How is the best way to get rid of canker sores Jow Forums
Canker sores
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My man, that is a symptom of AIDS
shoot test nigga
put salt on it. its gonna sting like hell but it'll heal quicker
I stopped using toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate in it, and it seemed to help mine a lot.
I get these things at least once a month, have since I was a kid. You just gotta power through em man, they make little cover patches you can put over them to make it hurt less
I get these periodically. Less so recently. Like other user said you just gotta wait it out, after a week or so it will be basically painless. Direct salt + baking powder application with a q-tip stings like hell but in kind of a masochistic way. Not sure if it helps, but it provides temporary relief. I read it "drys them out", yeah right mom. Best thing to deal with it is over the counter benzocaine which will numb the area.
Bite off the top white layer then pour salt on it and let the salt sit there. Rinse with salt water.
Go back in time and don't suck that dick
I haven't had one of those since I quit eating potato chips.
I swapped out SLS toothpaste and experimented with chips. I found out that whenever I eat chips, I get canker sores (I'm assuming its because the chips rough up the insides).
L-Lysene is a vitamin you can take to help clear those up. After a few days of taking it mine went away.
Caking it in baking soda usually works for me. Stings a bit
Conker them
scrub it with toothbrush and rub salt in it.
If you live in glorious nation of Canada you can go cry to your walk-in clinic doctor and he'll give you a numbing cream.
If you dont then swish mouth with salt water
>L-Lysene is a vitamin
>cut down on acidic foods when you have them
>put salt directly on it if manly enough
>if not, rinse mouth with salt water twice a day or more
>do the above as soon as it starts
>get better sleep
>cut down on stressful things in your life
They're brought on mostly by stress or if you injured the inside of your mouth
You're thinking cold sore. A canker sore is more like an ulcer, but in your lip.
What said, canker sores are ulcers, which are caused by stress, so try to find ways to relax more throughout the day. Used to get them all the time when I was on aderal. If you can handle pain, check out the spice aisle of your local supermarket and look for Alum. It's aluminum somekindatrate, and it's used for dying fabric, no fucking idea why they put it in the spice aisle, but that's where it is. Sprinkle that shit on your sore. It'll hurt. Sweet fuck it'll hurt. But it'll dry it up faster than anything else.
Additionally, if you can feel one about to pop up, like you sometimes do, run to the freezer and put some ice on it immediately. If you're quick enough, it won't develop any further.
Apple Juice. Not even kidding. bucket loads, swig it by the gallon. gets rid of all ulcers in 3 days.
t. swear by this method
This 100%. A shitload of salt
First off, wash your fucking teeth you filthy animal, most people get those when the spend at least two days without brushing and bacteria has time to fuck your mouth up
In case you are one of the rare cases in which the sprout even though you are clean use the rule "the more it stings the better" rinse your mouth with lemon juice and salt until you can't feel your tongue
Nigga what the fuck ?
b12 supllementation cured mine, not even vegan or vegetarian so i guess i just have shit genetics at absorbing it
this is genetic, some ppl never get them cuz they heal faster
Used to get them at least once a month for years, but they stopped when I started going to the gym, always wondered why but stress is probably the explanation.
Try gum with xylitol, it helps with mine, then just kinda chew it and let it sit on the sore, it'll heal in a few days
suck a billion dicks, start with your dad for genetic concordance
Yes I agree with this, baking soda works too.
Put some Alum on it. Works great
This, literally put salt on your finger and rub that shit in. Let it sit for a while abd then rinse your mouth.
a l u m
You are retarded user
Prevent them in the first place by getting your vitamins.
I myself drink 1L of freshly squeezed orange juice every week. Almost never have these fuckers anymore.
Get propolis. Drop that shit on the canker sore. It will sting but it's good that it does. It seems to heal the sore much quicker in the long run and you also will feel less pain.
Just make damn sure you don't get this on your clothes, because it never washes out.
stop putting your fingers in your mouth nigger. I always had those as a kid because kids are dumb and put hands near their mouth. stopped and never had one since.
I tell this from decades of experience: I had (yes HAD) canker sore 24/7/365 for year. Even in the deep in throat where they take months to heal making every meal a fucking hell.
How did I solve the problem?
1) A lot of toothpaste contain SLS. Avoid them at all cost. This fucking thing erode your mouth natural protection a make you much more vulnerable to CS.
I used to think it was BS, then I saw oral-B made a specific TP without SLS and gave it a try: -80-90% of canker sores.
A lot of sensodyne TP doesn't contain SLS.
2) pure liquorice: buy them in herbalist, don't buy candies .... again PURE liquorice. Brush your teeth and then take one of them and dissolve it into your mouth. This give you extra protection against virus and bacteria.
Trust me, I try every fucking thing doctors advise me. Make a lot of exams .... they know nothing. I am not a fucking moron against doctors. But, in this specific case, they seem just not understand the basics. You have canker sore because your natural mouth protection is very weak .... you just have to put it in order and you will be fine.
I agree: SLS is the main problem.
Pure liquorice give a strong extraprotection.
Problem solved.
This doesn't solve the real problem, it's just a weak help when you get CS.
Your main goal must be dont' get CS.
I disagree. It's not stress, it's that fucking SLS they put in TP who lower down your mouth natural protection.
did you start using braces or were adjusted recently?
i got a few spots like those after my braces were adjusted, lasted like 2 days no more
stop having premarital sex you degenerate
I used to suffer terribly with canker sores. Turns out it was caused by the fluoride in toothpaste, so maybe try switching to a non-fluroide brand.