See cute girl

>see cute girl
>talk to her
>she is a radical leftist
>see another cute girl
>talk to her
>she is also a radical leftist
>rinse and repeat dozens of times
>have yet to meet a cute girl who isn't a radical leftist
>realize that just 50 years ago the majority of cute girls were not radical leftists
boomers had it so fucking good. in order for me to get a cute girl i have to take the baggage of her already fucking 10+ guys, hating her own race, believing shes "oppressed", etc. while boomers could get a cute girl and didnt have to deal with any of this fucking shit. could you actually imagine having a cute girl who doesnt lose her virginity before 18, isnt self hating or mentally ill? i literally cant fathom that, its like a unicorn. and boomers had unlimited amounts of them. god fucking DAMN IT

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>see cute girl
>talk to her
>she is very right-leaning
>enter relationship in 2014
>married as of February of this year
Feels great
>could you actually imagine having a cute girl who doesnt lose her virginity before 18, isnt self hating or mentally ill?
Yes, she's some feet away from me :)

50 years ago they were hippies


Cry more, child.

Try developing political and world views without the influence of Jow Forums or the internet and you might actually live a normal, fulfilling life and find people to connect with in the real world.

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congrats then you captured a unicorn
hippies made up less than 1% of the population and were considered counter culture. its normal and average for women to be like this now.
i am not even right wing my straw manning friend. i am moderately left leaning. i spend way more time outside than i do on the internet, and every girl i meet is too left even for me

Stop talking to (((college educated))) women

>Moderately left leaning
>Whining in the OP about "every girl fucking 10+ guys", "hating her own race", idolising the boomer generation

You can't just deflect and try to claim you're a leftist when you're evidently parroting every right-wing "culture war" buzzword in the book. That's not how it works, kiddo.

How many of your views on the world are actually developed based on personal experience of life? Have you personally met enough girls to be able to feasibly claim that the majority are "already fucking 10+ guys"? Have people actually said things to you personally that reveal they are suffering from racial self-hate?

Or are you, as I suspect, simply another teenager who spent too much time on the internet and places like Jow Forums growing up and so have developed literally all your political views through being influenced by edgy shitposters on image boards?

>congrats then you captured a unicorn
She's a unicorn because of all the things that comprise her make-up; I know a lot of right-leaning family women. Maybe it's just the city you live in that's populated by the worst stripes of lefties. I am very lucky to have her, though.

I don't particularly want or need a girl who is as far gone as I am; however, it would be really hard to date a girl who is left just because of the screwed up life that so many of them live. I don't want to deal with the emotional baggage of her fucking multiple dudes, I don't want to deal with lectures about feminism, I don't want to be licking her feet because she feels like as a white male I somehow owe her and every other women or brown person on the planet my property. I don't want to be the person who cleans up the explosive mess that she has the nerve to call a life
I am a man. I can provide income, shelter, and defense. If she cannot be a women, and turn my house into a home and give me good strong kids, then she can die alone for what I care
I am a whack job, I understand that, so I don't expect le 10/10 mommy gf. See above for what I really want

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Not OP, but fuck off to redit retard. These views are based on what we on this board have experienced in real life. Do you think I wanted to hate roasties? I saw them going for the chads and I saw others getting cucked and I was able to learn from them.

>leftist shills coming on the board to being upset about anyone being on the board
Well self hatred and giant blind spots are inbuilt for you, I suppose

>>Whining in the OP about "every girl fucking 10+ guys", "hating her own race", idolising the boomer generation
nice reading comprehension, i hate boomers and im extremely jealous of the wealth and ease they had access to in their youth. i dont idolize them at all, i cant wait for them to die. and being concerned about a huge number of sexual partners at a young age does not make me right wing, it just makes me sane and aware of warning signs.
>Have people actually said things to you personally that reveal they are suffering from racial self-hate?
yes, literally. if you ever go out and talk to girls they are extremely open, confident, and seemingly proud about these things. i've talked to every decent looking girl in my classes just asking them about their beliefs. i dont challenge them or sperg out, i dont even say anything in response, i just let them talk. and the amount of times ive heard the words "hate white people" has literally made me suicidal

>All these buzzwords

The fact that you can't even string together one sentence of argument without using words like "roastie", "chad", "cuck" or "shill" is very revealing. Your entire world view is developed online. You are not sourcing your political beliefs from life experience, literature, trial and error, or any decent or respectable method. And no, being an awkward teenager and getting bullied by "chad and stacey" at school is not life experience. I'm talking about going outside and doing shit, meeting people, travelling the globe, working jobs, building a career, experiencing relationships. This is how any intellectually respectable person forms their world view and life philosophy. The fact that you have chosen instead to simply latch on to the trendiest ideology on your internet community of choice (Jow Forums/r9k/pol) is indicative of your immaturity.

Go outside. Meet people. You might learn something and be pleasantly surprised.

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>I decide what is respacable and good, comply servant!
Not interested, whine harder.

>being an awkward teenager and getting bullied by "chad and stacey" at school is not life experience

It very much is though.

the first post out of those three does not have any buzzwords in it. if you're going to lump the reasonable posts in with the unreasonable posts then you will never get a point across

>the amount of times ive heard the words "hate white people"

The problem with you internet right wingers is that you take everything that leftists/left-leaning people say hyper-seriously. In reality when most people say things about "hating white people", "hating men", or any other left-wing catchphrase with a broad sweeping generalization, they are doing it to trigger you. They know that it is going to piss you off if you are right wing. Most people don't take politics too seriously, even on the left. I've been involved in plenty of left wing circles where people might seem on the surface to be dedicated and "woke" so to speak but in reality everyone is a real person, everyone is cracking politically incorrect jokes and being offensive behind the scenes, they just like to trigger the other side by playing up the act.

The fucking mental gymnastics here are astounding lmao. You should take your own advice and start living in reality.

>see cute girl
>she becomes my gf, is submisse loyal, etc
>slowly realize she isn't as patrician as me
>can't discuss books
>has no hobbies or interests
>can't speak more than one language
>no curiosity
>am now trying to break up with her for the second time

Stay alone guys, this shit isn't worth it. Intellectual woman are usually promiscuous and hollow woman aren't worth the relationship.

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>hating whites is just fun bro!
>saying white lives matter isn't, enjoy losing your job
Lel, just lel

Have you considered gassing yourself?

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If you want a conservative gf just settle for a dumb party slut instead of trying to find a cute, intelligent girl.

Just dripping with so much leftist excuses, generalizations, and general retardation its pitiful. You need to start living in reality, and off whatever campus bubble you're lumped into

If your definition of "cute, intelligent girl" equates irl to a 300 lbs. rainbow-haired libfag blaming everything on le Trump and le patriarchy, I'll gladly take what you consider a "dumb party slut" any day.

The fact that you have such a strong view that the less sex a woman has, the more desirable she is tells me you aren't moderately left at all.

you have to re-educate them

I don't want a right-wing gf, I want an apolitical gf, because politics is not for women

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>see girl
>don't talk to her about politics
nice one OP, ya big faggot