
Anyone ever nightwalk in the woods? Do you recommend it?

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wear headphones so you can't hear whoever is following you

Ice walk

>Be me
>Can't wait for winter
>Lake Huron Starts to freeze
>The waves push huge chunks of ice against the shore
>It's rhythmic and the shattering/colliding ice makes for a beautiful song
>Always have the shore to myself.

One day, I will walk over the ice and swim away.

Sounds like a good way to stumble into a satanic ritual

Yeah, i took a comfy nightwalk the other day and it started raining out, while listening to vaporwave. First time in a while i was legitametly happy. I walked and got french toast and steak from a small diner, it was a good time.

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>tfw used to do this
I rarely, if ever bumped into anyone
But Ive spooped myself too much to do it now
Actually, I spooped myself too much I dont go out anymore

when i lived in the city i used to night walk in the local forest preserve. now that i actually live out in the country i am too scared to take a real outdoors night walk. the forest preserve only had small critters and deer, the area i live in now has coyotes, wolves, mountain lions, snakes, wild bulls, etc. i would never be able to get comfy while out there

It's real fun. Deathly quiet tho. If you're not accustomed to it start small

I like to go out late at night and watch the stars. I live in the city but if I take my bike and go for 5-10 minutes I'm out innawoods and another 5-10 minutes and I can enjoy the night sky without as much light pollution.

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I highly recommend nightwalking in general. `^

get a gun and then.

no because woods are too dark to walk in comfy at night.

My friend and I used to. There was a little water tower up a hill and we'd drink high % beers and pound deucers while he'd broadcast djent out of his iphone. We only got hassled once but we stopped after someone committed suicide out there by self immolating. 2013 was a good time while it lasted.

You'd be safer at night in the countryside than in the city.
Just buy a gun and walk with that. It'll actually feel cooler and maintain the comfy aspect.

I love nightwalks so comfy. I do it in suburbs but also city when i lived there. Never really lived in rural but I like nightwalks in suburia woods, but they are rarely big

>tfw in uni right now
>campus is small and boring
>you have to drive to go anywhere off campus

>tfw loser still living with parents
>too anxious to go on a nightwalk since they'll ask me where I went

well I bump it

You end up tripping over fucking everything.

I feel like nightwalking would be a really comfy thing to do with a nice jacket and headphones. I might go for a nightwalk later.

I used to go on some night walks in my city at around 3 and 5 in the moring when i was drinking late and got bored. It was nice and relaxing at some points. But i stopped doing it because the streets were i live have become to dangerous lately.
If you go out, even if you go to a forest, take a knife or something to protect yourself because you never know what you will find out there at those late hours.

>came back from nightwalk an hour ago
>already want to go again

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Mostly just around the neighborhood on days I don't work

A bit longer for now

Get a dog and a gun.

I know that feel.

i'm from the canadian woods. i've been too close to bears, mountain lions, and timber wolves to wanna further fuck with that shit at night.
these days i live in the israeli west bank, no trees for arabs to hide in, but they'll just shoot at you from their backyard.
catch me in parks and graveyards at night though.

Just walked around my old elementary school, got kicked out by the janitor. I wish I was a kid again.

I want to night walk but its day time, what do robros?

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sleep so you can do a real late nightwalk

night walks are not really that fun, cause you need a flashlight to see. It is not even scary, just not fun to walk without seeing anything

same. I wish I could actually go on evening strolls somewhere other than campus ugh

>you need a flashlight to see
My eyes adapt to the darkness just fine. Never needed a flashlight, even when in the woods. Does this mean I have superpowers?

Sneak out of the house when they're asleep then be back before they wake up. That's what I do.

>tfw i have had a really bad bout of insomnia past week or 2
>just walk around listening to classical music cause nothing better to do

I nightbike through the ghetto a few times a week. My phone's battery is shit now so I don't do it so much anymore since I only want to do it if I can listen to music or something while out. I'm really hoping some mad man murders me on a nightbike session one day.

anyone here in nz that goes on /nightwalks/?

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No, just means your pupils have dilated to allow more light in.

Yeah. Maybe we could walk together user.

yeah sometimes, it's pretty good.

[email protected]

auckland by any chance?

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not looking to be anyone's gf sorry man, I'm straight.


I probably wouldn't be nightwalking in Auckland user.

which part of auckland

>self immolation on a hilltop
That's a pretty cool way to kill yourself

oh lol thread deleted man that was just a spaz when my ex blocked me after telling everyone I cheated on her

its not that bad, p comfy around vic park and the wharf, homeless people are usually asleep by then

i live in hillsborough but usually head to city and newmarket

I saw a deer walking down the street, it was pretty comfy

>Live in Hamilton
>Get murdered.

