odd
>All the good posters left
Which ones? Most are here, except Britnormie
Just had deja vu about this post lad. I changed how I was naturally going to respond to this because of my deja vu, therefore I have changed the future.
>falling for the motorhome/caravan meme
its not how it looks on all those youtube videos
Anons, silly.
>therefore I have changed the future.
Everything we do changes the future you absolute mong
Why don't you lads join my super villain organization? I will get you virgin gf's
Where do you shit? How do you roast a cracking joint of beef or lamb for your Sunday dindins? What about plumbing for showers?
How do you know who they are if they're anons? You must mean non-personality anons of course
>I will get you virgin gf's
Oi that's what bloke Allah promises...
proper motorhomes and caravans have a bathroom and onboard water tanks but you need to refill and eject the waste water
ziggeh don't get no lovin' anymore
he will die and be forgotten, rotting in the ground
Lee chucked him aside when he started dating the 40 year old lady who tried to cheat the benefits system.