I seriously hope you've already started your summer cut.
I seriously hope you've already started your summer cut
i want to shove my face in that goblinas ass cheeks
>walking towards sea
>has her phone with her
millennials, am i right
Why are her swim pants so high up?
Young people who have bodies like this don't work for it, its all genetics. She'll be fat slob within 10 years once the genetics wear off as she'll never have learned how to actually have that body via effort/dedication.
to show off her ass
plan on starting my cut on jan 2. figure theres gonna be some drinking and eating over the next few days with friends and family. still doing cardio and abs though
Incel cope
incel cope
I eat 200g carb a day and I still have abs
I haven't because im not an insecure dweeb
If you cant get pussy without abs what makes you think youll get pussy with abs?
If I cut I die
Imagine being this angry and jaded about women.
That slut DESERVES to be raped
daily reminder that most of you are 25% + bodyfat and if you don't start cutting today, you're still gonna be chubby for beach season. Hurts to hear but it's true.
Do people really start their summer cuts this early?
post 'em
I don't even exercise
ofc not, that;s why it's called a summer cut.
Beach season in Montana
for people who are new or around 25% they really should start now. Better to start slow and ramp up so you dont lose muscle. also for college kids spring break is in march i think
Yeah im half way to my goals. Still dyel but not so skinnyfat anymore.
No cutting should only take like 4 months max unless you just said fuck it and dirty bulked like a motherfucker
How fat are you or how slow do you cut that you're already cutting for summer?
Fat girl cope
Nah, still too many leftover cookies from Christmas. Also I need those new years social gains, don't wanna spend it at home alone again.
>once the genetics wears off
I got 5 months till grad starting Jan 1st. I only need 4 months to do significant damage during the cut. Which means I got one more month of serious bulking.
I guess he meant "once the edge that her genetocs gave her wears off".
Literally started my cut today.
Gave myself Christmas to be a normie and eat like shit and now the hard work kicks in.
Currently 90kg and i'd like to be under 80kg by the end of March.
Doubt i'll manage it but i'll get as close as i can and then try and tone up a bit from there throughout summer.
This is going to be my first summer under 100kg and i promised myself im going to look halfway decent
Yeppers. As long as everything goes to plan I should be back to 10%bf by the end of January/beginning of February. Ready to get back to bulking tho...
tfw skinny fat with no muscle so cant cut
Someone provide sauce pls I fell for the L-arginine and zinc meme and now I have the hardest boner in the history of mankind
Just keep lifting, one time or another it adjusts, and stop eating shit
>not permabulking all year around
>tfw 60kg and skinny fat but making decent strength gains
Finna start a small cut of 200 cals or so I can drop the bf% down a bit while conserving as much strength as I can
Need that 50kg 3 X 5 OHP
Currently at 47.5kg after 2 months liftan
>Better to start slow and ramp up so you dont lose muscle
not this meme again
I actually did at the beginning of december, but it's not like im going to be shirtless in public during the summer.
>summer cut
> not doing keto and being lean all year round
I want her to plant her brapper right on my face as her cheeks surround my head
I eat whatever I want until 6pm and still have abs
>ITT: fat fucks with shit genetics
Imagine not only having to cut, but having to cut half a year in advance
I've eaten 100g of carbs in a day and was still in deep ketosis. Fasting really works.
Probably just gonna fast down to 20% again
I eat about 50g of Carbs, 170g Fats and 220g Protein. I want to eat more carbs but I'm scared I'll fuck up my Keto
No, unless you're a delusional creep like OP who saves videos of strangers to his PC and posts them on Jow Forums to creep out over, you start your cut maybe at the earliest 3 months out.
seriously, it's not a "cut" if you're wasting 50% of your life starving yourself to get rid of your flab. how the fuck do you cut one summer, and get to over 25% bodyfat by January!? you must be the most bipolar slob on the planet, huh? Six months of working out and starving yourself followed by six months of eating only junk food and skipping all workouts as a goal lifestyle is the only reason a person should start a cut six fucking months out.
