>Have you ever interacted with a female in your entire life?
I've had several girlfriends.
>The gold digger cliche applies to almost nobody.
The gold digger cliche applies to almost every woman, whether they care to admit it or not.
>I don't have to prove that either, you insist that females are fundamentally different from males in that regard, burden of proof lies with you.
Incorrect. The burden of proof lies with you to prove that individuals with different chromosomes behave similarly.
>Most of them are Brads, AKA not robots
Holy fuck lmao. Real people are not one dimensional archetypes.
Real people incredibly one dimensional. If you unironically believe we're all special snowflakes even boomers and shitlibs think you're a joke at this point.
>You're fucking delusional. Keep defending your cynical, biased worldview with your mental gymnastics, faggot.
Keep calling me a nigger faggot for disagreeing with your naived cucked biases, champ. I'll be laughing all the way to the bank.
>And what will this prove? That women don't want to be with some good for nothing guy?
That this gentleman in the OP is good for nothing in the sordid eyes of femoids because he doesn't bring the beta bucks. In other words, the conclusion that most of the thread immediately came to.
>Wow, so much effort to prove a well known fact.
I agree. I don't know why OP is claiming otherwise.
I'm not saying THAT isn't fair. I'm saying that OP is failed to account for the prospect of beta providers.
>This is because to many women (and guys) that is boring. Taking care of family is cool, but what else does he do?
That's a big problem in dating.
Women are have incredibly high standards. This is all that should matter yet it ie boring, as if their carnal pleasures matter more than securing a future for their children. It's depraved.
>I'm a nerdy unattractive guy, so I should be fucked but I get pussy
t. Brad
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