How the hell are there 40 and 50+ year old male virgins? I mean Im not shocked they exists, but Im a 22 year old kissless virgin, and I often wonder if I will even make it to age 30 without killing if things dont get better before then myself because I am so fucking lonely and hopeless and ashamed. Like, there are men that accept and make complete peace with it? Fuck...
How the hell are there 40 and 50+ year old male virgins? I mean Im not shocked they exists...
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Stop shaming us Chad. We all know it's you talking
>How the hell are there 40 and 50+ year old male virgins?
They internalize their hatred for women and sit all day on Jow Forums posting in women hate threads :)
these virgins will die alone and I will LAUGH boy.
To some the pursuance of hedonistic pleasures isn't the main goal in life.
>every virgin is evil and deserves it
Fuck you and your just world fallacy, buddy
>How the hell are there 40 and 50+ year old male virgins?
rape shield laws make it extremely dangerous to have sex with women. also I don't want the state to point a gun at me if I don't pay child support. why should I bother losing my virginity again?
>thinking a roastie won't die alone
Oh nvm, you'll still have your illegitimate child.
I guess ill end up just like the hateful virgins then since i am ugly and autistic
40+ male virgin here.
I'm looking for love, not just sex. And I will never give up on finding it.
Yes, it's lonely, but that's no reason to feel hopeless and ashamed. There is always hope. Except maybe if you're one of those guys who actually hates women.
You are gonna have a really hard time finding a woman as a 40+ year old woman. And if you do, I hope you are okay with being beta bux to some divorced mother who isnt being with you because she likes you and finds you attractive, but because she is settling for someone who can provide. Chad wont commit so this is the best she can get for a relationship.
You will have to deal with having sex rarely, and do not expect her to do any of the more kinky shit she did with Chads when she was in her teens and 20s. Uninspired starfish sex is the best you can get. Dont expect blowjobs, anal, nor passionate sex. Oh, and dont expect to ever make her cum of feel good: women rarely orgasm from penetration. They orgasm because their partner is super good looking and masculine. You can eventually get skilled at sex but you will never make her cum as she does not truly find you attractive. Chad can be a complete dumbass in bed and can still give her an orgasm. Oh, and dont be surprised if she cheats on you for Chad anyway behind your back.
Dont ever marry: she will eventually divorce you and take half your shit. Dont have kids because you aint getting custody, plus you will have to pay child support.
Really escorts are your best option. Yeah they will hate having sex with you and they will be disgusted by you, but at least you wont get cucked
As someone who is a few months away from being a 30 year old virgin I can see how they do it, they simply drown themselves in their interests.
After a while you kind of just give up. I don't even get excited when a girl makes eye contact with me anymore, I imagine by the time you're 40 women blend into the background altogether.
>How the hell are there 40 and 50+ year old male virgins?
Good question! I'm 45 and pussy was easily accessible in the 90s-early 2k. No feminazi, she bull shit, rape culture. You would have to be a real fuck up not to get laid back then.
>They internalize their hatred for women and sit all day on Jow Forums posting in women hate threads :)
Yeah except Jow Forums didn't exist 25-30 years ago retard
>You are gonna have a really hard time finding a woman as a 40+ year old woman. And if you do, I hope you are okay with being beta bux to some divorced mother who isnt being with you because she likes you and finds you attractive, but because she is settling for someone who can provide.
I divorced my wife 5 years ago and upgraded to a 28yo with no kids and we fuck 4-5 times a week and do some real kinky shit including all the shit in your post you say I shouldn't be getting and then some.
You sound like a whiny woman hating bitch that can't get pussy. And your just pissed off about it. Fucking kids these days
Times were different back then, outliers exist, and you might be Chad. Women are chad chasing vultures
>and you might be Chad.
In highschool sure I was a powerlifter. But now I'm more of an al bundy. Sure I'm 6'4" but I'm a little chubby and balding but I shave my head. I still work out. But the reason I can still pull women half my age is nothing more than confidence. If I had one wish, only one! I would wish that every robot had confidence. That is all it takes. Above everything else. That alone will take you so far. I know you believe looks and money and I'm not saying those don't help but confidence is the key.i have a couple of manlet friends that are my age and they are over weight and they have no ploblem meeting and dating really cute women. It's because they are confident. I feel so bad for young guys today because they are basically emasculated from birth and told how horrible it is to be a strong confident man. FUCK!!!!!! I hate society and all it has become. I want robots to rise above this bullshit and understand it doesn't have to be like this. You have been.lied to and tricked into putting your self where you are. Makes me sad
>6 foot 4 powerlifter
Yeah you are Chad as fuck lol
I'm killing myself, not Because of loneliness. But because most people are abusers themselves
the taller you are the harder the deadlift and clean and press are. manlets are better suited for this. Same could be said for the squat
foot 4 powerlifter
>Yeah you are Chad as fuck lol
That was like 25 years ago bro, a lot changes in that time
Except women want men who are 6 feet tall or more instead of manlets lmao, plus you were probably strong and masculine as fuck looking despite being a tiny bit chubby
So explain my manlet friends who can pick up women left and right. They are short and chubby. It's confidence man. Modern society has fucked guys into believing so much bullshit it's unreal. I see it every day, the young guys that work for me at my company are the least confident of any generation of people I have working for me. The real problem is the internet and social media it's fucking poison for your mind. Not every woman is bad, not every, woman wants chad, not every woman is out to get you. Yes there are gold diggers but some guys do this too. I wish I could show you the world beyond this bullshit. What you see on the internet are the most extreme cases of fucked up shit and I honestly believe half of it is created to just fuck with your head. Take R9k for example you sit here day in and day out reading this bullshit but is it real or is someone fucking with you? All the incels should become traps threads and it's better to be a girl than a boy threads. Traps are better than girls threads. Does this shit seem normal to you? To Me it looks like someone is trying to fuck up already depressed, emasculated, lonely guys.
