
Post your art, songs, film, poetry, anything that you yourself have created.

Here's a song I posted last time: soundcloud.com/user-262160346/hanami

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: me.png (325x327, 150K)

I like it user. What did you make it with?

i was trying to learn javascript on p5.js and made this


eventually it makes

that's pretty cool user
I rapped this and helped my best friend produce this, feelsgoodman. My friends thought it was really good. Ratings?

That's really cool, I read a book about a musician who coded a program to write poetry, I think it would be super neat to have an art piece that was randomly/procedurally generated with generated poetry to go along with it.

OP here,

I really like the beat and your flow.

I think you would have a really nice singing voice, you should try it.

Bro you got some talent that was good, you got a good flow. I'd say just work on your lyricism like rhyme schemes and working on better rhymes, sometimes saying less is more too. Goodluck though i hope you fuck some arty thots

I'm not a huge fan of drone or atmospheric music and stuff but you are good bro no joke

I'm kind of a fag when it comes to music making I got no talent but I have been making music for at least four years it relieves me in a way that nothing does so I hope you faggots pass by and comment on my profile songs "fake and gay". soundcloud.com/user-589413975 I already told that the songs are shit thankfully SoundCloud doesn't have a dislike button


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I listened to Space Junk. I'm no professional, and even though I do rap music, I do have experience in production and synthesizers.
One thing I noticed was: It needs:
Smoother, and somewhat quicker transitions
These two things alone turn your song from something generic into something like San Holo. Also, I didn't like 2:17 to the end, felt like you were moreso messing around.
Small nuances in sound can be very hard to implement, and I'm not even that good at implementing them. A good nuance in sound, which piques creativity, can be more difficult than any other of my named tips. It can, also, be a make or break.

Thank you user that means a TON to me

Thanks bro. I would if I didn't had to be stuck with fucking FL mobile. I loved working in ableton it made me sound professional

Thanks for the criticism that have always been my hardest bump in the way. And how TF did you noticed that I made all the synthesis myself?

like said, i have experience. i can tell the difference - add a little reverb too, add some more chorus effects, master it better/make it louder too

When you mean naunces you mean fill ins? It is almost impossible to make fillins in FL mobile without spending a good 4 hours. this app is very limited and btw all you heard was made in it xD

Get FL for the computer as a starter, then move up to reason or ableton. Also get a MIDI controller, the mpc akai is only $100.

Dunno what it is but I drew it.

Attached: IMG_20181024_142013.jpg (3096x4128, 1.23M)

What you recommend me for smoothier transitions?

I like it, reminds me of this album cover.

Attached: TRR291_MOGWAI_ECS_cover_hi-res_1500x1500px_640x.jpg (640x640, 35K)

I had a good setup but I had to leave everything behin.d I miss ableton it was very powerful. I learned how to use it all in there so whatever I tried to do in ableton I takes me like 4 to 6 times more to do the same in here. So RN I do this have a computer to get any daw

If you add very small people near by it would give me megalophobia. It is a nice drawing tho

Not fill ins. Just little sounds that in the long run make your song much less boring, much more distinct.

Thanks anons, the approval of random people on the internet means a lot to me, sadly and unironically.

>If you add very small people near by

This is an interesting idea. Thanks for the suggestion.

Meant to reply to this too

recently finished, what do you think


I really like it, It makes me very sad, makes me think of a dark rainy city at night. Reminds me of going out with my ex girlfriend when we first started dating, we would hang out around downtown at night a lot.

Here's a picture I took one night after we hung out.

Attached: ss+(2016-10-15+at+02.29.54).jpg (591x443, 49K)

funny enough, i finished it staying up throughout a stormy night.

if you guys would just put this in your reaction folder i would be very grateful thank you
hanging on my wall rn

Attached: 8udZqh8.jpg (1321x1341, 952K)


Some music I wrote for an autistic childhood story I used to daydream, the piece I linked is from when the main character's wife died in battle on a mission to destroy a superweapon that would have blown up the good guys' main city (a huge ten-mile-tall tree-fortress with loads of sci-fi shields and turrets). She got pinned down defending the demolition charges they set, and her friend (the main character's mentor and friend) had to listen to her getting shot over and over. But she kept fighting, until she had killed them all, at which point he managed to carry her out to the trenches where she bled to death as the charges detonated and the huge tower began to topple.

Unfortunately I fucked up this story by killing off the main character about 4 years ago IRL, then 20 years later in the story his daughter went on a quest to resurrect him because I missed having him as the main character, so he was resurrected by some hacky nanotechnology crap. It completely destroyed any believability and integrity the story had and I can't ret-con it because it "happened" so now I just imagine some fallen resistance against the enemy slowly dwindling near where I work and not much else of it anymore. Which is sad cause I had it in my head for 2/3rds of my entire lifetime.

Here's a youtube link also: youtube.com/watch?v=QTPD8AKPJis [Open]

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Saved, thanks user.


nice song friend. a bit minimal, but the piano is really nice

heres a song i made earlier

How do I write a song? Just pick a motif and genre and work from there?

The last creative general didnt hit bump limit but I'll just post it here
Not an "creative" type myself but what would you do in my situation?
My roommate makes youtube videos and has 20 subscribers, no idea how many people actually watch his videos and how many are just his family/friends guilted into subscribing but anyways his shtick is doing life advice. Except he is the last fucking person who should be giving life advice. Dude unironically has iq below 100 (I can tell by talking to him and how simple shit amazes him when I tell him some minor factoid). And on top of that he is currently on parole for a DUI. Which of course if you only watched his youtube you would never know. Its not really important at all and based on his "content" (no editing, just posting retarded vlogs or random thoughts) I can tell he gets virtually 0 viewers. But it terrifies me that someone that fucking retarded could possibly influence anyone about life advice.

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Felt inspired to create something that stemmed from my own imagination rather than keep copying other artists' styles.

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I like it, feels kind of sad.

You should do more like that.

I don't see the problem here, user. I think he should be allowed to create as much shit content as he wants to.

I don't see a reason to care as long as his content creation doesn't negatively impact your life.

but his "content" is either stolen rehashes of either people's life advice or outright terrible advice like telling people to get into crypto to change your life (2 years too late)