Someone redpill me on nofap

Someone redpill me on nofap.

I've done about 2 weeks or so now but I don't really notice any major differences besides boners being easier to attain which would be obvious. I don't notice an increase in motivation, better skin, better workouts, etc. All I want to do is fuck something.

Is this shit all mental bullshit or do I just need to go longer with it?

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inb4 90-day minimum

im actually going to hit 90 days on saturday

AMA lads

worth it?
have you been having sex?
are the super powers real?

god damn, you really need to do 3 months before seeing any worthwhile results?

I'm not sexually active so it'd literally be no relief whatsoever. Is that even good to do?

>worth it
absolutely. its tough when i haven't had sex in a couple days cause i'm horny all day and its hard to think about anything else. but overall it is very very worth it.

>have you been having sex?
yea at least once a week, i think this is really the trick because the added test boost from having sex is what takes this over the top. i dont think i would be able to have gone this long if i was getting laid periodically

>super powers
i can get erections right away, they're harder than usual, and i can get another after sex fairly quickly, even instantly if im that much into the girl. women have asked me the following "are you on viagra?", "how do you cum so much?", "your libido is so high, you're really ready to go again?". it's fucking amazing.

i didn't believe in that shit that they say about
Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction until i experienced it myself,i was fapping to porn about three or four times a week, consuming hardcore shit (gang bangs, sissy, etc), then i scored with a girl and my fucking dick didn't work. I had morning woods almost every day but when a i go with a real girl i felt desensibilized and can get hard. Also i noticed that somedays and need to watch porn to get a good sleep, that's shit bro, i am doing this NoFap thing srly now

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It's pure placebo. If you feel like it improves your mental health do it. If not, don't fret.

fuck off rabbi

found the kike

>>have you been having sex?
>yea at least once a week
Every time. This reinforces my viewpoint that there is no hope if you do nofap without having sex often.

so it's kinda pointless if you don't also have sex on a regular basis? Is nofap with no sex even good to do or actually harmful?

Get out Apel

Yeah, everyone you see talking about having their 30 day streaks etc are still releasing their semen, just through sex instead of masturbation. Youd be very hard pressed to find someoneone who has a long nofap streak AND doesn't have sex.

Problem is, 90% of people trying to do nofap don't have a gf and probably wont get one through a week or two of nofap, so are gonna fail within a month or two.

i got a chastity cage to help me not masturbate when i'm home alone but can't get the sizing right. i can get it to where it won't come off when i'm soft, but then it really hurts when i try to get hard. if it's relatively comfortable (sort of) when i'm hard, then it completely falls off when i'm soft.

any advice? should i get a different cage?

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yeah. i just put on the smaller ring and had to pee before getting the rest on, and it was extremely hard to urinate. feel like it's kinking my urethra lol.

why is this so hard?

>tfw keep failing on day 7

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using a chastity belt to help with nofap is like getting surgery to help with weight loss.

Nofap has the fame of having the wrong name

what you must do is NoPorn, dont watch porn and you will start to see wonders.

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not really. chastity just puts one more barrier between me and masturbation. if anything it's like putting a lock on your fridge after you've hit your kcal limit, when trying to lose weight.

It'll stop hurting when you stop getting erections, tough it out for a few days and you'll be OK. These cages aren't meant to stop you masturbating, they're to stop you getting hard full stop. If you're going to try a new cage look into those which angle your junk directly downwards or at a sharper angle - this will make it much harder for you to get hard because it cuts the bloodflow when you get a semi. I can recommend the holy trainer v3 or the CB600S, but they're both pricey. You get what you pay for with this sort of stuff.

fair enough, especially considering the impermanence of it. personally i'd just leave it on tight and try not to get erections. if getting it to a tightness where it won't hurt when erect makes it fall off why wear it? not to mention it would probably shake around your dick a lot and make you horny.

what's your experience with the cages? which do you prefer, and why?

you kinda forget it's there after getting used to it. i think once i find a cage that meets my needs i'll be fine.

honestly idk why the entire no fap crowd isn't doing this.

what is noporn?

Does it including not beating off to pictures of women?

also do you know of a cage i can wear 24/7 that won't stick out so much and i can urinate with relatively easily?

if i never had to take it off i bet i could go years without jerking it

I'm assuming you mean urinating standing up, that's gonna be pretty tough. Most boys in cages pee sitting down, it is fetish-wear after all. In terms of keeping things hidden I'd recommend the holy trainer, it has a neat little lock so it doesn't jangle around in your pants, and it's fairly discreet aslong as you're not wearing tighty-whities.

My experiences with wearing cages is limited, I just put them on other boys. Can't go wrong with the ones I've said already, Holy trainer or CB600~. If you're uncut the game changes though, with uncut boys they normally need metal ones so their foreskin doesn't get caught in the little plastic opening on non-metallic cages. Metal ones aren't as discreet though, they can rattle when you walk as the lock will bounce around and tap the cage.

