30 year old boomer with the beard of a teenager here
Do your beards grow thick from the day you stop shaving or does it take a while for it to not look like shit even if you have the Glorious Beard Gene? I’m not one to chase gay fads like the basedboy beard obsession but I just need to know for my own curiosity if it’s worth even trying.
>pic related
Look at the “”””””””mustache””””””””” for Christ’s sake.
imagine being 30 years old and still being such a basedboy manchild that takes the beard meme seriously
Jacob Cook
I don’t care much, I have to shave for work anyway, but curiosity demands I grow it out at least once before I die. Plus there was this one chick that was really into beards and it got me thinking.
>imagining I’d post my face on Jow Forums if I was sensitive
heh.... nice try... kid... *unsheaths katana*
Evan Scott
Minoxidil that shit. Dries your skin out and may not work, but besides that... who cares? Shit is itchy and looks basic af for a dude. I have a thick Spanish beard, but would rather be clean shaven. Unfortunately don’t have the face for it.
No, it looks even worse if you let it grow out. t. patchy cheeks You look decent clean shaven so at least you have that.
Jacob Gomez
I knew this filipino dude who was in his late 30s. Was one of the most relaxed guys I've ever met. Calm and slow talker. Just lived his life doing whatever he wanted. He had a bunch of cool hobbies, like milling his own lumber. His partying days and chasing women were behind him. He authentically embodied the "I dont give a fuck" attitude more than anyone I've ever met. His facial hair genetics were weak. However, he just let the hair grow. It looked sparse and unkempt, but it fit his personality perfectly. He truly didn't give a fuck, and I respected him for it.
you are 30, you should stop caring about this stupid bullshit
>t. 30 year old boomer
Ian Wilson
thanks man I’ve met a dude like that. Could pull off a look that would be horrible on anyone else just because you could tell he was invulnerable to insecurity. Kind of dude that could wear an ahegao hoodie to work if he wanted
I’m not much like your Filipino Chad though, I have basically no hobbies.
Brandon Scott
onions af desu
Adrian Peterson
beard or not you look like a soft cunt
Wyatt Jones
Weak mustache, which is the only part of the beard that matters.
Evan Cooper
>beard meme Go on?
Nathan Perez
The basedboy meme that a beard makes you a man, which is why the most effeminate and degenerate generation of males since the fall of the Roman Empire is adopting them in droves to replace the masculinity they lost as the result of growing up with their single moms.
Logan Lopez
Remaining clean-shaven because you think it is masculine is the same thing.