Bigger cucks

asian men or latinos?

Everyone says asian guys because they're feminine, women don't like them, their women always prefer fucking the most average white guy over them etc.

But i notice latinos have the same problems ontop of that they try so much harder to be accepted by whites it's so pathetic. They talk down on other minorities and do anything to fit in ontop of that, get cucked by their own women into making 8 babies per household while she cheats on him with chad or tyrone and are often wagecucks

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Omg is tsimfuckis still alive?

"Latino" here, I think latino is a really shitty word because us from southamerica vary a lot in looks. I, for example, am a handsome young man.

Top 3 biggest cucks:

1) Whites (for obvious reasons)
2) Asians (their own women refuse to fuck them)
3) Native Americans (got their land stolen and now drink themselves to death in their cuck sheds i.e. reservations)

Retarded list. How can whites be bigger cucks than Native Americans when whites literally wiped them out. You are just a shitskin faggot who hates whites. lol whites were literally cucking and enslaving niggers for years to the point where the average American nigger is 20% white. The only "reason" you claim whites are bigger cucks is because of cuckold propaganda porn made by Jews.
>TLDR kill yourself butthurt spic/nigger

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Whites are bigger cucks because they are letting themselves get outbred and overrun in their own countries and they are not even putting up a fight like Native Americans. In fact, many whites welcome their replacement with open arms. Whites should know better but instead open their borders and allow 3rd worlders to come in and rape and murder to their hearts content. Even the most redpilled of whites sit idly by and cry like cuckolds on the Internet while cursing the Jews as nonwhites continue to make up a larger portion of births per year, even surpassing whites in some countries.

You wont do shit, pussy nigger. You will type away on your keyboard in impotent rage, praying for a DOTR that will never come, and die without ever raising up arms against the invaders of your homeland. Your forefathers spit on their faggot progeny

lol i literally creampie nigger trannies. Niggers are nothing but little slave bitches who pretend to be tough and I have beaten up 6 niggers.

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Whites are spread across the globe in many countries that do not accept immigration. Right now we are displacing the arab and latino races and effectively destroying them while the chinese are doing the same with Africans. We're just making it less obvious and actually getting liberals involved now so the stupid brown fucks make their own genocide easy for us cause we got lazy.

t. projecting cuckold who loves cuck porn and calls his own race the biggest cucks
you dont even understand the power of suggestion you retarded goyim subhuman

How are we displacing latinos. Do tell. We are displacing them by having them steal our land?

latinos literally tell their daughters to get bleached by White men so they can have a good life and corporations work them to death and bury them in some shallow grave along mexico's border. once they get americanized their birth rates go down too, just like the blacks who are at 9%. Once Whites have less control they will literally battle each other to the death and Whites will kill them all indiscriminately.

there are still more of them here than there used to be so theyre still winning.

They are mere slaves until automation takes over. Plus the numbers are always fluctuating as ICE has been having a beanocaust since Trump got elected. More illegals are leaving voluntarily than coming in anyhow, since they realize that they shit up every country they live in and it's no different since Whites segregate themselves. We only need them to outnumber the blacks so la raza will take them out.

Apparently alive and collecting funko pops

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>But i notice latinos have the same problems ontop of that they try so much harder to be accepted by whites it's so pathetic. They talk down on other minorities and do anything to fit in ontop of that, get cucked by their own women into making 8 babies per household while she cheats on him with chad or tyrone and are often wagecucks
Lol where the fuck are you, Canada? Latinos are probably the race that gets laid the most.

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Your bullshit is nothing but fantasy. The fact is we should have kicked all the niggers out and never let the Spics in in the first place.

White latinos maybe but goblins no.

We have to show everyone that multiculturalism doesn't work, the hard way. The irony is going to be delicious once spics lose their jobs to machines they will take their anger out on the niggers, both of them aren't going to receive money from greedy corporations and Whites will just farm and defend until we are ready to take back the wastelands.

This was my question as well. No way that fucker is still alive.