Fapping is what prevents a man from growing out of his teens, to put it simply.

You're trading your will to get a woman and fuck her for the pleasure you get by fucking your own hand.

Doing it once in a moonlight, bc you're away from your gf or something the like, not good but ok (still, you would do better fucking another girl for a night, but I digress).

Fapping daily past your teens is quite literally hindering yourself from acquiring social skills needed to succeed, not only in sex, as every social interaction involves some degree of seduction and demonstration of power, subrepticially at least.

I won't go into detail regarding no-porn because that should be obvious if you're not dumb: porn is voluntary cuckoldry. Every one knows, at 1st time watching porn, that it isn't good, but barely makes the cut to get you excited. The more masturbate for something you're not really excited about, the more you condition yourself to those expectations. From there on, getting into weird stuff and getting erectile dysfunction is just a matter of practicing it.

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PS. You should take your cage off once a week for deep cleaning of your dick and the cage. Don't wear a cage for a year without taking it off!

so you're gay? what do the cages do for you and your partners? this is interesting.

i'll look into the holy trainer, thank you!

oh for sure. i do weekly manscaping, so that's no big deal. and i'm cut, which probably does make this a lot easier. never thought about that before.

kinda funny, with all the recent complaining about circumcision. turns out there's a definite benefit to being cut lol.

gay-ish, I have a wife and 2 kids. But I also have lots of boys around the US that lock themselves up and mail me the key for safekeeping. (they normally have a spare around for weekly cleaning or absolute emergencies) They only get to orgasm when I say so. That's it really, some guys get off on having their orgasms controlled.
As for the second thing it's pretty much the only time being cut is an advantage, I've known guys who got circumcised just to make wearing a cage easier - not something I'd recommend to someone but it's their body I guess.

Only fantasy, or even better without that as well (only feeling).

oh i see. you've never put one on a guy irl? does your wife know about this?

i 100% support the lgbt and "alternative lifestyles". this stuff is really interesting to me.

I've put them on guys IRL lots. I used to be bigger into the scene but it used to be fairly common for masters to trade their boys for evenings at large gatherings - I'm sure it's still prevalent. It's just easier to meet people online, and doing it through the post is super easy too - the extra delay is tantalizing to lots of boys. My wife doesn't know, but if she did I'm not sure she'd mind. I knocked her up in high school so our relationship has always been fairly perfunctory.

Well I mean I've gone 2 weeks so far with no fap / no sex and still looking good. My main concern though was if this is actually healthy just not cumming at all regardless of method.

If I can go months without cumming with no negative side effects and get the positive effects of long term nofap it will keep giving me motivation to continue.

My main motivation in the first place was lack of motivation and going out to try and fuck a girl when I would usually just fap and be done with it so it forces my hand to actually put some effort in. That and I heard your skin clears up and you can get a nicer complexion.

wow that's crazy. it's good you had your fun, anyway.

thank you so much for the advice!

the main thing I've noticed when people discuss nofap is that the discussion gets so confused because people have radically different ideas and perceptions about how it's going to benefit them

I did 120 days nofap and I was still a social retard

what now

Lmao shills are evolved. They used to argue against nofap but I guess since that’s ineffective they’ve switched to derailing with repulsive unhinged faggot degeneracy

Wait until day 30-40 and you’ll see. I did at least.

T. Nofap day 147


I can't nofap. Sometimes you need that degeneracy in your life.

Noporn is simply not watching any porn at all

If I had to sum up the benefits into categories, I would say that noporn gives you most of the mental benefits (e.g. self-esteem, mental clarity, urges to approach women.) while nofap gives you the physical benefits (more energy, higher testosterone - which can lead to deeper voice, and less sleep needed).

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Did 13 weeks of nofap at boot camp, didn't notice any real differences other than wanting to fuck every half decent girl I saw. But that could have just ben due to the fact that you barely see any women at boot camp.

I've done 3-6 tines a day and beyond. It drains your soul

Your point would make more sense if only losers masturbated. Seriously you are essentially saying that you need to not masturbate to gain social skills. DO you honestly think the social butterflies are all on nofap? Give me a break.

I did nofap for two weeks, no sex either. And my nuts started to hurt really bad. Like it would hurt to simply walk around. I have a feeling that it is not healthy to not release regularly. Who knows if a vein or something could burst from the pressure. And secondly, if people are having sex on nofap, what is the point? Release is release, there is no difference that I am aware of.

If you are having sex, then do no fap. If not then only fap when you get a boner like in mornings or night.

found the kike

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I've been doing noporn but redpill me anyway. So you can only use fantasy? Not even pictures of girls with clothes on? I've been sticking to fantasy but I'm so tempted to fap to pictures cause I don't have many girls in my spankbank these days. And this urge to approach women, well I just have an urge to see a prostitute since I always get rejected by women. Please tell me the urge stops, I don't want to go through that again.

