Alright Jow Forums. You win the lottery. Assuming you take the cash option and after taxes you will have somewhere in the ballpark of $550 million.
What do you do?
Realistic answers preferred, but meme answers accepted.
Alright Jow Forums. You win the lottery. Assuming you take the cash option and after taxes you will have somewhere in the ballpark of $550 million.
What do you do?
Realistic answers preferred, but meme answers accepted.
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Live the NEET life without worrying about eventual homelessness. Literally all I want.
>there are people who win hundreds of millions in the lottery and then go broke
How the fuck do you go broke with that much money, you would have to actually try to go broke by like buying 50 $10,000,000 mansions or some shit
I think I would move to thailand or vietnam
donate it all to the National Council on Problem Gambling
First, buy up stocks, bonds, and a new house, obviously. Then I'd put half into an offshore bank. Disaster-prep the house. Then probably spend a few hundred thousand dollars on a new PC and clothes and shit, then chill with the rest. Maybe donate some to cancer kids or something.
people don't know how to manage it. they lso have to worry about people trying to take it or harm them. it really is a life changing amount of money and not everyone can adapt safely to it
>try in vain to buy a secluded house somewhere beautiful where people won't literally hunt me down for money
>spend all money on yummy junk food, vidya, THC oil cartridges
Give a few million to my friends and family then live the greatest neet life ever. Buy a gaming pc and a nice guitar, a small cheap house with no neighbours and thats it.
Fucking this man.
I'd order pizzas and tendies every day and have prostitutes over 24/7 tugging my willy, otherwise I'd watch anime and play vidya and pretty much resume the usual schedule
Wish me luck fellow neets!
dont forget the 6 million goyim please
I would immediately get rid of my boring ass Ford Fusion and buy a Lambo or a Rolls or some shit
Id travel the world flying first class every time
Id hire a lawyer to help me manage the money and get an investment team to help it grow more. Maybe start a corporation.
>What do you do?
I will invest it all, and I will spend only the investment gains (for example, bond interest and stock dividends). After I die, it will all go to create a charitable foundation.
The first step is to contact a tax lawyer to design a strategy for me. I'm figuring about 70% to 90% in the stock market, and the rest in Treasury bonds.
Donate 500 mil of it to various charity's and organizations. Then do I-have-no fucking-idea with the remainder.
>What do you do?
Use it to cure aging, so I can be rich for eternity.
Good luck user!
We're all going to make it!
I'd probably do something like this. I would get an estate lawyer so I could set up a way to claim the money anonymously and also make sure that none of my family members try to push me for stuff.
Out of $500+ million I'd probably take some of the money to buy a house and some land, I'd help my mother pay off her debts and give her some money. I'd put some in a trust for my younger sister. I'd maybe take a a few hundred thousand to spend on cool shit and then the rest I'd just set up to earn interest for me to live off of. I'd probably take some time to go on some trips and stuff as well. Obviously I'd quit my fucking job and never work another day in my fucking life.
Youd be giving away nearly all of it if you did that. A lot of the winnings are immediately taken away from taxes (I think its 24% so you would walk away with $904,000,000 if you take it as a lump sum). And it doesnt end there. You are immediately put in a way higher tax bracket, and depending what state you live in you might have to pay even more taxes. You might really only end up with like a little over or a little under $500 million at the end of the day
Buy a huge patch of land, build myself a modest castle, buy some horses, commission an armor, buy a sword and a lance, declare myself a knight, then live out my fantasies. I'd get serfs and tie them to my land by offering them 10 million or something after 10 years of service tending to my fields, my livestock, and taking care of my horses. Might even host tournaments where people can volunteer to joust and fight in grand melees.
0) Print my name and sign the ticket
1) Hire a tax adviser
2) Hire a lawyer
3) Hire an investment banker/financial adviser
4) Wait a while to claim the money (usually given 6-12 months to do so)
5) Pay off all withstanding debts that my immediate family and I owe
6) Finish school
7) Pay for my little siblings' school
7) Get a job that I enjoy doing
8) Live comfortably and not blow it on outrageous things
9) Let my money make me more money
You could ruin the economy with this type of money.
You could purchase an entire walmart supercenter and passively gain income for only a fraction of that.
You could buy up so many natural resources, then force companies to compete for them, effectively fucking everyone over.
You could do the same with food, medicine, etc.
You could buy facebook and twitter, permanently shut them down, and watch most people go mad without that particular form of interaction.
You could buy Amazon or Apple and destroy the company just to see what happens.
You could bankrupt an entire state university.
You could effectively ruin the hobbies of millions of people.
>get a job
Get a load of this cuck.
user here's the thing about jobs. Even the ones doing things you think you love. They all suck.
If you won don't work another day in your life there is no reason to.
I'm not sure you know how companies work.
You definitely could not buy Amazon or Apple, considering one is valued at over a trillion dollars and the other is near that. Facebook is worth $450+ billion and Twitter is worth $20+ billion. You wouldn't be able to afford to purchase a controlling stake in any of these. State universities are also companies. You might be able to donate so much that they let you on the board, but that's it.
