What would your friends and family think if you brought home a girl like this?
What would your friends and family think if you brought home a girl like this?
They know I'd never bring a girl like that home.
So they'd probably be disturbed.
"I knew you were a chubby chaser" - My dad probably
That is some incredibly shit art.
>has pretty face
>is a landwhale degenerate fembot
>will die fat and alone
They'd want her to put some fucking clothes on.
>just started a fatty with an amazing personality, cure face, and amazing hair
>family probably wouldnt care
But we will still talk about it behind her back. Since my mothers SO is also obese. But I moved to the midwest so everyone here is either obese or a redneck
OP can you dump these images all at once instead of making forty threads over two months thanks
Shame, disgust and disappointment.
Been there
>srlys son? You know you can do better, right?
>"yeah, dad. it just sort of happened and she is rather neat to talk to"
>*dad shrugs* w/e, just do not be too loud
He rather came to like her later actually
And I know far much too dirt on my friends for them to even dare to give me any lip over whoever I fuck
That should be "whomever" you fuck.
my brother did once. i never said anything but i had quiet animosity to her.
she picked up on it
my dad would be disgusted and judgmental, but he'd be to scared to tell me anything. he's generally afraid of me
my mom would be disappoint, but also happy I actually got someone
my brother would feel uncomfortable and try to joke about it, but if that didn't get to me he'd feel more uncomfortable
Who fucking cares what think if they don't like my choice of a mate they can fuck off. It's none of their god damn business
As long as she isn't deformed I'd be with any girl if she's a kind and faithful partner
I'm about that fat myself so they couldn't be toooo disappointed
>thread makes it clear that liking fatties is social suicide
>fat girls still don't have to settle for ugly men
What gives?
I think no one would bring it up when we're all together, but at some point the next time mom and I were talking one on one she'd bring it up, like
"She's kinda chunky."
And I'd be like,
And that'd probably be the end of it.
I don't know but I really want to breed Gorgon
That's actually quite a good point.
>pear version of that fat level
>bf is skinny fat asian
>his family is all skinny fat/thin asians except for the normal/slight chubb whites his siblings date.
I can only imagine what his family really says behind my back. they're almost all nurses in his immediate family so i'm sure they are concerned for judgey and non judgey reason.
they probably judge me more for being poor and half black.
She'd just be happy I'd found someone, I'd love a chubby/fat introvert gf to cook for
Ro ots have unrealisti. Standards. You have to be a 10/10 skinny stacey to date them
I'd take a gf like that, fuck what the normies have to say if she's a nice person who wouldn't cheat
How is you father afraid of you? Are you bigger than him?
Theyd probably be extremely happy to see that I brought home a girl lol. And why the fuck would they be disappointed I didnt bring home a pretty girl? I am not good looking so a good looking girl is way out of reach
lolno, I briefly e-dated a fat femanon and only stopped because she was BPD as fuck
I'm angrier than him
He was abusive when we were kids, but now that I'm older I see he's just a twitchy little beta who acts like an asshole when he's not scared of you. But when he is he's all nice and polite. I don't put up with his shit though and he knows it.
they'd be like WTF because they know i despise pretty much every fat person besides one of my friends due to being pro ana
who's ana and why does your friend liking them matter?
Having standards is pointless if even fat girls dislike you
And having preferences is not the same as standards or requirements. I am fat and I definitely prefer thin women and fit women and actually curvy women to fat girls. A little chubby is okay, too. But I know that I am definitely out of there league so I need to be realistic
Im pro ana(anorexic who doesnt want to get better) and its a well known fact among my friends and family that 99% of fat people disgust me. So if i dated a land whale theyd be really confused.
They would be proud and relived that I got any woman at all. I'm also a fatass myself so it's not like I'm "above" her.
Not true, you just need to be a virgin.
t. robot with a thing for fat girls