You need to go longer than 2 weeks and also go from nofap to noporn, meaning if you fapped to porn once a day, stop that and only fap to thoughts instead, or have sex with someone if that's an option. Also noporn is just a piece of the puzzle, to get maximum benefits you also need to do

>body maintenance (facial cleansing routine, facials, massages)
>clean diet
>daily exercise
>no alcohol / drugs
>yoga / meditation

Doing the above with noporn and you'll feel like a million bucks after a few months. Try not fapping at all at first but if you absolutly must again fap without porn and don't fap everyday even if it's just thoughts because that defeats the purpose still. Wet dreams take care of overabundance of semen if you don't cum for long stretches.

2 weeks is nothing

Anyone who shills chatisty cages doesn't have your best interest in their mind. It's a fetish toy, afterall.

Anyone who shills noporn over nofap is a weak-willed coping loser. Either stop jacking off and stop watching porn, or don't believe in any of it. When you masturbate to the thoughts in your head, it's just you imagining porn. Hardly different. When you masturbate you're telling your body you're getting laid essentially. The point of nofap is to stop doing so, and making your body push you to pursue a woman. It also saves nutrients, and cures erectile dysfunction in a lot of cases.

If you're saying your dick or balls hurt from not cumming, I really think you're lying. I'm 24 days in and no pain.

If you think nofap causes prostate cancer, know it's based off one study and there are other studies saying otherwise.

If you're considered you killed your dick and have no urges: you didn't, you're just flatlining and your urges will come and go.

I'm 24 days in, my paraphilias and perversions included: incest, raceplay, sissification, gangbangs, abuse, rape, scat, piss, and some others. They no longer have control of me at the moment and I am flatlining so no urges at all. I am happier with myself for some reason and although I know physically I have not improved, I feel less shitty about the way I look. I am also keeping note on nofap's effects on hair. So far my hair has seemed to stop falling out but no concrete evidence it's helping my hair. There is a semi-convincing explanation regarding hair and dihydrotestosterone that makes me think it does.

For those who want to stop having wet dreams. It's really about luck and will. Also, sleep on your back, face upwards, make sure there is no pillow in between your legs.

I'm skeptical of nofap but will continue. I might have fell for a placebo in all regards except I know it worked to keep my paraphilias down.

I hope you're aware it can take months or even a whole year of 0 sexual activity to actually overwrite deeply ingrained fetishes, 24 days is nothing

>t. gullible delusional nofap meme victim
noporn is the true redpill

I got into nofap to force motivation, it worked. After about a month I got a gf by being more outgoing and it's the best thing to ever happen to me. Had sex a couple times in the past few weeks.
Only negative (so far): I cum really quickly. It may normalize in the next weeks or at least I hope so.

its stupid

fapping activates the exact same neural paths as PMO in an addicted brain

>tfw wet dream

it's over, isn't it? my streak, my benefits...

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someone tell me if i have a problem or not.

I'm in a long term relationship, I don't have a super high sex drive, I have sex when I want, but certainly not everyday. sometimes a week can fly by, we have different bed times because of my job,.... but whatever.

I can happily not cum for 4-5 days, even a week...

but sometimes I go through a phase of being horny as shit for 2-3 days.

Porn is not my vice, but camgirls instead. I usually buy some credits on a cam site, and i have private shows or chats with cam girls, i prefer to cam2cam with them, which is where they can see you too.... talk a little, both get naked, wank off, she rubs herself off or whatever.... cum for her..... feel satisfied, but also a little wrong.

I suppose at least its healthier than watching 100lb blonde girls with braces getting brutally assaulted by 9 massive black dicks...

am i normal or am i fucked?

Anyone here ever take adderall? I have a prescription for it and it makes me insanely horny. Nofap is impossible for me

it is not normal.

which part of it? being in a relationship and still fapping with camgirls?

>Benefit to circumcision
>Being better equipped to wear a cuck cage
Makes sense

So this is what degeneracy looks like

skin condition? overall wellbeing?

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red pilled

>When you masturbate to the thoughts in your head, it's just you imagining porn. Hardly different.

The porn industry HATES HIM.

Oh look, the jews are bargaining

Look into how taoists use semen retention for healing and living longer, that’s the real red pill on why the Jews HATE nofap. If the goyim aren’t sitting around draining their life force and becoming even further scatter brained related NPC’s how will the chosen Sheppard’s guide their cattle? Also a lot of people with sour grapes hate on it since they don’t have the willpower to participate, think why the fuck do some people get so butthurt about other anons not whacking off? It effects them in no way besides highlighting their own failures.

