Tfw can only bench 40kg

>tfw can only bench 40kg

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That's pretty fucking weak bud. Pathetic really. Keep at it.

Jesus that's pathetic, and that's coming from someone who can only bench 60kg.

don't worry user you'll progress. just make sure you eat big to get big and get plenty of rest. for me I just benched every other day when I was starting out so I wasn't a benchlet because my friends were laughing at me

Yeah that sucks, I did more than that as a 12 year old benching for the first time. Just keep at it.

you are not in position to disrespect him

>can only bench 65 kg after 7 months of lifting

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I thought 105kg bench wasn't great. I was benching 35 when i started. keep going friend, it's worth it, though you'll never feel you've made it far enough

that sucks bro, keep lifting
I bench 80kg/175lbs and still feel like a bitch next to 2pl8ers