
Show us those most recent matches friend

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>no matches
Hurts just a little bit.

Ill have something up for you, OP. Been a rough month for me, so I took a break from even attempting to date.

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This girl gave me a super like

Fuck forgot the pic

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arm looks like she weighs 20lbs more than the angle lets on, but i would hit that anyway

Haven't had a match in ages. My number seems stuck around 35-40 and never goes above or under that. As girls unmatch me, new ones move in to fill the gap. It has to be rigged, honestly.

Anyway, went on a date with a girl from Tinder. Horrid cunt. Tinder has basically given me a harsh reality check on women. Doesn't matter if you meet them online, or at work, or through friends: you're just another man in a long, long, long line of men for them to pick and choose from as they desire. Do they feel like fucking the hot one tonight, or the funny one? The guy with the huge cock or the guy with the good hands? It's a smorgasbord and by participating you are enabling them.

are those scars or stretch marks on her arm

No idea

I don't know what I expected when her bio said "closeted nerd"

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probably had a minimum of 30 dicks or is a bot

Alright bois, I got one. She replied pretty damn fast too. Im surprised

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>"Buy me food..."
Any girl that talks about getting food from anyone or anything like that in their bio almost always is using the app/site for free meals with desperate guys. Do not let yourself be fooled and taken advantage of.

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Is 29 too old to try my luck on tinder?

no, you're probably in a prime spot. you can date younger or older. you're not so old that people think you're a creep.

>I have literally NO pictures to use for my profile
Uhoh guys

In tracking. Just testing the waters. I opened with a joke anyhow.

She seems legit, I checked out her Instagram just to make sure

Does she have an Instagram connected to the account?
That might prove her legitimacy

Easily hottest match ever. Too much of a fag to message her though

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the one on the right or left? left is too fat.

She doesnt even know the difference between the three, user, drop this one

Usually thats a huge negative for me for being a thot+ enabler app, but her photos seem relatively tasteful.

Considering that its Tuesday, she does reply pretty damn fast and more than 1 sentence each

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Left, though her Insta pictures make her out to not be fat

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Hey at least we all know her name now so thanks user

Hate to be that guy but the super like was most likely accidental or it's a bot.
Most of my friends are female and they would NEVER super like someone even if they were a perfect 10/10.

Not OP, but I have had a girl super like me then proceed to tell me why she super liked me. Wasn't butt ugly either, pretty attractive 7/10 but was far too young. So, contradicting anecdotal evidence

>lol at getting matches when you are a 4/10

Reeeeeeee i hate women at my college who pretend to care about charity so go ahead

You're an anomaly desu, most girls would never super like because it makes them look desperate and average+ girls dont need to be desperate on tinder.

Matches are pointless, most dont even respond.

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>get a match, say hello to her
>check today and she unmatched me

Fucking based oriririri

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It depends. Are you attractive? If not, then no.

its a slut, but i would fuck her

what???? asdf

women already use dates as an excuse for free meals, if you agree to go on a date after what she just said on her bio you are retarded

why do girls even match you if they aren't going to actually respond?

checked and based trips 666

Egoboost or trolling

Egoboost for themselves?
because that doesnt make sense (unless they are always expecting to get messages from every single match)

Damn at least we still got some real niggas on the board

fugn checkem fagatard

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Been described as a Brad but not a Chad for whatever that's worth.

How do you fucks match with women higher than 6/10?
I think I'll delete tinder once and for all.
I have no assets and can't compete with the average guy.
Welcome loneliness.

robots don't use facebook.

last I checked about three years ago, facebook is a prerequisite to use tinder.

Assuming this, mere possession of a tinder account is automatic proof of normie-dom and therefore invalidates one's speech on this board as normalfag and void, because it it rooted in a central classical normalfag activity/sin: having a facebook account.

You are all normalfags who deserve to be shot dead in school shootings for the simple fact that you have particular sorts of internet accounts.

These are all failed normies

0 likes/matches, so just roast me

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I haven't used this board regularly for some time, I simply wanted to write the truth. Your thing is obvious though.

>implying I actually use it
Many employers do use Facebook to evaluate the social standing. I found this out after many failed attempts of finding employment. Havent touched it since finding my current job. No need to. Of all the bullshit thats allowed on this board, this isnt one with the REEEEs

Fuck off.

You are painfully average with no sense of style. Been in your shoes. You need to dress and style hair better and seem interesting. After this you might attract some girls but still gotta work on fixing autism to keep them hooked.