Into the work camp degenerate

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Its because of the 7th day test boost


I'm on day 11

Just been laying in bed all day today because it's vacation and a restday. I'm so close to relapse and doing a quick fap to release all the energy. I feel like a volcano about to pop. Send help.

Degenerate, just fuck your partner

There's a difference in degree there: fapping once in a while, and you're corrupted but to minor degree; fapping everyday, and you're corrupted absolutely

Plus, nobody would argue on saying that men today (who watch porn customarily) are way more childish than men from the past (who, in the 60s, had access mostly to playboy pics; and before that, not even pics, but rather prostitutes was the custom).

Btw, being a social butterflies doesn't mean much in terms of maturity: rather, you're able to get girls. Most people would recognize that getting a beautiful and talented female (a rare sight) who hadn't had many partners to fall in love with yourself is much harder than getting any college thots etc.

Y'all are so fucking retarded. I normally jerk off once or twice a day and still fuck my gf at least 3 -4 times a week. The past 2 weeks I've been so busy havent been able to do either and my sex drive feels like its gone.

Use it or lose it dumb dumbs

Went for a walk but got serious blue balls

How do you guys not notice any difference I’m fighting for my life here not giving in

I've pulled 3 months before without sex. The second I got a taste though, nofap was destroyed. Haven't been able to nofap effectively since.

Astronauts do it.

>Someone redpill me on nofap.
>Is this shit all mental bullshit

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Yes, and I last for like 45 minutes when im banging when im on it, and my dick can't get fully erect when im on it

Did 55 days of nofap at basic. I must admit i may have given me a bit of an aura as this hot fucking redhead who all the guys wanted used to dick tease tf out of me. Had a wetdream one night about said foul succubus and broke my streak:(

>if you masturbate, it's bad for you
>but if a girl does it for you, then it's good for you
the absolute state of you fucking retards

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>do no fap november
>meet a really hot girl in the middle
>go on a few dates
>on a first date in december i realise how unbearably mediocre she is in terms of personality
>it was all just horniness bros
>dump her and feel like an absolute piece of shit
>i'm so lonely, what the fuck is wrong with me

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Just lost my nofap because i wanted to watch porn of fat chicks getting abused

I'm weak.

Don't be sad, learn from that and try again. It's a process, not a checklist. Do not compare yourself to others, but to yourself yesterday.

>fapped early today because in three days I'm gonna full nofap 2019
>came home 2 hours ago from a 4 miles run
>crotch has been hurting as hell since that

d-did i fucked up Jow Forums?
That was just my second nut this month i swear

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Thanks user, I'm learning more about why I fail everytime


I met a qt grill in the first week of November while i was in no fap but after a single date I realized that we would never connect and it was just pure contained horniness
Didn't feel so bad when it was all over tho

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>post unsuccessful. duplicate file found
based user

>finally made it passed day 1 of nofap/noporn
we are all gonna make it lads

There's such a difference that it's impossible to not notice. Anyone who says they don't feel a difference is lying through their teeth. At the very least, you're more horny.

Lying around is the worst thing you can do for yourself. Do something, literally anything. Play a video game, watch an anime, check your bills, clean your room bucko, go take a shit, do quite literally anything that isn't nothing. Doing nothing and not keeping busy is a surefire way to fail. I'm currently at work, and my job is slow. I'm feeling like I want to hop into the bathroom and have a quick wank but I'm not gonna. I'm on day 4 or something but I'm not gonna give in. I've failed too many times.

People will tell you to learn a skill or do a hobby but sometimes that's even too draining. So forget that, just go have a shower, make some hot cocoa, and play some vidya or watch a movie or some anime or something. Don't lie around unless you're going to go to sleep. It's the worst thing for you.

Do you really think it's unsurprising liberal academic institutions take a pro-masturbation and pro-porn position? They already thought it was alright and just want to make progressive liberal views the "academically correct "one. Fields like psychology of sex, gender studies, etc, always agree with progressive liberal agenda. I'm in a sociology related field myself so I'm not talking out of my ass here either. These researchers reject any line of thought that comes off as conservative categorically, and structure their research and academic work to justify it. Even "porn is bad" can't avoid this type of academic bias. The use of liberal buzzwords like "sex-negativity" here make it obvious. They just want to make "sex positive" academically correct even in situations where it's actually damaging to people.

>74 hours and 26 minutes nofap
>35 hours and 16 minutes no porn

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I'd like to tell you to fuck off back to Jow Forums but I really can't deny that you're right. All my friends who are in psych, sociology, etc are all super leftist. The ideologies are so pervasive that it's practically propaganda in the dorm of a study.

Porn is bad. Why wouldn't people think that when their parents would give them shit when they found porn on their computer when they were young? Why do parents shield their young ones eyes whenever they see a whore on the street? I don't think we need academic studies to tell us this.

better skin? will not jerking off make my acne go away? fine I'll try it in January then.