Gonna kill myself in 4 hours

Guess this thread happens alot on this board.

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did you even play DQXI?

Oh oh im gonna be that guy, why?

Just the regular realization that I don't have anything to look forward to.

same here, can we do it together user

No, I prefer being alone.

Not going to tell you to stop but I will tell you that succumbing to your feelings makes you a weakling. It means you were too weak to face your problems and prefer to give up and accept failure. Suicide is a sin for a reason, even if you were abused your whole life and want to escape it, suicide is still a sin, because you are giving up something that some people never got to fully experience. If you do go through wiith this, know that it was a stupid decision, and know that you will die regretting what you did. Persevere until the end user, that's the best advice I can give.

Do you have any valuables or possessions you could give me? You won't need them anymore.

Ok, thanks for your input. Suicide is officially cancelled gays.

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I have suicidal thoughts myself sometimes but please please please dont kill yourself. No one is perfect but there are people 10 million times worse than you. I know some people dont like to hear this but think of how your relatives would feel if you actually killed yourself.

I never said not to kill yourself, I just said you're an idiot for doing it. By all means if you want to die, then go ahead, I'm not stopping ya.

What method wilI you use?

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I just don't know how to do this anymore. The depersonalization has gotten to the point that I don't understand why I'm alive anymore. I can't enjoy anything, and the insomnia has been killing my brain cells for the last 2 years. Everything is just so tiring and drains me.

Thanks for supporting my decision Christcuck, see you in the void.

I bought a Remington Shotgun. Gonna go outside in my backyard.

I happen to be a Christian deist, for your information. There's a pretty big difference. Also if you don't livestream you didn't do it and this entire thread is just you fishing for sympathy.

>but there are people 10 million times worse than you
Not OP but this just makes me want to kill myself more when I'm reminded of how much scum exists in the world
God Bless America for providing a an easily accessible suicide method. Too bad you couldn't get a hold of a more comfy method

>being a monotheistic deist
what a joke

I don't care, and ok.

Chicken or Pizza?

not a question but stream it homie

For some reason I thought you were actually decent and going to give a good reason for not committing suicide like giving a philosophical reason (suicide is giving up in the face of the absurd, NOT a sin against a higher being with arbitrary morals that people worship because their parents told them to) but you're just a religious cuck.
Suicide as a sin a retrofit by St. Augustine because people wanted to go to heaven by suicide. Before that, it wasn't.
Really makes you think when "human beings" can redefine religious rules.
Not that I support suicide but religion is a really shitty excuse to attack suicide.

I don't want people knowing who I am or what my backyard looks like, so no. Just know that a loud gunshot will be heard somewhere in Coconut Creek Florida at around 9pm.

Being a christian deist just means you follow the philosophies and moral teachings of jesus christ. I dont think that jesus had superpowers, i just think he was a very good person. I don't think there is one god or many, but god is "something" that we cannot understand or comprehend, because "it" doesn't follow the laws of this universe.

damn op you sure are lucky to get a gun

Ok, I was the guy who object to you because I thought you were blindly following religion. I'm not retracting my statement against actual christians. but at least I know you have somewhat of a better reason to go against suicide.

I have a few reasons to live but I don't blame those who seen threw it and know behind the vail is just darkness.

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I sure am.

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If you die, the people who wronged you win.
>but there's so many of them, I can't do anything
I'm going to tell you what my uncle, god rest his soul, told me about fighting a bunch of people at once.
>You look them in the eye and you say this: "Maybe you can kill me. But one of you motherfuckers is going to die."

My argument was that you shouldn't commit suicide because you are giving up something that other people did not get to experience fully, sort of like how you shouldn't waste food because there are people out there starving to death. Other people who died of sickness WANTED to continue living, whereas this person can continue living but they choose to throw away something someone else would have wanted to experience. It has nothing to do with religion, and frankly i don't agree with the catholic church at all, but my point is that life is precious and should not be thrown away like that, and if you do, you are weak.

>tfw cant get a gun here to an hero with
also do ignore the self righetous normalfaggots

While I do think growing up in the 'hood' and being forced to interact with shitty kids played a huge role in who I became, I have to assume that I just wasn't a strong enough person myself to overcome those challenges.

>I have to assume that I just wasn't a strong enough person myself to overcome those challenges.
As I will say once more, you are a weakling for giving up like that. Also nice trips

Oh wow that's the image I used a few days ago. Nice. Good luck on that whole kysing thing though.

damn OP.what about living for a true human connection? even a platonic friendship. Just connecting with someone?? isnt that something to stick around for?
what about the cool media you consume? advancements of technology?

Start a new game of dragon quest XI and just look at the animations for the doggos.
>sprint to the first town where you get imprisoned
>go straight to the high quarter
>house north-west has a happy dog infront of it
When I first played the game, I spent ten minutes just looking at the happy doggy, wishing I had my dog back. It was completely enthralling.

