
Got a new job in 24hours and already feel like I'm going to fuck up. My anxiety isn't letting me sleep. What do?

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write another blogpost on 4chans r9k board and hope people care

You cared enough to reply so that's good enough

Never go in. Can't fail if you don't try in the first place.

I would do this but already went to their place and did all the paperwork and everything. I mean if I fuck up the worst thing they can do is fire me on the spot right?

Spend 3$, Take a Xanax and have a wonderful chill first day. After that everyday is easier because your first day wasn't bad.

I can't help about the job at hand but in terms of the social aspect, considering you're on Jow Forums, try not to express yourself and just do your job. Helped me a shit ton.

Spend 3$, Take a Xanax and have a wonderful chiII first day. After that everyday is easier because your first day wasn't bad.

They do random drug tests so can't.

I'm just nervous as fuck that I will mess up and cost the company a shit ton of money wasted, but I do have someone training me. I just hope I don't fuck it all up and get fired on my first day

hi user
i think you shoud try your best to push through it. you havent even gotten through the first day yet.
it will only become easier from there!

I just have a fear i'll fuck up somehow, but they should expect that on my first day right?

Put on some relaxing music and close your eyes, faggot. This is entirely normal.

Be sure to work hard, wagecuck. My NEETbux doesn't make itself.

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Shut the fuck up NEET!

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FUCK you OP I quit my job 2 weeks ago and tried to get a full time one, didn't get it, now I am neet and it is slowly driving me mad. I just want to die. My mother bought me a 200 dollar graphing calculator for my birthday. I have no idea what to do with it, I like math but there's nothing I can really do on it unless I do s study and I'm not a scientist. I'm too fucking retarded.

Yeah at worst they will fire you and you'll be a neet. user they are taking a worse risk than you are, calm down.

I quit my job like 3months ago and had to deal with it like you are doing now. I suggest don't go back into the neetbubble like I did. I said to myself I'll take a week off and then another and then it turned into a month and then 3months. I suggest keep sending applications everyday. Don't get lazy like I did.

I'm starting to settle down a bit now thanks to talking to you guys. I'm sure they won't just put me out on the floor and just expect me to do everything from the get go. I have bad memory issues so hoping I don't fuck up the products because I skipped a step by accident.

Where are you working OP? I hope its full time.

It's full time but thing is it's only for 2months since it's seasonal

>was gonna apply for a job stocking shelves part time over night at the grocery store
>visited the store during the hours I'd be working
>saw cute girls stocking shelves
>decided not to apply and to join the family business instead

Those cute girls could have been your future gf user...

Maybe, but there are other problems too. I don't have a checking account with which to get paid, I don't know how to pay taxes, I don't want to lie about why I'm so old but have no work or education history, etc.

I was just never meant to become a wagey, even if I kind of wanted to try it.

You don't pay taxes well at least in the US since they already take your taxes out of your paycheck here. So you do pay but it's automatic. Most jobs can give you checks for the first couple weeks until you set up a checking account which is easy just go to a bank and say you would like to set up a checking account. The lies are easy for your resume. Just put fake jobs like McDonalds and shit since I guarantee you 96% of times your new job won't even contact your old job. If you don't want to put work references you could always just put college or "volunteer work"