So, for 2019 I'll leave Jow Forums for good. This place has been overrun by faggots.
As a final gift, I just wanted to remind the skeptical anons and newfags on who's behind every "go back to Jow Forums" reply.
Feel free to use it any time you want!
Tl;dr: pedos, trannies and incels
See ya on the Jow Forums board of channel eight
So, for 2019 I'll leave Jow Forums for good. This place has been overrun by faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
Here’s your (you)
Clean up janny!
This is sickening and insidious
Imagine a fat faggot staying hours and hours on his computer telling every young man here who doesn't think he should be a fag too to go back to Jow Forums and spamming cuck porn
Then imagine tens of them doing this
Then imagine tens of fat faggots eating hotpockets and deleting threads they don't like and an incel gook barely managing to manage the site
This is 4ch*n for you
ive never seen such scum.
are these /lgbt/ people?
so weak
Jow Forums in 2014 used to make antisemitic jokes
Faggots literally spent their lives spamming "le Jow Forums is gay!" joke to defend their faggotry
fight back anons, don't let this happen
Lol just leave this shithole they're datamining us anyways, the mods are literally paid by Israel, I have their resume in the pc
Jannies do it for free, but mods don't.
Just go to channel eight Jow Forums and let this shithole die in 2019 or even bet do no internet altogether
Fags will die of aids by themselves
Oh and one thing.
This it's supposed to be one of the more manly boards per say with self improvement stuff and such. So it's harder for faggots to shill their bullshit, that's where those """wheyfus""" come into play. It starts with a cute and slightly muscular girl and slowly moving up to those freaks that look like males with a girl's face slapped on them.
A way to slowly but surely emasculate men
how's infinity Jow Forums like user?
Yea this shit has been going on for at least a year from various groups.
And mah denomination fetish shit. It's funny but there are a few that take it seriously.
>channel eight
50% virgins 50% ultrasuccesful chads, but the virgins want to improve for one reason or another.
Never seen a gay thread.
Actually quite populated
thanks buddeh, might check it out
Oh look, another /pol9k/ incel crying and running away. Seems to be a lot of that lately. Please stay gone.
I really wish infinity chan became the main chan.
This place is so fucking terrible now, we've been saying it for years but this time its unironic
Yikes! Another reddit9k incel! Still mad because dressing up as a girl still didn't get you laid?
I'm a complete newfag to infinity so I'm nor sure
We're all newfags at one point or another.
Lurk a while, and you'll learn the ropes.
Not him, but how do you even get into infinity chan
You should move away from all *chan.
There's nothing here than almost literal shit. Go out and live your life my man
I got some of the best advice I could possibly get from this site and some very good feels from sharing or reading life experiences but I have to agree there is too much shilling, too much porn and sometimes too much negativity
2019 is the year of nochan
What do you mean get into?
You go to infinity homepage, search in page Jow Forums
ta da
Its just atechinz(dot)fishing___ Jow Forums
>Go out and live your life my man
Hahahaha the faggots are obsessed
You’re more likely to get better advice from r/fitness at this point
Imagine if someone just started leaking the names and addresses of spamfags and invaders
If I’d known I would of got you a cake or something, sadface
Power rankings of autism:
Leftist tranny discords > Lookism/Sluthate/Similar > Jow Forums > Neonazi websites >>>>> Jow Forums
Cripplechan is literally modelled after Leddit, except with more trannies.