How Jow Forums views women
How Jow Forums views women
I don't like whores, I like women. So I maybe like 10-20% of their population
>inb4 what's the difference or all are whores
I honestly don't care even if it is a meme to hate them. I don't give a shit.
No, that's the invading incels who do not belong on Jow Forums
If 90% of women are whores it makes the fact that youre a virgin a lot more sad doesnt it?
Sorry oldfag, its Jow Forums now.
Not really. I have a Chad body, but complete autism. If I shut up and never open my mouth, I could of lost it to any girl at this point, but why do it when I know at least 12 other men have done the same thing in the past week?
I mean, if you speak to women most will freely admit 6'0+ is ideal.
I don't understand why people even try to debate it.
Why does this autist post Jow Forums memes?
Most just say that the ideal is anyone taller than them. Tho i've known a few girls who only dated guys who were significantly shorter than them, which I didn't really understand, but it was interesting.
>Im just a virgin because I want to be!
Lmao sure
>losing your virginity and having sex is all that matters in life
I'm 6ft 3 and live in Switzerland, I wish this or women loving money was true
Well you were right about the complete autism at least.
Because it's not true
>be 6'2 lanklet
>"women only want fit guys!"
>spend two years working out to reach a fit body
>"you need to have a strong chin"
>invest thousands into chin and nose minor plastic surgery
>"yeah well you need to behave like Chad"
The goalposts always move. Don't fall for this meme, and you might just save years of your life, thousands of dollars and your health.
I'm 5ft 8 and live in Switzerland and easily fuck girls. It's all about looks and confidence.
Fuck off Chadlet. Why are you even here then.
Obviously height isn't the only thing that matters, but it's more important than most people are willing to admit. An average looking 6'4" guy will be 100x more successful with women than an average looking 5'9" guy, this is irrefutable.
Have you really deluded yourself into believe it's a meme? Obviously Jow Forums blow it right out of proportion, but women are extremely sensitive to masculine traits, and height is one of the more obvious ones.
>this is irrefutable
Unless you have a source with a study that has a sample size that's not in it's low-mid hundreds, but in the tens of thousands spanning multiple years, don't use that word. Ass facts are the worst.
Eventually you circle back around and the "be yourself" meme becomes true. You'll never find someone unless you are being yourself. If you just try to change yourself into something you think is attractive then you'll never succeed. You need to find someone who actually accepts you, it's the only way for it to work.
Saying it's irrefutable doesn't make it true. In fact you are completely wrong. The 5'9" guy will be a lot more successful with girls, most girls will think the 6'4" guy is too tall.
Masculinity is defined by your behavior and build.
Hey guess what! If getting laid was as simple a process as being tall, all men would be tall! Getting laid takes into account literally millions of factors that attributing any one purely to that result flies right in the face of our complicated evolutionary past.
>just be tall
>just look good
>just be fit
>just be Chad
>just have money
>just be yourself
Yeah, I realized that now. This is what I mean by goalposts and the biggest flaw of this entire board. I fell for it, and I know other people fell for it. A Chad can be a complete manlet loser, but there will be something about him that's desirable and he will have someone that loves him. Not lusts, but loves.
The build part is also only important for one thing. A woman wants to know you can carry her. That's it. If you can lift her up, her brain instantly registers that you're strong enough to carry her out of danger, so it means you can protect her and the family you both would have.
Being 6'0 and white are probably the only reason girls like me considering my personality is that of a misogynistic loner.
Compared to only a few hundred years ago, we are tall you fucking moron. Humans are getting taller at an alarming rate, 5'10 was considered tall once upon a time. The cutoff for 'tall' changes as we evolve as a species.
I dont think you realize how large of a claim youre making with literally no evidence. Evolutionary psychology is so fucking annoying because they tell you a pretty story and then act like theyve proven it.
>humans have been around for millions of years
>it only takes a few hundred years to get significantly taller
>average height only 5 10
That might be true. What view or doctrine do you follow when it comes to looks and why women prefer one or another? Or do you subscribe to the notion that psychology is a sham to begin with and that you can't really generalize to one or another?
A guy who looks like he is in decent shape will be seen as far more masculine than a lanky oe fat guy.
I subscribe to the notion that if there isnt any evidence to back it up then i have no reason to believe it one way or another. The only claims about masculine features and sex Im willing to make are the ones that have been empirically demonstrated.
>The only claims about masculine features and sex Im willing to make are the ones that have been empirically demonstrated.
Such as?
Lmfao shut up you Dumb ass coper
This is all you need to know about women.
He's trying to come off as some non chalant alpha, but it's a bit too try hard.
>Be 6'1 in California
>Everyone else is at least 6'5.
>Occasionally Mexican manlets appear, but among humans, I am the shortest.
You can't win.
You're trying to meme way too hard.
That's honestly how I feel though.
Try to feel a bit more in touch with reality then.
Absolutely incomprehensible creatures that barely aknowledge my existence.
They confuse me, they scare me, they disgust me.
I'm looking for something that doesn't exist
This shit is gay. tl;dr it if you want. I saw this post a bit ago and only read about half way through before I said fuck that gay shit.
does this actually work? could I make it work if I'm a 5.5/10
>tfw 5'8
most guys are taller yet im still taller than most girls
..and other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself
Three warm and wt holes where to fuck and cum.
Start treating women like the infantile, inferior creatures that they are and you will start being able to dick them.
It is that simple.
Jow Forums was one of the originators of inceldom, even during the pre-elliot days.
That's how women view themselves, also ugly 6'0"+ guys don't exist because ugly guys don't exist to women.
Not really. There's no honour or glory in fucking a girl everyone else fucked. That basically just means you beat a game so easy, everyone else has beat it repeatedly. There's no worth or accomplishment in that. And in a way, you're also fucking the other guys she's fucked.
The only glory, the only worth, in this, is to get with a girl who hasn't been around, and who is so challenging, that even the most sexually successful Chads haven't got to her yet. An actual woman with honour and dignity. Sadly, girls like that are so rare, they're practically nonexistent.
But the moment you do that, they take advantage of you. They're smarter than you think. Better to not bother.
lol you have no idea what you are talking about, treating women like they deserve is the only way.
>needing source on a biological behaviour aka picking the best male and even if "height doezn matter lul", every women subconscious want a tall man over a shorter one
I hate women. Why was I born in this species? Better yet why was I given a soft beta nature?
>Just man up and be the alpha
It literally goes against everything I am. Why should I have to be someone I'm not just to live a normal life?
millions of years ago men would fuck women as they wanted or rape them whatever
Sexual capitalism has only been a thing for century, and the balance changed
I wish it was that easy you delusional fag
You fuck a girl and then what? She feels like you've disrespected her for whatever reason and cries rape, that's all your friendships gone once your face is on the news, and your ass now belongs to Tyrone, all because you couldn't just keep it in your pants. Shameful.
And you aren't about to fuck any of them anyway...
They are nonexistent, women are whores.