We shouldn't have to show anyone anything. Back in the day all white men knew that shitskins were our natural enemies and should never be trusted or given equality. Many whites were wisely hellbent on destroying shitskins. Now white men are pussies who think genocide is "too extreme." Lack of tolerance will not save us. It's too late. Either whites start world war 3 and finish what Hitler started or the white race will be bred out of existence. There is no ifs ands or buts. That is the simple fact. There is no time to spare.

back in the day shitskins were our slaves and they still are, we just have to hide it from the cucks because some whites are inferior to others and want to ensure they won't be enslaved as well

>always prefer fucking the most average white guy
Are you talking about china cause they find white people exotic.
If you're talking about American Asian then they're usually big sex fanatics and whores

That's the most retarded shit I've ever heard. How are shitskins your dlaves when you pay their welfare? Nowadays there are wealthy niggers. Sorry but you are simply delusional. Whites are not even the highest earning racial demographic in America. Your delusion is obscene and your complacency and naivete will be the downfall of whites. Had whites panicked 20 years ago and turned extremely racist and right wing we would've have a good chance at rising back to our old spot but now we are nearly doomed. White men are mainly complacent pussies content with being constantly lambasted by the media and disrespected by women and shitskins. We should've stomped all disent but whites are clearly overly trusting cowards. I should be clear that the death of the white race will not cause a death of all whites but only the disolution of thr white race as a concept and this was the kikes plan all along and judging by the current landscape it seems it will eventually come true. White men seem to lack the balls and grit to combat Jews. They are so deeply entrenched in propaganda they no longer see the world for what it is: a warzone. And it's we who have a red dot pointed at our heads.

It's about numbers, the majority of spics are our slaves working for less than minimum wage. The rich shitskins create the illusion that they are successful when welfare or not, they are impoverished sad sacks of shit. If Asians are the highest earners they are taking the brunt of the welfare budget. Corporations are mainly owned by Whites and Whites prefer to live in nature among their own people, if the Whites in the cities die out it will be good riddance as they are all liberal, and it's going to happen once automation takes over because nearly all jobs will be done by machines, I'm an engineer, trust me.

these corporations envelop the world, they will cause nearly all incompetent nonwhites to die out, this way we create a world free of shitskins without losing Whites in a grand battle.

Jews are the biggest cucks, they are biologically wired to be cucks, as they take the woman's name and the woman's genes are dominant

lol you're both delusional cucks, whites are dying more these days than they're being born, doesn't help the lot of you are druggie faggots, you can also thank trump for helping destroy the white suburban middle class and increasing white crime rates. Whites are toast

Whites can survive automation. Nonwhites? not so much, they're done after that, because we've trained them to depend on our handouts.

35 years ago you might have had a case there but these days most whites are struggling and rely on labor just as much as non-whites, why do you think all these white trumpturds are out here marching about their jobs being taken and being replaced? Automations will fuck the vast majority of everyone over but whites have that along with other problems to worry about. Only the top 1% of whites will be ok

They weren't marching about their jobs, they were marching to let the nonWhite scum this isn't their land and they don't belong here. Whites will easily farm as their ancestors did once the cities become hostile and the government is too busy dealing with shitskins to care about them going innawoods to farm/hunt

t. retarded libcuck black cock sucker

Yea cause the average white person in 2018 knows how to farm and white countries already dont rely on 3rd world resources for food produce and other products, keep fantasizing bucko

Most Whites have played Harvest Moon and those who haven't will show others how, meanwhile nigs and spics will be dying the most brutal deaths possible by their own hands.

actually most whites will be suffering opioid withdrawal or something with society gone and probably die, or catch some rare std from dogs

i think you meant

1) OP

nah, God will smile favorably upon us as he always has, we were never desperate self-hating pieces of shit who leeched off other other races/

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yea thats why your average european male has blacked in his bookmarks and why white people had to invade 80% of the world to advance and avoid going extinct from black plague in europe like they were supposed to

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Immigrant Latino parents are so prideful in their culture they tend to downright reject american culture, they want their daughters to marry another latino. What you are saying is not true.

this thread is stormshit fanfiction

get back to Jow Forums you inbred mentally retarded homeschooled stunted dickless sorry excuses for a human being