Exactly, another person could have overcome those circumstances. They could have gained the balls to punch the ghetto kids whenever they tripped me or slapped the back of my head and messed up my hearing for the entire day. But it was me, and I was too much of a pussy.

I haven't had a proper conversation with a person in the last 5 years. My social skills are home and I don't want to be seen. I can't look at women as anything other than slightly sentient cock toys for superior men.

I don't think you fully understand the weight of OP's situation user
I suppose there are philosophical reasons against it, but there are those that are for it. If you truly feel though the pain you suffer is not worth the highs that life has to offer, then why shouldn't you? If anything, it's irrational to keep going, user has probably endured 25+ years of the same thing, he's collected enough evidence to know that, what he expected from life and what he'll get are not the same thing. I've started trying in life more, I've started doing my best to go out, etc, and if that doesn't accomplish some kind of happiness then I'll be joining user one day.

Also, I believe that this universe is just one single thing. The idea of the separate entity is just a human illusion, built on narcissism. If one part is suffering then it's better to let it go than to keep it there. The total "sadness" of the universe has decreased a tiny bit. It's something I can't really explain, but I believe that we're all the same thing in some way, pain I inflict is pain that I in turn will suffer, and I suffer it as the creature upon which the pain is inflicted. It sounds retarded, but my pain is just a reaction in my brain, it's just chemicals and electrons and reactions, as is everyone else's pain. With that idea in mind, then the thing that observes the pain, whatever that might be, observes all pain simultaneously, that thing is me, and I consider being bad to other people as an act of self harm in some way, so I try my best to be good. The worst thing is I've never done any drugs beyond caffeine and alcohol, this is just how I think and everyone thinks I'm a hippy stoner.

I'm somewhat like you, I believe Jesus was a good guy and we should act like him, but we should also not let ourselves be taken advantage of as Jesus would have.

Livestream, OP.
Set up your phone and give us a link.
You will be remembered.

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>nothing to look forward to
Well, this is probably true. I can't see life as anything but the slow erosion of hope. Have you thought about just going buck-wild instead? Hitchhike across europe or something, for example. If you're already slated to die, what's there to lose? I guess idk what you personally enjoy (nothing?). you should do something fun before you go, that's all.
I'm not allowed to kms until age 40, but I certainly understand it. Most of the best authors kts too.
Shotgun isn't a nice way to go. Make sure you aim for the brain stem and don't just end up blowing your jaw off.

Chicken pizza.

Originally boneless

Ignore these normie faggots, OP. They don't belong on this board and they don't know what they're talking about.

Good luck. See you on the other side.

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Feel free to search up Coconut Creek suicide in the next couple days. Unless I can't even manage to make it to the news.

Found the shit roastie. You savages bloodlust knows no bounds

based. would say see you on the other side but that wpuld imply that theres one

3 hours left. Mildly entertaining thread so far. Spent a good portion of my bank account on moonrocks and am currently getting lifted.

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How much money you got, OP?


Bet you won't do it, faggot

I had 2,000 in the bank and it's down to 500 now. These moonrocks will fuck you up lol.

>Implying I'm doing this because OP's death will make me sad
No. I'm simply voicing my beliefs on why i think you shouldn't commit suicide. I cannot understand OP's circumstances because I am not him. Ultimately he will know better than anyone else what he should do, and I completely respect his decision to do this even if i disagree with it.

We'll see about that, faggot.

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Did you really try to change your habits or have you just been sitting in your room like a mong for the past years

don't do it yet...
endure it until your feelings die...
then make life miserable for people you hate...
make it your life's goal...
if that doesn't give you some meaning:

come up with the most fantastic, glorious and attention catching way to kill yourself...
jumping off a building while hanging yourself with a thin metal line to have yourself decapitated on the way down into a busy shopping street, traumatizing dozens, if not hundreds of passers-bys...
leave a mark on humanity... they have brought you to this, after all...

Yeah, I started lifting and achieved a decent amount of musculature that's covered by a bit of fat. Most people recognize that i'm a muscular quiet guy and try to get me to do their physical work for them lol.

Nah, I always wondered what kind of person I'd be when I grew up. I don't want any kids to see me and think they could be me when they get old enough.

I would feel bad if I knew I was right, but I don't know, I just think I am. As I said, OP is the one who will best know his circumstances,, and can make the best judgement, and if he chooses something I disagree with, I have no problem with that, because he knows much better than me what he's going through, and can make a better decision

What this guy said, seriously why just kill yourself in an instant and not go crazy and go somewhere cool where there's a risk you'll get killed by thugs

I met a guy who said fuck it and walked up to a docked cargo ship's captain who was about to leave for australia and capn let him work on the ship painting and cleaning rust and shit in exchange for free voyage

Consider it OP you'll at least end up somewhere different insteas of ending it into complete nothingness


Also, I don't like the idea of growing old and senile. I might kms before that.

