>incels should be beaten and forced to man up and grow into men >women should be tore down and have their pussy privilege taken away and should never be allowed to vote in their lives
She absolutely rekts all of Jow Forums and Jow Forums. I feel like femanons could learn a lot from her.
i'm honestly not sure if this is a boy or a girl. someone shilled its videos on Jow Forums before and i thought it was a boy with long hair, but now i think it might be a girl. either way its pretty based, but if its a girl, she's probably just trying to be "not like those other girls"
>have daughter >instead of protecting her, use her as a megaphone to broadcast your opinions Pedophiles like OP and Shadman jack off to her, but at least you got some contact-high off of the attention paid to her right? BASED
Hudson Barnes
You're telling me if you had a daughter, you wouldn't be fucking her and pimping her out to men? What are you, a cuck?
Ian Young
u sick pedo fuck
Julian Barnes
Most of the kids I tutored weren't in high school. Most were 8-14 years old.
Liam Perez
Thanks for the wojacks fellas
Anthony Brooks
There isn't going to be anymore from me because I switched to my phone and am laying on my bed.
Easton Lopez
Who the fuck keeps giving children computers? Did the millenial generation learn nothing about this damnable machine?
Not a pedo, though I will say that some of the girls in the classes I work with have ginormous breasts for 12-year-olds. Either kids are developing faster now or I just don't remember middle school very well.
Elijah Carter
you don't have to convince anyone, you really think women and soiboys will actually do anything if the real men decide to take away their rights?
>Jow Forums is literally an underage board HIRO DELETE THIS FUCKING SHIT
Nicholas Myers
actually I change my mind. This would be way weirder if an adult was having their child say these things.
Still its weird to think 13 year olds know about this shit. I thought they where too busy playing fortnight to care about politics. I mean when I was 13 I cared about adventure time and video games not internet trends.
I don't hate or like her im just confused
Colton Hernandez
as evidenced by political rallies, probably yes.
We only need convince men. Why would chad/strong men rally to change women's rights when they don't have to and are mostly brainwashed by ZOG media?
Jaxon Barnes
She's been doing this for years now.
This is what happens when you discover Jow Forums at a young age.
Jason Wright
its like she supercharged her IQ.
Adam Morris
How many threads need to be up for this small redpiller at once? She's old news also.
Landon Torres
Or what happens when a guy has his little sister read his shit
Carter Kelly
>not letting it reprogram youths >not looking them up in archives >being new/undedicated
But in the same vein her mind is already fucked since she's been spoonfed incel bullshit.
She's going to grow up to be an outcast. She already believes most of the stuff she says, whether or not she wrote it.
Parker Robinson
>She's going to grow up to be an outcast >She
Yeah okay whatever you say pal. There's no such thing as a female outcast.
Daniel Collins
yes, just like how lauren southern is an outcast. its not like she'll have hundreds of beta orbitors or anything
Jayden Hall
She doesn't believe anything she's 13 she's just doing this for attention
Nathan Morales
user we know that you were mentally underdeveloped at 13 but most others were not.
Angel Gray
Stop advertising your shitty videos here you ugly little cunt
Eli Nguyen
>implying all of this matter and Jow Forums is not just another board on a website with different people and ideologies, etc.
Jose Evans
Please tell me all about the complicated political beliefs and world awareness you had at 13
Xavier Rivera
Shes such an annoying cunt. How could any of you faggots like this tryhard whore?
Ian Hughes
>She absolutely rekts all of Jow Forums and Jow Forums. I feel like femanons could learn a lot from her. Femanons are only here for attention. They don't have to change their ways and they wont.
Angel Cruz
You should never be allowed to speak to a child, simply because you posted that.
Brody Carter
Based. She will be blacked by 16
Joseph Hernandez
I was debating with my history teacher about the causes of jewish banishment from european countries and why genghis khan was based by 13.
Jackson Sullivan
this isn't reddit tho
Ian Wood
>and Jow Forums How exactly does she rekts Jow Forums?
Christian Murphy
I agree wholeheartedly. She is very off-putting.
Levi Barnes
How cute. Someone gave some impressionable kid a script to read full of stuff they clearly don't understand. This won't backfire at all. Nope.
Joseph Watson
She looks like she has an abnormally long head. Does she have fetal alcohol syndrome or something?
Adam Phillips
this is fucking insane, all the things she is referencing and talking about when i was 13 all i gave a fuck about was runescape and world of warcraft was she first exposed to places like Jow Forums when she was 6 or something? i just watched a couple of her videos out of curiosity and the amount of sex related stuff and traps and all that stuff she talks about even throwing in quick little anime picture references is crazy she has to have someone writing her script i refuse to believe a 13 year old can do this on their own man 2007+ was a mistake this entire generation is a mistake
Benjamin Watson
has anyone else noticed how much she looks like ben shapiro?
she was raised on Jow Forums pretty much after gaining a following during the leafy phase on youtube when she was like 12 and everyone on the internet has just indoctrinated her since then.
Ryan Butler
so she's like the human version of tay?
Adam Flores
yes but her programing has bias towards whatever is the most contrarian
Ayden Allen
>being a /b/tard and talking about traps make you smart wew
They are the first generation raised in a hyper-desocialized society. She is also an extreme example
Christian Rodriguez
yeah i get that man but it's still crazy to think that this is probably how kids talk to each other at school (though toned down a bit) just all meme speak and shit i can't wrap my head around it it's insane
Aaron Parker
>le ebin quirky zoomoid animal spouting ebin contrarian memes haha Who cares
Jeremiah Reyes
oh its not that bad, toned down a lot really. 8th grade the movie is a better representation of youth
The video was targeting beta orbiters. Your not a beta orbiter right?
Colton Ramirez
I thought she was funny as fuck for the first half, then her little 'me so dark and edgy' shtick got old.
Joshua Morales
It's not real you fucking retard. Her brother does everything.
Oh wait >poster count itt
Jordan Perez
that doesn't really make it better though making your little sister talk about sex and other fucked up shit
Isaiah Martinez
More Iike erased her criticaI thinking skiIIs
Colton Jackson
Ciara orbiting faggots that can't handle the reality of how stupid and pathetic they are.
Brandon Davis
not enough originallllia
Luke James
This. She does not speak a single independent thought. It's scripted by her older brother.
Leo Reed
I mean, she's eventually going to develop these views for herself by being involved in this culture and these discussions, but at this age she's influenced extremely easily.
William Davis
>She does not speak a single independent thought. It's scripted by her older brother