Uni thread? Uni thread

Post your Uni. Discuss fitness related topics.
>St. John's College

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i graduated with kinesiology from a university
the money was garbage so now i'm back in school at the age of 30 learning a real major

i'm sorry daddy for wasting your money on such a garbage major

I'm 25 and have a placement for electronic eng next year.
But I'm considering going with psychology (all the way to Phd) to work in prisons instead.
I'm lucky that I don't have to wory about money/income, but I cannot fucking decide. It's killing me.

And good luck, user.

Baileyfag, all the Chad colleges are on the hill.
Cheaper pints and quieter bars better for predrinks before heading down to clubs and the walk means you're surrounded by better asses on average. Plus you can actually get a night's sleep without people shouting outside your window.

Any londoners?
City here, homegym


Lol at this John's virgin, enjoy your daily vigils.

Hatfield law Grad.

>What do you think of Hatfield?
>What do you think of shit?

>Texas State University
>Exercise and sports science major like everyone else at this fucking college.
Despite this, almost all of our sports teams are ass. You'd think that with such a large, developed ESS and physical therapy program we'd actually know how to properly train these athletes into incredible sportsballers

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