Would it be possible for me to perform a Iron cross?

Would it be possible for me to perform a Iron cross?
I'm 6'2" and my wingspan is 6'8"
I've never seen anyone taller than 5'9" doing it, would it be anatomically possible for me to achive this move? Or would the load on my muscles/joints be too extreme?

Attached: yuri.jpg (750x482, 43K)


Doing this move insults our lord and savior Jesus Christ so even if you withstand the physical joint stress you won't withstand the spiritual corruption.

71" tall 78" wingspan, OP.
I can scratch my knees.
Monitoring this thread, I want to get into this kind of stuff

Attached: PicsArt_12-25-02.47.10.jpg (1454x1939, 951K)

It certainly is possible, but there is a good reason why all good gymnasts are manlets.

I hit an iron cross at 5'11 175lb and a 74" wingspan

Ever considered that good gymnasts practiced from a young age and that gymnastics stunts growth? Maybe this is not true for every case but I think it holds more merit than people who don't grow are naturally better at gymnastics.

Of course it's possible, you're just weak

what even are you

why not become a world record deadlifter instead