>summer cut
>almost january
you should always be cutting
i never "bulk" because i'm not a fat fuck and have no intention of being one. you should ALWAYS have sub 10% bodyfat and visible abs
I’m a dyel but normies think my leanness is ‘fit’ because I occasionally take zumba classes every 14/52nds of a week or some shit.
Don’t even need to cut just gonna maintain while I keep attempting suicide by increasig bench and squat until I inevitably fuck up
you gay son?
>Cutting to impress women at the beach
>Lifting for anything except the privilege of having more weight on the bar
Fucking betas
but i wanna get strong :(
No but occasionally I like to fap to traps while using my bad dragon stuff.
But I’m straight I even have a gf buddy
Lmao nah. Most my summer will be school and work anyway. I'm gonna keep bulking and putting on muscle.
>fapping to traps
pick one
The traps put me in the mood for the butt stuff, it’s not like I’m into them. Just because I’d take a cute boy to poundtown too doesn’t mean anything dumbo
assuming you're not b8'ing, the sooner you accept your bi-sexuality the easier life will become
Alright faggots give it to me straight
I'm around 200 lbs at 6'0, my bf is probably around 18-20%
How do I get down to 15% without starving myself
No fasting/keto memes. I just want to eat clean for once in my life, I'm tired of being a chubby boy
eat vegetables and do cardio, faggot
post body with timestamp
How to cut and still increase weight on the bar?
Not him but I live on rice
And this is what I got
I'm 6'1 187lbs and am at 18%bf
You're probably at 25
OMAD, lifting and cardio is all you need
>tfw lost ~15lbs in a month barely losing any muscle
Its actually not that crazy. If you just incorporate some cardio and watch what you eat properly its entirely possible to just start your cut in february and go into June cut as hell.
Unless you're really overweight I'd think losing 30lbs is more than enough for most people, and that's doable in 3 months for sure.
I might start cutting around February as an ectomorph I lose weight rlly easily and have a harder time bulking so I think it snore important for me to bulk a little more first
I started cutting a year ago, I'm about 70% of the way to where I wanna be.
>mom wouldnt let buy a thong bikini so i just pull this one up really high
Almost everyone on this thread is retarded. Firstly, you shouldn’t even have to cut, secondly, why the fuck are you cutting to 20%? Do you people even know what that looks like? You’d still be a fat fuck. Then there’s all the people talking about keto and fasting as if that’s the solution.
200g? Are u 40kg female?
How big of a deficit did you work at? Surely you had to either starve yourself or straight up fast to get it off that quick.
I want to shove my face in that ass and live the rest of my life there
>.t autistic virgins
>phone in had even walking into ocean
Although it may be true, what you've said is sooo incel/roasty
I've bulked up 9-10 lbs and still have my six pack. I'm doing ok
ive been cutting for like a year now. probably lost at most 3-4 kg
guess i just have shit genetics because i really go to bed hungry every night
how long or quick? can i cut from 210lbs to 165-175lbs...
I haven't been to the beach in years boys and this really needs to be the year
In 10 years she’ll be even hotter you retard
There is doo doo caked on that woman's swimsuit.
2-4 pounds a week if you really stick to your diet and do cardio
fuck fartio
also, fuck YOU.
keep your t-shirt on at the beach then fatty
This me.
Isn't 2-4 too much? My current TDEE with no exercise is 2519 kcal so how much is it safe to drop?
dude, don't worry about that TDEE. deal with it TMARO.
no jokes pls
I’m smelling my toecheese right now and now when I see BRAPPERS I can’t help but think they have smelly buttholes..
Help me Jow Forums
nice blurry pic retard, I can't see shit
>need to lose 10 lbs
>it's winter and I haven't moved in a week
I’m starting my transition from bulk to cut yesterday and gonna begin cutting the 2nd week of Jan. Wanna lose about 20 lbs hopefully bit below 190 for the first time in 7 years (since I was 13)