Is generation Z turning conversative or at least semi-right leaning? Because the number of times I have heard feminist jokes, holocaust jokes and right wing-to-moderate views from my peers in high school is unbelievable considering I live in California. ive only met a few vocal SJWs (one was vocal about her views in class) and she was your typical white bashing feminist. Surprisingly, most people in class criticized her and called her out for her views. We were having a discussion about racial profiling and how it disproportionately affects POC. At one point, some mixed black guy himself brought up how white people may have it harder today because of the anti-white rhetoric spread in colleges. The girl scoffed at that statement and basically went on a 5 minute rant of how white people used to do terrible things to POC, and that the things white people may face today is just retaliation for what POC endured in the Jim Crow era.
A lot of people thought that by going this route, we are regressing as a country and that she is not better than actual racists, in fact I even overheard a couple behind me call her racist.
I actually lied, there are like two other people I know who are pretty anti-trumper, and sjw-y but thats about it.
Is generation Z turning conversative or at least semi-right leaning...
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Gen Z does not think. They simply recite whatever they hear on the internet
Irony is going into such ridiculous overdrive that they're going to want sincerity, and when they are sincere, they will turn to the right - especially because they will understand evolution. The better people understand evolution and the more honest they are willing to be, the better of a chance national socialism has. The internet is a huge obstacle though.
>Is generation Z turning conversative or at least semi-right leaning?
Idk go check
Lol i doubt national socialism will arise from this. I go to a 60% non-white school (most of whom are Hispanic/mixed) and the other 30% are white.
its just surprising to see that the masses here are strongly anti-SJW.
I heard some kiddo on Tf2 the other day spouting the fresh and hot "Orange man bad" meme.
Liberals own the corporations and government, so who cares about what a bunch of edgy kids think?
The alt-tight is a latinx movement.
Most of Jow Forums are spics or asians
Oops I meant 40% but I think you get the point
Possibly maybe dude.
I didn't mean to imply that national socialism would come about. I think I'm just trying to be optimistic. Hispanics are pretty socially conservative, but then again so are blacks. They vote democrat because they give them money and don't want to deport them though.
I would really like it if California would secede though, or if Trump would at least wall it off along with Mexico. California has so many votes and it's seriously the only reason a democrat as they currently present themselves even stands a chance of being elected president.
One day, the boomers will be dead.
>Hispanics are pretty socially conservative,
Only on abortion. They are still fag lovers
get back to Jow Forums you inbred sack of human scum
conservatives are people who should be gutted in the streets, I fantasize about slitting a trumptards throat all the time
now this right here is a fine example of a based and red-pilled poster
No not at all. Gen Z is the most diverse generation ever. Granted being SJW is more a millenial and Gen X thing, but I'm older Gen Z and everyone I know is both super accepting and anti-censorship / doesn't get offended by stuff. So yeah I think Gen Z will be different but not in the hurr durr bigoted way Jow Forums hopes it is. The very small minority of hardcore Gen Z Jow Forumstards at my highschool before I graduated were all losers.
there's nothing wrong with focusing all your rage and all your frustration in life on your political opponents especially when your political opponents are literal goblins like pic related who actively wanna hurt anyone not like them
Are they? I thought they really liked to murder trannies south of the border. Homosexuality is actually the final redpill though.
What is your problem with conservatives?
Everyone with more than a surface level understanding of political philosophy is a loser. Full stop.
>What is your problem with conservatives?
they're subhuman trash who glorify everything terrible about humanity
>The very small minority of hardcore Gen Z Jow Forumstards at my highschool before I graduated were all losers.
OP here. This is actually true. The guys in my class who I hear making edgy political jokes are flat out fat losers. I will also agree with your point that a good portion of gen Z will be moderately anti-SJW, but remain relatively liberal or libertarian.
it's cyclical
a pendulum that swings left and right but the whole shit crawls left overtime
That's still very vague.
I'm borderline millenial and I remember my high school years (late 00's and early 10's) had pretty frequent rape jokes and fag jokes. Could just be the edgy rebellious teenage phase, but who knows
>retarded uneducated kids have retarded uneducated political opinions
gee who would have thunk, especially when the entire base of the right is the uneducated.
why do you need everything spelled out for you? what the fuck do you associate with conservative thought? between social conservatism and fiscal conservatism? inequality, reaction, tribalism, jingoism, prejudice, militant attitudes towards anyone not willing to conform, glorification of ignorance, absurd selfishness. there's practically no redeeming qualities to conservatism for the majority of people, it's an ideology entirely centred around concentrations of power to the rancid reactionary minority
sorry buddy she lost better luck next time
>Other opinions are uneducated
quite uneducated
People have different values, and different ideas about what conservatism is, so that's why I needed it "spelled out for me".