I know what you're going through OP, please add me and lets talk this out.

>when I grew up
Im confused op are you a teenager? If so trust me life gets better after high school lol. It may not seem like it and thats what i thouhggt in hs but my dad told me otherwise

I don't have any energy to do anything. I a haven't slept more than 3 hours a night in the last 5 years. I think my brain has actually deteriorated.

Fuck it who cares? Maybe you'll work yourself to death or decide to jump overboard but either way you'll end up dead

How do you like boiling alive for an eternity just for starters? If you can't make anything of your life for yourself then dedicate yourself to a higher purpose you selfish dipshit.

No I'm 28.

I will miss you, but I hope you finally find peace

I'm pretty unenergetic typically but if I'm in a new environment I get an amazing energy boost.
You have nothing to lose by trying.

I doubt any religion humanity has concocted actually has merit to it. If anything thing I believe souls are recycled and mines might end up being reborn as something entirely different.

really op why not just ditch everything you own and start drifting? youre killing yourself soon anyway so why not go buckwild youll most likely end up dead anyway just having experienced something out of the ordinary

I've seen replies like this on other suicide threads and I just don't get where you expect us to get that motivation from. We're exiting because we don't want anything to do with this life.

Yep. A lot of dumb fucks falls for the suicide meme. Stupid enough not to realize that existence doesn't end with death. Every single one of this fucks are suffering now more than ever.

Give us your last words or final advice or something. What's the most important thing you've learned during your life?

Don't let fear rule your life. I've let it rule mines up till this point, but I won't let it stop me tonight.

send a pic of yourself before you do it please

And you know exactly what happens after death, how?

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OP I live in delray. Could give you some Prozac if you wanna hang with me tn

I like this OP. What would you have to say to someone such as myself that lets a lack of motivation rule their lives?

No thanks, I like being alone.

If you're even slightly above average intelligence, you can become pretty rich. But only if you're willing to grind for it and be patient. Literally all it takes is good learning how to trade forex. It will take time though.

get off your ass and do something retard.

What if being rich isn't what I want? What if I just want to find something to do to make life less monotonous? Would being rich make you happy OP?

I will join you soon op, hope you go as pain free as possible. Good luck

Being rich WILL make life less monotonous you utter fucking brainlet. Fuck, maybe you're not cutout for building and maintaining wealth. Either way, I'm sure you know what will make you happy. Go do that.

I have a spiritual side well developed. I can talk to dead people. Those who kill themselves suffers the consequences of hurting themselves.

Explain how will being rich make life less monotonous

Sure you do man. You definitely don't have mental illness. I sometimes talk to myself too on the really bad nights where I don't get any sleep at all.

you said you want nothing to do with this life anymore but what exactly is it about your life that makes you want to have nothing to do with it

I always thought if i was gonna go through with it I would do something autistic like leave a pumpkin in my toilet just to confuse the people who have to find me. Any plans OP?

Make a smoothie with like 15 bananas and frozen mangoes. Just start eating loads of fruit everyday and you'll feel better and sleep better too. Carbohydrates really help the brain work better and gives you the energy and motivation to do creative and fun things, as well as lower stress which will help you relax and sleep. I used to have suicidal thoughts and eating more food, especially carbs and fruit instantly made life easier. Tons of fruit and reading about mythology and watching bob ross really started making life more fun and interesting. Everyone has a purpose and life is about battling demons and coming out on top and being reborn into a stronger person. You need some quality sleep and high energy foods to give you mental and physical energy to strengthen your spirit.

I dislike people like you. You're a fucking retard. You probably get a full night's sleep every night which makes it even more disgusting how you're even stupider than me

At least do some random fuckery for last 2 hours of your life.
What is there to lose anyway ?

I'm totally alone and I don't see my social skills or ability to sleep for more than 3 hours a night improving anytime soon. Those are the two main causes, but I generally dislike myself.

This isnt even close to the truth op you stupid fuck. You don't even have a say in this, you said you had 2000 in the bank and spent 1500 on drugs, the single biggest waste of money ever you fucking retard

I have no energy, I'm just waiting for 9:48. Then I'll take a few steps into my backyard and we'll be done here.

You cant explain it because you dont know because youre not fucking rich you braindead moron.

Just get a hair cut bro, just get a job at home depot bro, just lift bro, just stop being you bro

Can you please tell me how to cope with hurting your family from the suicide? That's the only thing stopping me.

I already decided to give up though. My pursuit of wealth wasn't going to fix my life. It might have made it more tolerable but in the end I'd probably still kill myself even after I achieved six figure status.

What's so special about 9:48?