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You don't need facebook, just a phone

>broke up with gf today
>gotten 2 matches from qt azn girls today since my pic is me in a Kimono

With that opening it's not a surprise

>It has to be rigged, honestly.
I fucked up and bought (((gold))) for a month. After it expired I didn't get likes or matches anymore so I'm betting they basically hide the profile until you hand over more shekels.
Tinder is shit and so are women. Last girl I met didn't tell me she was a single mom until the end of the date.
I had 90+ matches at one point
>never message them

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>roast me
Uhhh.... Shitskin?

i'm too scared to use tinder because of a roastie i know and i had a bad fallout with her and i don't want her to see me on there

Youll have better luck back home in Arabia. Leave

I agree with you are just blank

Does matching with cyclopses count?

Sorry im going to hell for this

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waarom blijf ik nederfags overal zien?

Not even nederfag maar belgfag

Dood het met vuur

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Dat ding leeft in mijn land?

Jawel, in Leuven. Ik heb dat enkele dagen geleden zelfs op straat zien wandelen. Ik was aan het fietsen en verschoot me zo hard dat ik bijna van mijn fiets viel.

Mother of god.
>tfw realize a cyclops have more self confidence than you

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That language looks disgusting. How can you so casually communicate in that nonsense? It looks like what would happen if a 2 year old used a keyboard for the first time.

>claimt een robot te zijn
>doesn't appreciate germanic languages

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yes, when you speak one language and a few words of spanish, any other language looks unreal

Who /tinder gold/ here? I had like 20 matches with just the basic account . I upgraded and now I fuck 2 roasties a month on average

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Fucking hell Ricky. I know that's you man. When did you acquire friends

Germanic languages are Europes equivallent of Africian tribal languages.

english is a germanic language too. what are you trying to say?

>English is a germanic language

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I can't believe I fell for the bait. You won't get your (you). Thanks for giving me one though.

>muh you's

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it's both germanic and romantic considering it was latinized after 1066 so he still has a point

oh man maybe I should invest aswell

what does your profile look like, boyo?

It actually looks like you have friends and do something with them, it might not be interests suited tinder but it looks like you have fun irl user, I would trade places

And does not go so well. Still too socially retarded to write first, stopped when I hit 1k and since then it has trickled down a bit

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there isn't much of anything above 6/10 on tinder though
tinder is mostly for your average mousy roasts with no tits, to get the same ego boost as actual hot babes
unlike what incels prefer telling each other, attractive women get talked up in real life enough, so they don't need a hook-up app

My bio is pure cringe cancer but it works. More than half of my matches message me first about my bio and I just go from there.

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if you paid money to hook up with uggos like that, then that's a no-can-do from me

Hopelijk kom ik het niet tegen.

It's indeed cringe cancer but hey if it works, it works. Atleast you're getting that wet hole, I get ghosted 24/7

What is it like to get a match? Women call me ugly whenever they see me in real life and I have never gotten a single match during the 3 months I used tinder

>almost 3 months in
>ZERO matches
I'm losing it lads

Dat gevoel wanneer dat ding wss nog meer matches krijgt dan de compleet middelmatige ik.

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You have to take what you can get when you're not chad
What's your profile look like?

I installed tinder a week ago and got a single match every day. It still feels pretty exhilarating, even though I never talk to them. Just the fact that someone found me attractive enough to swipe right is just a huge confidence boost for a robot like me.

zet tinder op mannen en vrouwen en misschien verandert dat wel :^)

Tbf you have really cool tattoos and are probably a really cool successful fun person with money and probably at least 7/10 looks wise so you should be able to get pussy anytime anywhere.

>tfw matched with roommates
>tfw the one I really wanted to get with ghosted me while the less attractive and interesting one is still talking to me
My current quest is to get rid of my virginity so I'm still okay with this, but it's still a disappointment. I'm certain this is the result of some sort of agreement between the two of them regarding who could go for me.

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kek, leuk geprobeerd homo. Ik heb geen zin in aids.

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M8 I am a 5 '5 former khhv NEET meximanlet
. If I can make it we can all make it.

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My area is full of niggers

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Black women love twinks like you

and i dont love them. youre not wrong tho, i get plenty of slaves liking me

>matched with two 18 year old qts last night

What the fuck do I say? With this much of an age difference they are probably looking for some fug am I right?

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