Lt Corbis

How do you feel about literal 13 y/o girls dropping major red pills?

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Other urls found in this thread:'s-Noose

Samuel Hydeburg's daughter

Holy shit, she's actually pretty funny. Huh.

>"the friend zone doesn't exist, your just a faggot"
holy fucking kek

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this bitch is trying way too hard

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...are you literally her?

Wow she didn't need to go that hard. Everything pass 6:00 was based.

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Why do I get a distinct impression someone else is writing her material and directing the videos

She talked about this in one of her vids, she makes the video ideas and does the rough scripts, and handles filming/editing herself. She does have help from another internet comedy guy to clean the script and make it funnier, but besides that she's pretty much self made content.

>She talked about this in one of her vids, she makes the video ideas and does the rough scripts, and handles filming/editing herself. She does have help from another internet comedy guy to clean the script and make it funnier, but besides that she's pretty much self made content.
Oh yeah, because no one would lie on the internet, especially not a child

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>another internet comedy guy
Sam Hyde?

This reeks of his style.
The editing
The graphics
The little tags and quips

>Women are strong
>women should vote
>friend zone isnt real
>Red pills

Ok cuck.

>mfw she actually has quite a few good points throughout the video
how did I not notice those points earlier throughout my existence?

shes making money off you guys because she knows youre all peados and polniggers

Why do I get the distinct impression she claims to do more of the work than she actually does

And you believe her just because she said it?
I genuinely have pity for people as naive as you.

>tfw she's 13 and STILL hasnt develop waifu tier looks

Im losing hope. Its been 2 years and nothing has changed yet.

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I don't normally make fun of how children look but she looks like a little fat piggy

>samuel j hyde convinced his cousin to let their daughter make vids with him

Makes me proud and gives me hope

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I like her dragon dildos comment.

She's definitely being told what to do and say. Once she gets out of the control of whoever's controlling her right now she'll go absolutely wild and fuck tons of black guys. I just hope that vids of her getting blacked will be available online when she goes that route

It came out fucking ages ago that her older brother writes all this shit and gets her to read it. She can barely even pronounce half the words she says

Everything she says is scripted. She talks about very mature topics no children's brain could even begin to comprehend. Do you really think a parent would let they child do this sort of thing without it being orchestrated in some way?

This. She's gonna realise how much she was exploited and manipulated and she will rebel in a HUGE way.

Or, you should wake up, realize how shit the web is, and realize 80 year olds and thirteen year olds shitpost on the Internet and get redpilled. I mean, you really think I am twelve and what is this was never sincere?

These are the people we have to post with guys.

Children learn to have conversations at like age five. By eleven they reason fairly well. She's thirteen?

It's not like she's discussing the national debt or something actually complicated, this redpill stuff is common sense and with the Internet you have jewgle to tell you everything.

Her material ain't that complicated, but it's definitely offensive. She's committing social suicide on a massive scale. The only reason why she would do that is that she's too dumb to know the repercussions and is being told by someone else to do so

>She's committing social suicide on a massive scale
How? Edgy teens love shit like this. She even said multiple times that her irl friends are supportive of it

You think colleges or employers wouldn't find out about all this shit? Her future's ruined

Her generation is showing signs of being extremely conservative so shes saying nothing shocking

No they're not. Stop believing Jow Forums.

So what if they do? She already goes to school normally and no one has a problem with her youtube channel. She's not screaming "FUCK NIGGERS", she's saying shit that alot of people are already saying

>le gen Z is based meme
Literally 50% of them identify as bisexual or pansexual or some other degenerate shit

A lot of people are not saying that shit. In real life people don't call each other the f word or call women manipulative whores. The real world ain't Jow Forums user

Her IRL friends are fucking 12
The stuff she says is the sort of stuff that's gets people blackballed in this day and age.

Her generation hasn't gone to college yet

I remember when I was her age most of y peers weren't left leaning in any way but the older they got the further the left lean. After college my peers are very often bent way left

>In real life people don't call each other the f word or call women manipulative whores
Uhh they do, the only difference is she's 13 while most people who say that are a bit older.