People are unequal. This is a fact. Artificially causing people all to get the same outcome no matter how good they are is just oppression of your betters - and some people are better than others. You said it yourself when you called me a subhuman. That being said, so much wealth came from industrialization that huge concentrations of wealth are no longer justifiable. If liberal capitalism is on the right and communism is on the left, fascism takes a centrist position on economics, and it's the best idea I've heard for dealing with industrialized nations. Here's a video about it.
I can never tell what a leftist means by this or if it applies to me.
Again, it's a fact that people are naturally inclined to organize along tribal lines. The nation-state extends tribal loyalty about as far as it can go - and the less tribal a country is, the greater benefit there is to behaving in a tribalistic way. This is how the Jews succeed in America and the Chinese succeed in Southeast Asia.
> jingoism
I think jingoism is necessarily defined in a negative way, so I won't defend it.
Well thought out prejudices are essential tools for survival. Here's a video about it.
>militant attitudes towards anyone not willing to conform
This is a shame. I think it largely stems from Christianity or even monotheism as an idea. I don't like it, but that being said, there are reasons for it. Strange outliers having too much power over normal people is obviously wrong.
>glorification of ignorance
Seems like a strawman.
>absurd selfishness
The strains of conservatism and libertarianism characterized by absurd selfishness are rooted in Jewish intellectuals like Rand, Friedman, and Kristol. Note that these capitalists are very selfless when it comes to Israel.
you are arguing with gotchas and attempting to defend things that are indefensible. even if humans are inherently tribalistic, unequal, prejudiced, etc, the goal of a society is to move towards improving and coming together. that's why advocating for policy rooted in these things is always shitty and makes you a shitty person. that's why being a reactionary is always a bad thing. republican politicians peddle fear mongering and play to people's prejudices as a way of gaining power and nothing more.
fascism is trash and an inherently reactionary ideology that will only lead to strife no matter how much you narrow down your dream society by race, iq, etc.
I'm not arguing with gotchas, I'm telling you why I believe what I do as concisely as possible without going over the character limit. Improving is great, but there's no good reason to come together. People only come together to face an external threat. Arguing with gotchas would at least be a step up from arguing with insults though.
generation Zyklon has the best chance. they are exposed to the internet and right-wing arguments pretty frequently and thru the internet they can distance themselves from the arguments and look at it objectively. they parrot shit but eventually they might actually come around to the right as adults because they know the arguments they just have to see things in action for themselves and see first-hand that the world is all about resource control, good economic policies, good political moves that benefit your country and not allowing your people to be weakened by bullshit culture because without those things you have a shithole.
pewdiepie is doing a pretty good job of raising these kids and one of them will come out as a really good leader some day who will change things for the better.
>pewdiepie is doing a pretty good job of raising these kids
Who fucking cares? Go away.
He really is. Did you hear his rap song where he called himself a "blue eyes white dragon" while pointing to his eyes and the Indian T-Series channel "dark magician"? If was based.
He woke.
I'm not a masochist so I'm not gonna these videos.
Me and all my friends are gen z, we're all pretty hard right leaning. The majority of students and youngsters seem to be pretty hardcore left npc's tho. Then again, Sweden is a fucking breeding ground for libtards.
Hi, I'm an 18 year old radical leftist.
I like Pewdiepie videos but then again I am a bit of a masochist so maybe there's a connection.
>oppression of your betters
Yes sweety. Some people are of more value to society than you and they deserve to make more money than you.
"le gen z the most right wing gen ever" is a meme no one actually posts stats with this claim. Could you, even? The only valuable ages there are 15-18, a small window shifting quickly.
thank you for confirming that Jow Forumstards are all mentally ill little piss hoglets who just want someone to take an open shit in their mouth
Few people actually like idpol (see: virtually any opinion poll on the subject - I like the one where only 19% of Americans are feminists) but those few include a large portion of the bourgeoisie and the rest of us have no power under capitalism, whose weapons against dissent idpolers don't hesitate to use. Generation Z is just like those who came before it in this regard, and I hope this idpol crap does a worse job of weakening class consciousness among them.