Ok incels

Ok incels.
How do you want a girl to approach and talk to you? What's your dream scenario? If I want to talk to and get to know a (((possible))) robot, how should I do it. I'm a 3/10 femcel

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not IRL id get scared and run away

I got cold-approached once and it made me think there was something wrong with them so I immediately said no.

that's not how echoes work

I'm a robot that looks like a normie chad lite. I'd want you to just talk about nerd stuff with me honestly, flex your intelligence a bit.

depends on how detailed you want me to get with this I'll just try to keep it short...

I don't go out much and only time I'm approachable really is if I'm on a train, so let's say you sat by me expecting me to start a conversation I will ignore you, if you say hi and nothing else i will let the conversation die so fast and not say anything till you leave. If you keep talking to me about normal stuff and nerd stuff I'll be very receptive, if you're nice and easy to communicate with that's very good too, I'll definitely want to talk to you.

Every one has their buzzwords, I'm not so autismo that if you don't say mine I'll just make it difficult to talk. If I say something weird(weird, not crazy) then don't react like a jerk just talk about it, being open minded is a big plus

just talk really.

im 28 and never been on a date or talked to girls.

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HOw the fuck do you even approach girls? I get looks all of the time, smiles, and I've grown to notice when girls are attracted from being intimate with a couple, and with what the gypsies taught me about eyes.

A lesbian also "showed me" and she basically just walked up and said WHATS HAPPENIN BEAUTIFUL and it works. Man, what the fuck do I do

Literally just claim me. Walk up and tell me I'm your boyfriend now and just start holding my hand. That always works on me.
You could also just take me by the dick and fuck me. That usually works, but not always.
On reflection, I'm really glad I'm not a female because I'd be such an easy slut.

"You got a girlfriend?"
"You do now, name's Raspuchia"

Tbh, if you want to get to know em, just ask em to coffee. As long as you don't look like total horse shit, and you try to aim for similar personalities, then you should be set

>T. 4/10 faggot with an actual date tommorow

i dunno but even though i personally hate conversations and starting them usually, i'd respond pretty normally to anyone who started talking to me, about anything and in any way, unless i was in a rotten mood. Like, I'll give an example. Let's say I'm in class and I'm reading manga on me laptop while the professor goes on about something that isnt particularly engaging or relevant at the moment. If you were next to me, and you saw what I might be reading, and you happened to know what it was and were interested in it, you could be like "hey is that xyz?" and I'd be like "yeah it is, you read it?" and from then on its a normal conversation. But if I were in a rotten mood, I'd be dismissive, just reply with a simple "yeah." and not follow through with the conversation. That doesnt mean you wouldnt be able to keep trying to talk, though, you could be like, "oh, that xyz is my favorite abc!" and if you were persistent I'd oblige to talk because I don't really know any other way to deal with people while not being overtly rude. But that's how I'd deal with anyone, not just a girl I like, or even a girl at all. If you wanted to actually date a robot, then in my case I guess you'd just have to be a bit more engaging than any other person. Probably just stick around and keep talking to me like any other friend I'd have a good chemistry with would. No idea how real "dating" actually starts, though, or what it entails.

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Honestly, there really isn't one. If she's attractive she has no reason to be talking to me, so I'm going to assume she wants something or it's some kind of prank. Just leave me alone with my misery.

she tells me she wants to live in the woods and play video games and listen to music to me thats it

You know what? Fuck it. I'm gonna give you, femcelanon, a detailed and thorough review of every approach that has ever been attempted on me by a female (to my knowledge) and how it worked out. This is the best and most candid answer I can give.

>walking up to me at a party, saying "I like your moves," telling me her name, and dancing with me while I was drunk
>result: nothing beyond that dance

>telling me I'm cute at a party, dancing sexily with me, and asking to go "make out"
>result: lots of sex with me over a period of months and some time spent just hanging out and fucking around

>sitting next to me a lot and sparking innocuous conversations about school/work stuff
>result: didn't even know they liked me until too late, multiple girls have tried this and I just don't catch on

>sitting in my lap, teasing/grinding on me, playfully hitting me, stealing my food, and feeling my ass up, unprovoked
>result: successfully seduced, would've fugged/made gf if I didn't already have a gf, fapped to her for years though

