What are you robots doing for Halloween?

What are you robots doing for Halloween?

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My stomach won't have healed from all that EBT cooking wine so nothing at all.

Allow me to show you

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putting a Guy Fawkes mask on and slapping kids in Fortnite costumes

pretty sure you can't buy alcohol with EBT straight up

I'm going trick or treating by myself

I'm 25 but it's ok I'm like 5'5 and can do a wicked trap impersonation so i can pull off a young kid ezpz if I just wear a mask

If I can find a good candy store I'm putting on a costume hoodie and buying $100 of candy.

>cooking wine
It's full of salt and you can't drink it.

Well, you can, but....

Sitting here prob in the exact same position just maybe really drunk

gonna eat 5g of shrooms and wander around my backyard

I'm going to put on an outfit and mask and pretend to be a tall kid and get free candy. If anyone questions my age, I will just turn around and point to some random parents and say they are mine.

that actually sounds like a solid plan

I got uninvited from a giant Halloween party... so it looks like i'm gonna spend it alone, nothing unusual though.

I'm gonna dress like Jacket from hotline Miami that way i don't have to talk

hopefully sacrificing myself to satan through some brutal form of suicide

Sounds interesting

>Wake up early like 8 am
>Go to grandmas at like 9 am
>She bakes about a hundred of these amazing cupcakes every year
>Gives them out to family and friends
>Go over and help her bake them and put frosting on them
>Homemade frosting that's basically chocolate moose
>tfw that chocolate moose helps me not tie the noose
>tfw October-December are what I live for because I get to spend time with grandmother
>after we finish cupcakes, baking, frosting, packaging them up usually relax with family
>probably going to go home and feel depressed about being an adult with no friends to dress up with and hangout/party or something
>put on my Starfleet uniform and give out candy
>might try to hit up old friend for some dudeweed or something

Thanksgiving is better.

gonna be homeless in a nee city i haven't been too before, i got cash for renting through november so ill be fine i just hope i dont get murdered

have fun, be safe bb

Kendall? dat u originigy

My only friend is coming over for my birthday. We are going to play Mario party. Go to a hunted trail.
I have not had human contact outside of my family in 5 months after a traumatic breakup.

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I might go see a internet celebrity called poppy live. It's a costume party and I will be an anime delinquent. She is a weeb so I think people will get it

Go to a Halloween party and dress up as something that involves covering my face so I can people watch while getting buzzed

>kids entertainer
>gonna be working
>feeling pre-emptively worried and stressed about a totally understaffed gig at some megachurch
>churchies don't even tip, especially megachurchies
Kids are gonna steamroll me, and I keep getting my ass chewed out by the boss about not appearing manically happy enough. It's gonna be a bad one, boys.

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