How would you feel if a girl would kill to be with you?

How would you feel if a girl would kill to be with you?

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I'd be very frightened

I would let her know she doesn't need to kill for me and give her a big hug

Id be nice if she was cute

my dream, assuming she's cute 2d yandere


I'd tell her to stop. If she refused I'd run to the police. I can accept a stalker who wants me no matter what but not someone who would isolate me by killing people I know.

>How would you feel if a girl would kill to be with you?
Delighted and flattered. If she is cute, that would perfection.
Hope she listens to reason when it is me who explains it though.

Until some whore seduces you and takes you away from me.

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>Until some whore seduces you and takes you away from me.
Why would I do that? She wouldn't deserve that kind of treatment.

Why would she want to kill other people is the question. If it's because of some built up frustration with normals, I could understand that. But if it's more of a weaboo tier obsession, I'd walk away and hope that the bitch doesn't follow me.

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i would legitimately think it was cool and ask if she would kill anyone i want

>tfw real girls would rather be killed than be with me

Probably flattered at first, then scared.

Not the user
>Until some whore seduces you and takes you away from me.
Nigga you underestimate me

Pretty good man, then we can suicide pact and that shit will be tight


Excellent choice

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If she isn't unreasonable about it that'd perfect.

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I would feel happy that a girl actually loves me.

>hug my pillow at night pretending it's cute 2d imouto
>my imagination sucks so it doesn't work
it's an obscure feel

Never get why that is such an angsty idea for some people.
If she would kill for you, it do not mean she will.

I would kill to be with right girl, sure thing.
Hell, I wouldn't even think I really love her if I did not. Does not mean I will willynilly start doing so on the drop of a coin ffs.

I'd love it as long as she never actually killed anyone. I think if I ever got an obsessive yandere gf and someone took her away from me I'd go full ER mode.

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Pretty fucking weirded out, I haven't had a legit interaction with a girl in years; in that context it's pretty much impossible for someone to develop such a level of affection towards me

tfw no high iq psycho gf

If she didn't look disgusting I'd obviously be with her.

>girls seducing a robot

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Based and original[\spoiler]scene.

>ywn have a no intense high iq yandere gf
what's the point of living anymore

Good because it'd mean she'd be willing to get a job and pay the rent for me while I stay trapped inside on Jow Forums all day.

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if she's good at what she does, that makes her even hotter imo
>tfw no hypercompetent yandere gf

>in HS
>mall goth girl sits next to me
>she's a qt
>seems sweet
>apparently has a crush on me, her friends say I should ask her out
>do, she says yes
>things don't work out, only hold hands and never kiss or do anything
>break up with her, she doesn't seem to care
>fast forward a couple of months
>she's stalking me
>her friends said she put a curse on me and won't stop talking about me, they're worried for both her and me
>somehow finds out my house number
>just calls, breathes into the phone and hangs up, sometimes at 3 a.m.
>this continues for months until we get a new number
>finds out where I live and talks about me right outside my window, slams my window and runs away
>calls out my name, like at 1 a.m outside my window
>tells people I raped her, even though I was a virgin and we never did more than hold hands
>gets most of the school against me
>gets my new gf to break up with me, becomes her friend and hooks her up with her cousin
>spreads a rumor that I turned her off guys and made her a lesbian

There's plenty of stuff I can't remember and that I left out. Forget sticking your dick in crazy, just avoid them at all cost, fuck you Julie.

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Is it knowing that a girl would, or having her personally come up to you, and confess?
Knowing means nothing when they could be so far away in the world where it doesn't matter.
In person however, would actually be nice.

However, it does bring the other question, does she actually kill a person to be with you, or she potentially would?
Death is a fickle subject, if it is self defense, actual protection from someone who wants to kill me, or someone who potentially destroys what little potential to be social in my life,
I would gladly accept it.
If it is the stereotypical, they looked at me wrong, they must die, and she actually does it without any chance to have her change her mind about it, I will have no part in it.

The moment she puts that aggression out on me, however would be the point where it cannot work.
Should she never treat me as she would treat those she considers a threat to me, where there SHOULD BE NONE...
I would be living the dream.

What's she like outside of her yandere side? Am I allowed to kill her if she cheats on me too? Am I allowed to go through her phone and emails too? Is she cute? I've only ever hugged a girl and I'm 31. If she's a cute girl then tons of guys are hitting on her daily. Why is she suspecting me when she's the one who should be under suspect!

Is this real? Like not even exxagerated? If so what a bitch

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If someone loved me that much, I'd be honored. By murdering someone for my sake, they capture my heart, and I belong to them.

100% real, she ended up dating one of her best friends ex, all her friends abandoned her and told me everything she did and said about me. There's stuff I forgot about, like when she tried to get her friends to beat up my younger sister, who didn't even know she existed (didn't take about girls with my family). She also got a girl to message me online, befriend me, have her steer the conversation about my exes and eventually got me to talk about the stalker. Later on I found out she was a friend of her and my stalker ex put her up to it in order to get info about me.

