Be in good mood

>be in good mood
>decide to make my first ever greentext because I rly like reading them
>immediately have 6 people tell me to kill myself
>delete greentext
>no longer in good mood
Now I see why everyone thinks Jow Forums is for virgins and Neckbeards

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>get BTFO by channers for being a newfag
>go back to Jow Forums to cry about it
kek lurk moar

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That pic hurts just to look at

>treating a "greentext" as some asset instead of a simple formatting style

fuck off underage reddit zoomer

It's Jow Forums, you can safely ignore every dumb motherfucker that tells you to kys.
it does

He's still doing it. Puking more garbage on the board simply because he was called out.

If you want people to eat your puke then reddit is the perfect place though. Go back there.

OP, basically this people can tell you're a newfag. lurking for a while before you post is what preserves board culture (even though 80% of the faggots who post nowadays are probably newfags). go back to rebbit if you want to continue making low quality posts

You like reading things that were relevant 2 years ago newfag. If you still find gt funny, Jow Forums isn't the site for you. PLUS, you came back WHINING with a GREENTEXT post ON THE SAME WEBSITE. No wonder you should kill yourself useless faggot. Grow a penis.

what else did you expect? that's how this place is

Fuck off veemo.
Hey OP, kill yourself.

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What is the point of green text anyways? Every other forum I've used functions perfectly well without it.

Dumb cunt should've known better

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Greentext threads were already dying on most boards by like 2012

>tards and tard wranglers
>some sort of twist ending that makes an EPIC reference to some media, probably a song
I don't know you buy I have a feeling your story contained at least one of the above elements, which means you should probably kill yourself you absolute faggot.

Hey bud, I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that, but it's nothing worth getting worked up over. Don't let those guys dictate what kind of mood you're in and also you should probably jam a steak knife into your pale skinny throat inside a cheap Chinese restaurant's dumpster.

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Yeah, 115 is a fucking retard. I agree, they were far dead by then.

This place is finished isn't it..

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It'll teach you to not be a fucking knuckledragger that sees unfunny shit online and thinks they can do it too kill yourself worthless degenerate

You should go back to rdt or 9g with your unfunny shit. You aren't welcome here, at all. Here is a suggestion; Grab a butcher knife, close your door, turn on your live stream, and post a link here. Right then, stab yourself in the stomach and in the eyeballs. Gay ass motherfucker.

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Gimme your greentext. I'm interested. But if it is too long, tl;dr.

dead fucking post you nigger

Faggot zoomer phone posting nigger. Kys

Make sure you have something worth saying in the future.

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