do you hate your coworkers? i do
what do you hate most about them
do you hate your coworkers? i do
what do you hate most about them
not a single person on this board has a job including you
All of them smoke. A certain fag can't resist smoking in my truck when we have to work together. Now it stinks like shit. And his stupid smoke dust gets on my food or drink that I now have to throw away.
Absolutely. Its funny how much needless drama there is in a profession that is allegedly stronk. I am almost ashamed.
Speak for yourself, NEET
I hate how this one teenage female coworker keeps picking on me, making jokes about me, and telling other coworkers how awkward I am. Simply because I do my job quietly and I don't gab all day with her. I even told her at one point to shut up and do her job and she went off on me about being a virgin. She doesn't even fucking know who I am
Most of my co workers are just guys my age and are pretty respectable and kind despite being massive normal fags
>massive inferiority complex and anger issues
>throws childish temper tantrums and insults almost everybody in the company
>does this somewhere between daily and weekly
>literally nobody likes him
>he gets promoted to department head which makes him my boss
Try working in an office full of women. It's fucking hell.
just fucking tell him to stop you autist
Different user
>Had a job just like this
>coworkers slowly quit one by one
>women that weren't even my supervisors would make threats about getting me fired or reprimanding me, which is fucking illegal
>did nothing but passive aggressive petty shit out of boredom
>Talked shit about everyone in the office, and other faculty
>One of them had a cunt of a daughter working there, who would regularly break rules and nothing happened
>I fucked up something once and got yelled at and my job threatened
>would take 2 hour lunch breaks, then push their work on everyone else
>misused funds, fucked with people's paychecks
>ended up getting a fuck ton of work piled on me before I quit
It wasn't worth it.
It wasn't worth it at all.
Have two midterms tomorrow so gonna keep it brief.
>work in lab
>coworker/supervisor initially really liked me, became friends
>she even cried to me about how she was terrified about losing her funding
>I made a lot of mistakes
>she started hating me because I fucked up a lot at work
>which, to be fair, I did a lot
I would do dumb shit like drop things or put things away in the wrong containers or whatever. Shit that was easily amendable. She did shit like actively put my life in danger ("lol just throw the gas canister in the back of the truck"). So it's I'm really sorry I dropped some vial.
>she needs to do some lab stuff
>will literally take five or six days pulling all nighters running this machine
>agree to help her because I want to be a good member of the lab community and impress the professor, get work experience
>so during the school year I bust my ass for a week helping her
>I ask to get off early one night (of my volunteer job) to say goodbye to my mother who's going back to Poland for a really long time
>"uh, no?"
>the entire time she barks orders at me and gives me more work to do
>I'd do anything for anyone if they asked but she orders me around
But here's the kicker:
>she basically is supposed to be teaching me shit
>but she cries about how stressed she is so I back off and do grunt work
>TLDR I did stuff right in front of her that caused a lot of damage to a valuable machine
>I did this over the span of like, a month and she never once corrected me even though that was her job
>I get told what happened
>hyperventilate, panic attack, think my life is over because I was a dumb undergrad fucking around with a machine beyond my training level
>spend a literal week agonising in my room over this meeting with the professor responsible for the lab
>show up
>he turns to supervisor/coworker
>"this is your fault and I don't blame user, I blame you."
>she starts crying as soon as he leaves the room
>supervisor's husband
>does loud Daffy Duck impression
>explains easy tasks to me repeatedly
>talks to me like I'm stupid
>spells delete as "delit"
>plays Solitaire for hours and leaves all his work for me
>swears around clients and insults them
>fights with supervisor in front of clients
>comes in the office drunk
Gotta love working for a small FAAAAMILY company
>president's son is project manager
>almost never in the office
>never answers the phone
>rarely replies to email
>does the paperwork at the start of the project and nothing else
>only contact throughout the entire project is usually him forwarding a long email chain asking if "I can take care of it" and doesn't respond when I ask what "it" is
What is it about nepotism hires that do this?
Oh and one more thing
>she's from India
>she was a big hot shot there
>won some academic awards
>upper caste
>simultaneously feels inferior here in Canada / small fish big pond
>but also hates it and bitches about it incessantly
>my mom stops by to pick me up from work to go to dinner with my little brother
>my mom is super nice to her, gives her some home cooking
>brother is autistic (diagnosed) so he's kind of weird but he said he liked her lab coat
>find out later that she made fun of my mom for being a single parent and my brother for an an autistic blackbot and made what was tantamount to "lol roastie got pumped and dumped by Tyrone" jokes about my mom for no reason
>my biological dad was a Slavic wifebeating asshole and my brother's dad was a really nice (yes, black) guy who died in a car accident and my mom's been single and has PTSD but whatever fuck her amirite
>family companies
The worst.
>be me
>work for Polish restaurant
>open bar Christmas party
>the boss tells my coworker he has to come in at 9AM despite telling him BEFORE he got drunk he could show up at 5PM.
>boss is married
>flirts with my 22 waitress coworker who I used to bang
>she's literally fucking a married 40 year old fatass to spite me
>the mom is in the bathroom crying
>coworker is fingering another waitress near where food is normally prepared
>someone vomits in the kitchen and doesn't clean it up, throws paper towel on it till it hardens
>there are little children, the offspring of the owners, running around everywhere
>our restaurant won several awards
>what it is
And that project manager's name was Bill Clinton.
>20 years old
>coworkers still call me "kid"
Fuck them, I'm a man.
Tch, nothing personnel kid.
>that guy who was really friendly at first for a while but then turned mean when I wasn't friendly enough back
>that ugly girl I thought was cool but then told everyone when she found weed outside my car just to gossip
>that supervisor who hated me and tried to bully me into quitting when we were alone but then I replaced him
>fat chick who customers would complain about always telling me customers complained about me
>older chick who was clearly sleeping with chad coworker and didn't like that I could tell
>that chad who outperformed me
>generally smug, opinionated and condescending
>he'd almost lecture me on stuff he likes and put down what I like
>then act surprised when I said I couldn't hang out after work
>its a zoomer thinking he's a real man for legally being one
Went out to my car on break with this dyke she pulls her zipper back leaving me to just stare at her hole through the teeth of her pants leaving me in a mind broken state she later then uses her feet to attract me and make me get erections with her
Et tu, coworker
They make fun of me for having IBS.
I worked at a Dunkin Donuts full of latinas for a year and some months. It was slow death every day.