You would actually get around $900 million
by a big house in the mountains with a couple hundred acres
pay a company to make the most realistic possible sex dolls of anime characters i like
First I would retain a lawyer at a large multinational firm. I would get my lawyer to create a double blind trust. The ticket would be claimed under the trust so that I could remain anonymous.
I would tell my friends and coworkers that I got a new job and would be moving away. Put in my two weeks notice at work. Just get through those two weeks acting like everything is normal. Then none of them would ever see or hear from me again.
I'd use about 5 million or less for multiple houses and property. I'd like a house on the gulf of mexico that had a dock and get a fishing boat. I'd also buy a bunch of property and a cabin in Montana.
After that the rest of my money would just go into stocks and bonds. I would set up a trust that took earnings from stocks and bonds and distributed them to my parents and sister.
After that I would just enjoy life. Maybe a little traveling, but mostly just going back and forth between my two homes.
build a big free parking garage in my city
Until the feds take 37% and your state takes 5-10% unless you live in a based + redpilled state that does not have a state income tax.
I'd start with the obvious, and give up on porn & chasing women, boning hot escorts whenever I wanted in my private time.
>7) Get a job that I enjoy doing
I'm astonished by this. You have 500 million dollars, you don't need to work. Why on earth would you get a job?
Can't really do research on viruses very effectively in my house
Figure out how efficiently I can eat, use utilities, and purchase things when time passes when it is needed.
Then, figure out how long living that cost determined life I could.
If possible, consider how to make it better, while decreasing price, or sacrifice some more luxurious foods to keep enough money to survive.
Don't increase the quality of life I currently have, but rather, Reinforce it.
Only leave the house when things break, need food, clothes, repairs, work to be done.
Don't live recklessly.
Don't become a fucking madman and brag and try to use money to influence others.
And don't give a single fucking penny to the mad men family that have let me suffer, unless they are my parents.
Even then, should they desire greater things than I, I will have the option to deny them.
With so much money, you cannot change the world that easily.
Money doesn't stay where you want it, unless you know exactly what you are using it for.
Cancer, hospitals, Countries, experimental technology, it isn't worth the money to put in.
The corrupt people among those who truly want to create the solutions will always undermine the advertised intentions.
By the time my inevitable demise occurs, I will pass what is left of my money to my Brother, or his Daughters, or their children should that be the case.
I have no pleasure knowing they will likely not be as careful with it, but I will have had no regrets, I don't want to see the world, I do not search for experiences, I take no pleasure from making others mad, envious, or full of lust. I have no hope in finding love, and no reason to ruin other's lives with mine.
build a perfect underground bunker somewhere in the midwest and never leave my cave again
>buy comfy seaside house
>buy extremely comfortable bed
>buy best sheets I can find
>buy good laptops
>buy good headphones
>shitpost all day in bed, listening to music
>sleep anytime I want, eat whenever I want
>install good home gym
>go walk on the beach whenever
>only wear loose and baggy white clothes
>lay in bed watching movies and eating my favourite snacks
>no noisy family
>no siblings
>no pets
>nobody except me
>no responsibilities
>no debt
>no girlfriend
>invite friends over every now and then to muck around
>life is great
Couldn't ask for anything more beautiful
Being able to engross myself in my hobbies until I die would make me a happy man, there's a bunch of I things I wanna learn which are inaccessible because I'm lacking money or free time
you don't really need to win the lottery then
will get rich doing that
I would build Spencer Mansion from Resident Evil room for room, gather a suitable harem of waifus and have many children
I'd probably start a nice little grantmaking foundation to put out most of it into the local community. Keep a few million for me to live comfortably and for my potential kids and grandkids to be able to go to college or trade school.
>retain (from least to most slimy) a broker, a lawyer, and an accountant
>put about 10 mil into various boring mid and long term investment baskets as a nest egg/safety net
>quit my job
>set up trusts for my immediate family and a few close friends
>buy a gun and get a ccw permit
>pay off all my student loans
>get all my cavities filled
By this point, my fringe friends and extended family will probably be pounding at my door. (I don't have many of the former, but I have a lot of the latter.) I can, using reasonable restrictions based on how many conversations I have had with them in the past year, hand out ten grand per person in the form of a no-strings-attached gift for adults and a tuition trust for the kiddos. I should be able to keep that under a half mil, easy.
>buy a new car
>buy several houses and hire a manager to rent/airbnb the ones i'm not using
>throw a huge mansion pool party for anyone i know who wants to come with lots of bbq and an open bar and will cover travel costs for my friends far away
Then after that it's whatever. i can't buy my waifu into reality :( I'll probably get into community philanthropy. Fund parks and museums, schools. Maybe a scholarship fund. I want to take stunt driving classes at some point. Plus I gotta stay at some ritzy hotels and eat fancy foods and travel exotic places, right? I'd also like to toss off some dough to various charities.
