how does one acquire a cute american girlfriend?
I live in qld, australia.
How does one acquire a cute american girlfriend?
We love your accents, I doubt it would be too difficult for you to get an American gf if you came here. Just a warning though, 75% of American women are overweight or obese.
and they are almost all thots.
Just talk over voice. Australian is the most desirable accent after Londoner so they'll get wet just thinking about you.
t. burger
>after Londoner
Well a specific kind of Londoner. No American likes cockney accents or that south london accent where they say "bruv".
No, americans like cockney. It's just not sexy. Fun, though.
Oh those bitches went extinct. There are plenty of bow-legged goblinas and clown haired fascists, though.
do american women reaIIy Iook like this!?
why yes, user
we do
Maybe there was one time in the past when some american women looked like that, but now they all look like pic related.
tits or gtfo slime
pls gibe e-mail address
ok thnks
move to America mate. One less derro here
hmm, im not that easy
why should i
because you look like my anime pillow
silly user, you don't know that for sure!
god, she truIIy became la pesadilla
>why yes, user
>we do
you literally said it
you got me, though my tits aren't quite that nice
my hair is the same though, love how it feels on my back
sorry OP i already swindled them all
Not really. Blonde hair, green eyes, and not being fat are all pretty rare traits in America. Any girl with a combination of all 3 is probably taken.
i'll keep you in mind, user!
where are you from?
I'm from ChiIe
pls no buIIy
how fun, i've always wanted to visit south america
are the girls down there not your thing, or just plain unapproachable?
My wife does.
they are not my thing most of the time, they would upload everything they do to instagram, only talk with other popular girls, etc...
some others are unapproachable, but I think that is bcs their own psychological issues or something
oh, that's too bad
you might try to find some girls who think they're "one of the guys," but they can be a source of drama often too
why is the southern accent so sexy on cute american girls?
I haven't meet any of those sadly..
if you want to keep talking to me contact me via skype, I've got to sleep a little bit, it's 4.18 A.M. in here and I've got to sleep
yeah, it's about 2AM here in texas, and I should sleep too - sweet dreams user!
thanks femanon
>I live in qld, australia
I hate this state so much user.
A qt fat American gf would be ideal for me, except for the whole living in America bit. What about Canadian girls? I'm thinking of moving there in a few years, the cooler weather would be good (plus it's in the commonwealth so it'd be easier to move there job-wise).
I doubt they could be worse than the ones here, surely there'd be more pure conservative types.
Does an Israeli accent sound attractive?