>bullying me
>result: didn't realize

>literally just sitting in my lap and teasing/hanging out with me
>result: got to hang out with me but didn't progress past that, didn't realize she liked me

>asking if I want to have sex and give her a cum facial
>result: multiple sexytimes and lots of my cum on her

>flashing me her fancy panties up her skirt, moving them to show me her pussy, playing with her pussy, and saying I can have her pussy if I want
>result: instant and total seduction

>cooking for me, helping me get better when I got sick, giving me rides, doing me sexual favors, buying me shit, letting me sleep with her, massaging me, cuddling me, saying hello to me happily every day
>result: basically had my balls for a while, smitten

>escalating physically with me gradually and daily, starting with footsie and leaning on me and building her way up to asking if I want to make out to asking if I want to have sex
>success, became long-term girlfriend

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I'm pretty handsome, but have a huge problem making the first move unless I really know the chick is cool, so if it was out in public and you were really interested in me or whatever you would basically have to establish you were cool (like, not going to freak out at me if I do ask for your number after a nice friendly conversation).

I would say comment on my clothes (I wear lots of graphic tees, like video game, comic book, and band stuff), be inquisitive (don't just end the conversation after like a "hi" or "nice shirt", ask questions that are clearly indicative of you wanting to get to know me "you live around here?" stuff), and then establish physical contact first by putting your hand on my arm at some point ("oh user, that was funny" or "really? I live there too" or whatever, just real casual like).

I'm not autistic, just terrified of random girls screaming rape or shouting shame at me if I hit on them in public, so if you make it clear you won't do that and want me to make move, make it very obvious.

eh why not maybe a bot gets happy.

>Be a born XX female
I can probably end the thread here, but w/e
>ask if you two could talk alone
public eye is death by thousand cuts for shy guys. And if you feel you can't trust that guy enough to hangout without your bff looking on, rethink what you are doing
>flat out say you sort of like him and wish you can get to know him better
no fucking SIGNALS or eyelash batting, be clear and unmistakable
>do not get the crying fit and think the world is at end if he says no
Robots will on occasion say all sorts of shit to get out of unknown territory and you just opened a gate to the twilight-zone
>hand him a note with your contact and say if he is up for it she can chat with you there
Best to use a different account then you usually do so there is no bullshit about all your other friend peeking up and smelling what is cooking

There, that should get you somewhere.
And yeah it could still be he simply does not want you or even is an asshole who proceeds to tell all his friends about the "whore that wanted to fuck him". Sigh and deal with it, relationships are a shit game.

>saying she's really horny and asking if I have a car we can go to
>result: successfully seduced, got the message

>complimenting me a party, buying me alcohol, dancing with me, and then straight-up saying she's trying to fuck me, in those words, without letting me get separated from her
>result: successfully seduced

>looking at me a lot and not saying much
>result: creeped out and annoyed, develop angry internal monologue where I cuss out this bitch for judging me and tell her to mind her own business, wind up calling her a cunt over a slight misunderstanding and making her cry

Cold-approaching me works. Waiting for me to make the first move doesn't ever work. Propositioning me specifically for sex, or better yet offering a specific sexual act in graphic terms, always works. Just following me and making eye contact without speaking or touching me doesn't work. I'm dense. Persistence usually works.

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whoa wait you dont get to just bring up "what the gypsies taught me" and walk away user

I am also interested in this romani magic.

You know, I would feel required to give her a fair shot for that one and I am not even into dominant girls.

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I'm a khhv and that would scare the fuck out of me. I would assume either I'm getting pranked or she is getting threatened or both. Even a chad would think "wtf is wrong with her?" and be like "DO I KNOW YOU????"

Not me. I'm literally-no really, LITERALLY-autistic and being up-front and forceful is only thing that works on me.
I would be a KHHV if girls weren't downright insistent and slutty.
Different strokes, I guess.

Literally be normal, reasonable, and talk to them as if you were interested in them.

I have no idea I just know that she'd have to be perfect and also would have to try multiple times with complete sincerity in order to get through to me that she actually wants me. And even then I still might reject her because I feel too broken.

My own clone!

If you ever want to know what its like to be loveless in another state we can try switching lives for a month.