Her brother assists her in the making of these videos and he also posts on here regularly. Don't ask how i know.

>The stuff she says is the sort of stuff that's gets people blackballed in this day and age.
Even if that were the case, she's not very popular. She uploads every couple of months and her videos get 150-300k views. Why would some random employer know her

Yes, people say this kind of stuff - to familiar company, in private. They don't broadcast it around the world to thousands of people.

I just realized I am a massive brainlet. I was nowhere near this smart at 13

But they do though, have you ever been on youtube? Here's just one example of some college age student making videos like that

So what's the difference between him and her? Their lives are not going to be ruined because of this. They're not relevant enough

It's not about being smart, it's about being informed. You don't have to be intelligent to understand the things she's saying

I used to watch eggman streams all the way through back in the day, she or her older brother must be in contact with him, they just had her re enact an eggman rant. she was using all of his sayings and the words he typically uses, either she was watching eggman streams along side us or she's in contact with the mad man and had him write her a script. Non of her other videos are this good and the language is different.

How much you wanna bet her brother has violated her cunny hole

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If he's smart he would've.

Doesn't have to be popular.
Here's what may happen
>be at school, job, etc
>some other girl doesn't like her because reasons
>some guy doesn't like her because reasons
>they jump on goofle
>find her Vids
>make them known and make a deal out of them
>shit hits fan
>friends stop being friends
>job fires her
>school expells her
>scholarships and or grants lost

Maybe it doesn't happen but the fact that sort of shit happens all the time makes for bad odds

>people actually think a 13 year old girl is this capable of being this well spoken, self aware and internet savvy

Her brother writes her script you braindead retards. Kid probably gets 50 bucks from him every video or something

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her brother writes them, and there's about a 0% chance that in a few years she doesn't become a run of the mill feminist retard and hate her brother for having her say all this shit.

I don't think that happens quite often. Besides, i don't think her videos are very controversial, not enough for anyone to give a shit at least. Though it all depends where you live, i'll give you that. My environment is not very liberal so if i were to say the things she's saying no one would care

She's still qt af
Would pinch cheeks

Yeah most women are like she described especially e tots. But it's not all women. The more materialistic a woman is the worst she will be as a human being. Look for the signs..

No she's not, look at her big ass head

>This reeks of his style
Because his "style" is derived from every other hack YouTuber out there, he just happened to find the right connections to get a real show

All the more to give smooches

she's 13, she probably doesn't even bother cleaning her teeth or showering, I wouldn't go near that rat or any child, especially fat ones like her

>probably doesn't even bother cleaning her teeth or showering

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she is acting, its all her father

>right wingers wanting messiahs
War never changes.

man you pedos really are something else

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Lt Corbis is a troll and memelord

I'm no pedo. I just want to cuddle and kiss, nothing sexual

>father, when are you going to let me be a normal girl?

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The fact that people are retarded enough to think that she's doing this herself make me so frustrated that AI'm genuinely angry. Do I share a board where half of the users CAN'T FUCKING TELL THAT A 13 YEAR OLD, WHO BARELY JUST FOUND OUT THAT SHE CAN DO MORE THAN PEE FROM BETWEEN HER LEGS, IS DROPPING """"REDPILLS"""" ON WOMEN'S RIGHTS ISSUES, SEXUALITY AND COMPLEX SOCIAL ISSUES?

kill yourselves, the lot of you

Attached: 1.png (987x669, 843K)'s-Noose

This can all be over tomorrow.

Kinda made me rember leafy, funny how things change is it not ?

>red pilled girl is too young
Watch the Matrix again and pay attention to the age of the other potentials faggot. Morpheus apologises for taking him out later than propaganda would allow.

By age eleven you are at a critical stage where the propaganda either worked and is working on you or you sneer and realize it's all bullshit more and more.

>bullying eggy
I disavow this ugly thot.

kill yourself, I bet even Jow Forums wouldn't take you

I can't believe I'm taking life advice from a little kid 10 years younger than me.

despite the wrinkled nose, traditionally a subconscious reflex to display disgust, you can tell by the fact that he is in a well lit room yet his pupils are so wide that he is actually in a state of joy.

based trips

where do you learn shit like that btw?