The fantasy is better than the reality when it comes to this sort of stuff.

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I'd be with her to save lives and create new lives tbqh. If a woman loves me that much, then I should be with her.

I'd be a big fan

Yandere is god tier

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She wouldn't need to kill. I'd date her.
I wouldn't even need to talk to any other girl. She'd be all I need

I wouldn't want her to go out and kill anyone for real, not because I murdering is wrong but because she might end up in jail and we can be together, she can joke about it and say it as much as she wants I'd still love her. Plus I would also express some of the same yandere/obsessive tendencies so if she'll have me I'll gladly have her.

>tfw no protective tall gf who princess carries you

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Truly there is no feel more terrible than this

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was meant for you my bad, take some more firewitch beeing yandere

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Have her kill a few of my enemies before having sex with her.

Any woman would rather be killed than be with me.

Extremely turned on.

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Flattered but concerned. I'd need to educate her on philosophy and virtue so she can leave behind that unhealthy state of mind and become a woman worthy of my love.

She can't be a stalker if u let her close to you

This. Let her have the keys.

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I'd tell her that I'd do the same for her. And I mean it, if I found a person I could love I'd wipe out the entire human race without a second thought just to see them smile for a nanosecond.

Depends on how hot she is. Either way, I'd be flattered, but if she isn't at least an 8 I'm getting the gun.

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Same but
>dont feel that I deserve it or am good looking enough so It doesnt work

You never know maybe some femanon here on r9k has been stalking you somehow.

It would be great, though she couldn't really prove it because
A, nobody wants me so no competition
B, don't have friends so nobody to take up my time
C, if she kills someone she would be taken away from me

I guess I'd be flattered in a weird, horrified kinda way. Somebody to even obsess over a self-loathing piece of shit like me would be an enigma. Regardless of them being cute or not, dealing with people who are obsessed with you isn't fun at all.

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Nah in good. That's some ddlc shit

It would be nice to be wanted

source my fellow poster

Then aroused

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I'd let her know I'd kill to be with her, we two together are one, and apart, nothing. She'd be my world. Nothing could possibly be more arousing or romantic to me.

>tfw no Satou-chan gf

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If you say so m8.

But not really, though

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I'll have a hitman who'll follow my orders to her dying breath, what more can I ask for

id love a yandere gf, just think about it. she would be the only girl to ever show genuine love to me and would even kill to keep us together.

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I'd probably think I'm dreaming. Desireable or not, somebody doing something like that for me is fantasy.

I guess you would know she's loyal, I guess.
Might stab you too though, you never know.

uh doubtful

If she kills someone who either deserves it or is threatening our lives, yes. If she would kill innocent people who merely associated with me, no. Cannot endorse such actions.

It's a lot older than that shit.

I'd feel a lot better if I had a gf who was capable of loving me as we killed everyone around us

and better too. That game is over-rated to fuck. Babies first "dark" VN

It's babby's first VN to begin with.

most damaged girls aren't the yanderes you want

we'd be more likely to kill ourselves if our love won't be with us

Like she would kill me. Though I wish I could die, I don't want to get stabbed or anything

>damaged girl

you mean they'd be most likely to be a fucking whore

>mfw i dont have a yandere stalker gf
every fucking time

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i guess if you mean damaged goods but i meant mentally

Pretty turned on, not gonna lie

>won't be with us
Thing is I would, I totally want that, I want to be neurotically obsessed together forever.

Picture this
>be me
>girl has a crush on me
>she is willing to kill for me
>Chad makes fun of me for not having a gd
>tell girl
>Chad is dead, allegedly suicide

this gave me a stiffy somehow

I'd tell her she can do better

A lot of the time they will go hand in hand. Ofc it depends on what way she is mentally damaged.

I'm skeptical

Women like alphas

I've had chicks literally fight each other over me. It is not hot, it is not cute, it is extremely uncomfortable.

this is what I'd do as well

Shhhhhhh dont blow my cover cuck

Marry her immediately.

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I really like this one yandere depiction

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Don't be so obvious next time, senpai might be blind but hes not that blind.

It would feel weird, since I already have a tender and loving fiance.

I would sic her on my dad's gf

Doubt one would ever fixate herself on me, I do not get that lucky. If a cute one did, she might be surprised on finding herself out-obsessed.

Sounds hot, I'll stick around and see what possibilities arise.

Insert generic Get out normie reee post here

flattered, confused, and somewhat aroused

the only people who i love are my close blood relatives, some murder-for-me can go to jail after i inform police what she has done

Smell some normalfags itt

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not me I'd kill (haha) for a yandre gf

spicy soup

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why did you post this image please remove it