If it turns out not being at work will make me crazy, I might buy some franchises or businesses and try my hand at management.
I might just move to Malibu and party till I die.
>You could ruin the economy with this type of money.
No you couldn't. I'm not sure you grasp the scale at which the entities you're talking about operate on. Even the pretax mega millions winning is small potatoes for a multi billion dollar cooperation. and even if you have the cash, antitrust regulations and good ol common sense stop companies changing hands at the drop of a hat.
i would buy an 4 office buildings at lease 20 floors complete with parking garages in the hearts of major cities. LA, Honolulu, paris, tokyo. i would spend 3 months in each bulding i would rent out like 10-15 floors each and keep top 5 floors for myself. have like 4-5 cars at each location in private area only accessible to me and just live in thee top floors of these office buildings.
All of their friends ask them for money and they have no ability to say no. Maybe they take up an expensive hobby on top of that
If I had $550 million, I'd donate $30 million to David Production so they'd adapt Steel Ball Run properly. No time schedule, just a deadline of 3 years. Plus a proper English dub with good voice actors, where two sets of mouth movements are created to fit English and Japanese. I'd expect top quality shit, with good animation, art, and sound design.
If I can remain anonymous, prolly get myself a nice house, and then buy out a shitty area, and renovate it into a good one using $100,000,000. Then, practically give away the houses to people, they don't have to be good people, but they need to be people that won't commit nigger crimes. Save $200,000,000 and spend the rest on random shit.
If my identity is revealed, buy a big fucking mansion with shit tons of security. Get a bomb shelter with 50" reinforced steel walls. Spend the rest of the money pimping my crib and setting myself up for life. Would do it all within 2 months, leaving me bankrupt, but at least my family will not murder me for the money.
>move out of parents house
>put all the money into a bank that doesn't require any fees or for me to spend my money(they exist)
>take a trip to japan
>fuck a japanese hooker
>come back to my cheapo apartment
>smoke tons of weed
>watch anime, browse Jow Forums and play video games on expensive gaming rig all day while smoking tons of weed
>buy nice but reasonably priced appartment
>buy a new car
>invest money and live of the money but keep working my job until I find something more fulfilling to do
>vacation once a year somewhere to explore
>somewhere in the ballpark of $550 million.
You'd have about 100 million more. This tells you how much depending on your state. Not like that 100 million really makes a difference, but I find it interesting to see the numbers
>build houses for 300 million and rent them
>invest 100 million in small businesses, maybe start my own
>buy 10 million worth of bitcoin
>keep 5 million to myself
>put the rest in a bank account and leave it to somebody random after I die
Money ain't that hard to manage
>buy 10 million worth of bitcoin
Why not just set 10 million on fire
Why is everyone in this thread investing? The fuck are you needing an extra few million for?
You faggots are so boring, no wonder no woman has ever loved you. Here's what I would do with a billion dollars:
>go to the nearest animal shelter and buy all the animals
>set them all loose in the city
>continue doing this until the city is overrun with stray cats and dogs
>buy a building
>turn it into a giant bumper car track with a nudist policy
>rig the bumper car seats with dildos and onaholes
>bumping into someone results in a dildo or the onahole being rammed into them
>call it Sexy Bumper Car Club
>buy a street sweeper
>customize it with el wire, dihedral doors, and a kick ass sound system
>ride it around everywhere flinging dust and dirt at people and cars driving behind me
>commission an artist to build a marble statue of my waifu and put it somewhere in the city where everyone has to look at her
what if bitcoin blows up again? imagine that. and also why not?
It's over boys. Anons in SC check your tickies.
Burn 500 million of it on camera and use the rest to live out my pathetic life. Wagie ragie would be ridiculous.
turn it all to local currency and live the NEET life
they buy retarded shit like expensive cars/mansions etc
Pay off my debt, buy a new computer, buy a Nintendo Switch and a bunch of games, buy some new clothes (not Gucci or anything, just some new t-shirts, socks, boxers, jeans and a belt), buy anything else I happen to need around the house, put the rest aside for a rainy day.
I put 10 million aside and start a robot ranch. Neets from all over would work for me in return for room and board. They must service me in whichever way I need no questions asked. Invest the rest in chainlink and wait till it moons.
Invest a third in gold.
Split another third among my relatives.
Neet it up for the rest of my existence.
and robots rise up and kill you and take everything within the week
I'm a simple man. I would like to spend a whole day and have a tea party with a dozen handpicked girls who all look alike certain Disney princesses. I would like to do the same later with DC heroines as well (instead of the tea party I would accompany them to a workout).
Would fully restore the old truck I have been working on. Pay off my house and just live the comfy life no splurging nothing just have money to do what I want. Set up a legacy for my children and set them up for success later in life.
>drop out of uni
>start investing
>give out some to family
>put it on a savings account
then it's the neet life for me
Set up a trust fund for family, put a large lump into government bonds, put another lump into index fund, spend the rest on cocaine and hookers.