This. Whoever "directs" these videos is clearly an MDE fanboy.

Why would I an hero when there are so many cute cunny out there to enjoy?

13yo is not really a kid anymore. Some adolescents are precocious and mature at that age. If you played a paradox game (eg Victoria 2) or civilization in middle school (age 10-13), you would have been introduced to a number of political and economic topics as well. She's also admitted that she gets help editing her content from some guy

This girl is objectively ugly. I wonder how ugly her Jow Forums posting brother looks.

Why would I want to go to pol?

You're silly if you think people suddenly get mature as soon as they hit eighteen. Much more silly than my gushing of Matrix philosophy.

she's 100% right about arthoes and animegirls, stay the fuck away from them.

>bumps the thread anyway

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oh look it's that hideous little girl who says edgy shit her older brother tells her to say on camera in order to get views from pedo beta Jow Forumstard orbiters

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>just found out a year or two ago that her pussy can do more than piss
>he thinks she'd be able to understand complex social issues, sexuality and women's rights as full as she does

most 13 year olds couldnt even point to their city on a map, let alone be better spoken and more thoughtful than most of the adult population. even super IQ kid geniuses who are smarter than 99% of adults can't articulate themselves as well as her, let alone understand complex social themes to her extent

First off, she is a pubescent human. Second, she's ugly. Pedos and hebes have much better girls to admire.

here you go user, her brother

>most 13 year olds couldnt even point to their city on a map
So you're accepting there are exceptions to the vast amount of retards such as yourself?

not exceptions like in her case. the articulation? sure. the understanding of complex issues? sure. being that well versed in internet culture? sure!

but all together? no, you fucking dumbass. you think it's true because you wan it to be true. stop lying to yourself

>comparing pointing to a city on a map to successfully running a youtube career worth hundreds of thousands

Scripts aren't written by her brother, just some other guy. I think he's probably grooming her.

>on youtube

the absolute madlass

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There's something strange about the way she talks. She can't handle speaking the words she "wrote".

The Unabomber was 167 IQ, and he didn't realize technology fucked the world up until he was 16-17.

Someone is force feeding her lines so she can get attention because they love her.

she also called out jew doctors in one of her other videos. I don't know how she does it.

you can tell it partly in the way she uses her eyes. they never stray from what's in front of her, if not for a short time. she's always stiff and unnatural. she's reading a fucking script and it's so obvious

poor girl

You can tell in 10 seconds by the inflection and tones of her voice that she's reading someone else's work. Everything sounds forced and wrong.

>Knowing enough about the world to single out Jews as a female at 13 years old

Children are too open minded for shit like that.

Everyone that has a youtube career is a retard. is 100% luck.

>poor girl
I agree with you, but why is this a negative for her? She has a based and redpilled brother educating her on reality, and she's probably making money and gets to be popular. What is the downside?

She isn't a child, and she hasn't been for a couple years. Humans can learn a lot in a short amount of time, especially when they have wise elders guiding them.

Something seriously fishy and fucked about this entire thing. The Shadman poster in the back of the room is very insidious.

There's some guy on the internet that is masturbating to the control he has over her, and she doesn't even know what's really going on. No loving brother would let his sister put that on her wall.

I just feel bad for her because she's being made to use her mouth to say so much shit she doesn't understand. It just feels creepy and wrong.

Not to mention that she's saying a lot of shit that employers blacklist you for. She has such a huge record of saying edgy shit piled up against her

>13 years old isn't a child

Not even Medieval Europeans thought this.
It's obvious to me that 13 is a child. They can't hinder their impulses, and they lack spades of prefrontal control.

On average, a 13 year old white child can't hold 7 digits in their head. It's more like 6.

That's a very big chunk of working memory.

All women are dumb animals that will never understand much of anything, best they be used to parrot the truth.
>It just feels creepy and wrong.
You sound like a jealous roastie.