>its confidence man
If some chubby short Indian dude tried being le confident (which does not come out of your ass) he would be accused of rape
This senpai. Girls are just a numbers game you cant give a fuck about getting rejected someone will say yes
I once tried being confident to get a girl. She said fuck off because Im shorter than 6 feet tall
Explain how you express that confidence then.. "it's just confidence bro" is the most overused line.
How the fuck does a KHV get confidence in the first place?
Yeah Im sure their lack of confidence has nothing to do with knowing nothing but rejection from women, including women in their own league or at the bottom of the barrel
>Girls are just a numbers game you cant give a fuck about getting rejected someone will say yes
Fucking deja Vu I just had this conversation in another thread literally. It is a numbers game but the women you chose should be women you like or have something in common with. Some one who shares your views or valuse not just any women unless you are in to that shit. Honestly one night stands are unfulfilling sex for me. If there is no connection it is a waste of time
Yeah Issa numbers game bro, who cares if you go through hundreds of rejections, so many you lose count and you may get an obese single mom if ur lucky while I, Chad, only had to ask like 3 girls out and only ended up with 2 rejection is so hard
Then should have moved on. Don't get mad don't lose confidence. Keep going. Are you going to let one chick who shot you down define your life or stop you from what you want? Think about it. Did it kill you? Did it destroy your life? It might have hurt the ego a little but no real harm was done. Keep going! Never give up and never stop until you have what you want in your life. You have to keep trying, you can't win if you give up
Oh I forgot to mention. Literally every girl I have asked out has rejected me. Hot ones, average ones, ugly fat ones. Some were nice about it and others were brutal. All their boyfriends were taller and better looking than I am. Even the ugly fat girls boyfriends
>Really cute women
Know how I know your standards are super low?
He is 6 foot 4 and was a power lifter in high school. A guy like that would fucking drown in prime pussy in high school.
your game is weak and you don't learn from your mistakes. you repeatedly make them over and over again. change your approach change your game. jesus christ I'm 5'6" 220 and I can pick up fat chicks day and night and I can get 6/10 easily if I put in some effort. wtf is wrong with you people? It's like you cucked yourselves
>I, Chad, only had to ask like 3 girls out and only ended up with 2 rejection
A real Chad would have smashed the first girl he talked to. Fuck off incel
>he actually believes in game
lol muh game doesnt mean shit if you are ugly yeah im sure you can pick up fat chicks as a fat dude sure, then how come most fat chicks I see have tall skinny or muscular boyfriends that mog them. on top of that you are a manlet hahahahaha hit the gym you fat volcel 6/10 roasties can easily pull 8/10 not fat tall Chads
>How the hell are there 40 and 50+ year old male virgins?
Because eventually they stop trying. Say what you will about gender dynamics, but it largely holds true that men pursue and women are pursued. If you're a man and you're not especially handsome, or charismatic, or wealthy or in some way outwardly enticing, there is a real possibility that nobody will ever approach you or show interest in you. That you might go decades being completely alone.
Nobody is going to go out of their way to be part of your life. You don't even have to be hostile or antisocial. Even if you're just innocuous or a little awkward, you can still be that guy people forget about as soon as you leave the room.
There are people who look at it as a game, where the object of victory is to get sex. There are people that just want the mechanical interaction and pay for it. There are people who take it because they feel they can't get it voluntarily.
These aren't those people. These are people who want to be wanted and have given up because they haven't been able to find somebody who will. The longer they go without, the easier it is to stay that way.
you have already given up there is no hope for you. it doesn't.matter what I say it will be wrong and you will have an excuse as to why you can't obtain that which you seek. go live in misery, believe what you want it matters not to me. i enjoy my life do you enjoy yours? good bye and good luck....
of course I have no hope, Im ugly and short and have really horrid stretch marks from years of being overweight. now I am losing the weight in an attempt to be desirable but I will still have the stretch marks and loose skin without surgery. I may need facial reconstructive surgery if my face still looks bad without the fat. I may need leg lengthening. All very expensive and some possibly dangerous procedures. Oh and I am a beta male and cannot talk to people and have zero friends, but how well you talk to girls does not matter when you are not physically attractive to them
I hate this blue pilled just world thinking
Next time mention being a 6'4" powerlifter at the start of your post so I know to ignore it
user, any age past 35 you will not find a single women worth living with. Past 45 and you will not find even the offal, making the decision to quit the most healthy one
Consider suicide. No meme, you will be better off dead than living the rest of your life with that kind of pain. No way it gets any better, you may as well end it now. Like having terminal cancer and deciding to pull the plug before it slowly, painfully kills you
42 robot here, I partially agree with Contrary to popular belief we don't die off it, nor we spend the rest of our lives hating on women. For better of for worse in your younger days you just satisfy the urges with your hand or all the toy alternatives you can get, and with times you eventually forget about it.
Sure it sucks to not have a girlfriend but some of us don't plan to spend their whole remaining lives waiting for a miracle to happen. Historically men have always learnt how to survive any kind of shitty situation.
Tell that to all the virgin dudes who end up committing suicide.
I'm talking for around 35+ anons. If you haven't off yourself at this point you probably have found shit worth to do in your lifetime.
I think the fact that you're at rock bottom helps, somehow you don't want to end it like this. Not to sound rude to them but people committing suicide usually have comfortable lives.