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I'm about to nightwalk to a 24 hour convenience store and grab food. I only have $6.05, so I'm thinking of getting two bags of chips for $3.33 and maybe some swedish fish. FeelsComfyMan

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What chips are your favorite?

I dont nightwalk in the woods any more because I spooked myself once when I thought I found a severed hand but it was just my glove that I dropped. But I still nightwalk through the town, it's calming to see the empty streets, it's like a parallel world.

They're a dorito clone but a lot better imo

why do you need to listen to shitty meme music during a particular weather event outside to be "legitametly" happy you little retard?

This thread made me go on a walk feels good. If I can resize my pics I'll post em.

>practice nudity in my backyard at night, which I have let become overgrown and wild like a forest

Much superior to your silly walks down the street oh ho ho ho ho

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i'm jelly, I have nowhere to do it. I wish I could let my wang hang like you do.

>Anyone ever nightwalk in the woods? Do you recommend it?
If you want to die, sure.
Just keep your head on a swivel and you'll be fine. Look behind you periodically and whatnot.

>mom asks me where I went
>answer "outside"
We do this every time I go for a nightwalk too early. So I try to wait until after 3am to leave.

I'm 26 and I still can't do it, she can hear the door open in her sleep.

Well nudity is legal in public where I am, so you can go that route if you desire, but you will end up getting arrested anyway because the cops don't know it's legal, they are a bunch of dumbasses, but that's not a big deal, cause you get a free pass to sue them and make millions for false arrest.

I don't bother because I have no desire for the trouble and have no reason to go naked outside my property.

Tell her "Your overbearing behavior is the reason I'm a failure at life." That's what I'd like to say to my mom but lack the courage.

I live in the northern forests of canada so all the time

I'm not sure if it applies fully though. I mean she doesn't want me to stay home, she wants me to get a job, so she's not so overbearing, right?

It's possible she has just realized her previous mistake and has pulled back.

Still won't let me out of the house though, hmm.

Show your mom Jow Forums. She sounds autistic and then she will be focused on posting and won't notice you slipping out.

My city doesn't have 24/24 businesses
There's only an indian guy selling some snacks until 2pm feels bad man.

well actually its both better and annoying for nightwalks.

Iktf, my town has one shop that is open 24/6 and it closes at 10pm on saturday which is the day I like night walking because there are drunken normies to observe.

I meant 2 AM of course.

>no more 7/11 or 24/7 convenience store in new town

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>Be me
>Go for /nightwalk/ in woods with friends after drinking
>Pretty comfy, not too dark with full moon
>Get deep into the woods and can barely see
>Phone torches out of battery
>Hear a noise in the distance
>Shit ourselves but keep walking
>Hear voice behind us
>"Any of you got a light?"
>turn around and see disgusting hobo
>get lost
>after a couple of hours and 1 panic attack we find our way out

Don't drink and /nightwoodwalk/ folks.

I did an early morning run for the first time the other day but I would argue that early morning walks would be better than night walks. For the following reasons:
- Seeing the sun rise up, can walk during light.
- No other weird people if you do see people however the new minimum amount of people goes from no one to 1 jogger and wageslave a day.
- Seeing how the only things awake are birds and you.
- Not being called lazy, since you're awake before everyone else
- Sense of productivity once I come back from being outside
- This feeling of being ahead of everyone else and that the world has to catch up to you and you don't catch up to it.
- Being out in the sunlight helps my mood for the day.

On the other hand, waking up early is a pain and I need to try and adjust my sleep schedule (and habits) to cater for it.

looks like a peaceful end

>2am in winter
>Walk to secluded forest next to a lake
>Everything is covered by snow, and the road is ice
>Had to be about -15 degrees
>Get a fucking immense erection because of the cold
>Masturbate like crazy and cum all over the snow
>Go home
I like the winter.

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music helps one get into a mindset, if one finds it enjoyable, and the weather is yourl environment, which determines the vibe if you're outside. set and setting, retard, they are generally what make most people feel happy and every other emotion to a degree in nearly every situation. blow me faggot

My mom stays up until 3am consistently. My dad wakes at 3:30. No chance for me unless it's a weekend and past 4am.

I'd do it depending on what wildlife/cryptids are in your area, and maybe bring somebody and a weapon

Yeah its great. On my in-laws property in the countryside there is a big forest at the end of their garden. I love walking down there at about midnight and just hanging around in the darkness for several hours scaring the shit out of badgers and foxes. I bought NVGs but rarely use them since they take the fun out of it.