what are true american girls like?
What are true american girls like?
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Where are you from? Origanluiiii
from kalgoorlie, western australia
Well, understand every coast, state, county, city, and town in America has the potential to be vastly different. If you got this fantasy of coming to America and finding a loyal girl you'll be disappointed. Because most likely the first place you live in over here is already fucked. You weren't the first fool with this dream so you'll be surrounded by those like yourself. I'd recommend traveling through all the states before picking a spot to live.
No need to thank me.
No idea why this was not original.
Overweight Mexicans.
Depends on region, race, and class.
fat and blacked senpai. Fat and blacked
This u OP? Looks nicer then here. You might need to go to the Midwest to get better.
Well they cant be worse than british women. I was fucking astonished by how disgustingly fat they were the first time i was in uk. And they dont even carry their fat well, all their fat goes to their bellies, ass and tits remain small
Not to mention that theyre all whores
I assume the US would have a little more forests, rivers and greenery?
Depends on what part of the country you're in. We have swaps, plains, deserts, tundras, the works.
60% of american women are overweight I'm pretty sure
That's not the rate for young women and heavily influenced by area. If you go to the South obesity is very bad but on the coasts it is fairly low.
>That's not the rate for young women
That's only more concerning desu
You're assuming they get fat, naturally. They only get fat when they're either perpetually single or divorced.
>tfw will never get cute blonde farmgirl southern belle gf who teases me for being more manly and knowing how to hunt and ride horses and shoot
That type of girl wouldn't settle and if they did they would resent you.
>If you go to the South obesity is very bad but on the coasts it is fairly low.
That's not true. Of course it's worst in the Deep South but nationwide the obesity rate is ridiculously high. The *thinnest* states are at 20% or higher, it's insane.
True American girls are blonde-haired blue eyed 10/10 conservative Trump supporters with huge chests and smoking bodies, that go RV camping at country rock concerts, swimming in the lake and mudding in the dirt with a jacked up Ford truck. They probably got a redneck brother or two that will shoot you like that shirtless boomer in the video. They can be found all across the US outside the major cities.
The major cities are, of course, more diverse. Sometimes you'll find some 8/10 arthoe qt, other times you'll find a Japanese-African-Colombian muttina diabolica. It's always a tossup. One thing they have in common is that they are very liberal and feminist. I don't consider them true Americans. They're more like cosmopolitans. Citizens of the world type globalist shit. It wouldn't matter if they were in LA or London or Sydney, you know. All the same shit.
>True American girls are blonde-haired blue eyed
Blonde hair/blue eyes is a rare combination in the US. Like 15% of the population tops. Honestly your whole post sounds like you've never even been to the US.
They're the majority outside the cities Shlomo try harder with your kike propaganda
>They're the majority outside the cities
>About half of Americans born at the turn of the 20th century had blue eyes, according to a 2002 Loyola University study in Chicago. By mid-century that number had dropped to a third. Today only about one 1 of every 6 Americans has blue eyes, said Mark Grant, the epidemiologist who conducted the study.
People with blue eyes are a minority and have been for a long time. It's hard to know exactly how you're defining "outside the cities". Do you mean urban areas in general? Because that's excluding 80% of the US population and your definition of "true American" sort of becomes meaningless.
You're fucking dumb. Originally