500kg leg press

>500kg leg press
>legs have 0 definition
>legs arent even that big

What to do? Im dieting and have a pretty low bf but my legs just dont give a shit. I train them once per week (srry Gainz gods) but still do 15 sets for quads, 10 sets hamstrings and 10 for the abductors. I actually train my calves twice per week but they dont give a shit at all.

What to do? How to stop being a leglet?

Attached: help.jpg (594x771, 57K)

>leg press

>leg press

>Do squats
>get lower back pain
>ask coach
>"looking good user"

T-Thanks coach.

>leg press

Because you probably squat 1 plate (90lbs)

>leg press

500kg leg press converts to 1 plate, what's up with that?

Shave them, get a tan, and go on a cut diet if showing off definition is your goal. Otherwise you have plenty of mass and strength so I really wouldn't worry

>e-statting the leg press
>dude weed