Mental illness is a fabrication and doesn't actually exist.
Stop being a mentally weak faggot.
Mental illness is a fabrication and doesn't actually exist
Fuck off, sam. I'll cut your throat
Kinda knew that already. Not surprising.
Careful, psychologists will be furious that you cured all mentally ill people for free
>Mental illness is a fabrication and doesn't actually exist.
Yeah, no, sorry cunt, but mental illnesses are physically, tangibly real. Sorry that this news shits all over your sociopathic "tough love" fetish brainlet bullshit.
It'd be more useful to relabel them as "common ways to be an idiot" than to call them a disease
Mental illness? You mean the sociopathological exploitation and discrimination of social minorities?
Mental illness isn't an excuse to act like a cunt. Fucking hate people who accept medical help but refuses to help themselves.
Reality is a fabrication and doesn't exist.
>schizophrenia isn't real
>just will it away
hey im smoking weed can i have some privacy?
how do I get rid of my schizophrenia?
guhu we live in a SIMULATION guhu
lol dont its a gift embrace it and let it guid you to your destiny
Ironically, most people who don't believe in mental illness aren't exactly sane themselves.
Anyone with bipolar disorder deserves to get their ass beat by the nearest mob of people everytime they throw a tantrum
The mind is a complex mechanism that we still don't fully understand, just like the body. Treating psychological trauma isn't as easy as "lol just suck it up XD", just like treating physical trauma isn't as easy as "lol just slap a band-aid on it XD". You would understand this if you weren't an ignorant sociopathic dipshit.
you would need a mob to take me down, bitch.
You mean a mop, to clean up whats left of you when you realize that big metal bar is reaching your head and there are no health potions irl
there is plenty of information you could read about this to prove you wrong with a quick google
How completely incompetent do you have to be to form opinions without any facts? Do you think the Earth is flat too?
>hear voices talking to me kill myself and to give up at anything i do
>see a lot of shadows around
>feel like everyone is laughing at me
>seen some "bugs" like colorful balls flying around
What the fug
Those are all real, we've all collectively decided as a society to ignore them, I guess no one got you in on the memo
It's far more insidious than that. Mental illness does exist, but pretty much all of modern (((psychology))) has the goal of making people think that normal mental faculties are pathological, and that pathological ones are normal.
We're told that a man believing he's a woman is a completely, normal and healthy person, while someone who wants to own a firearm is a lunatic. We're told that schizophrenia and depersonalisation are 'identities' and that a woman who wants to get married and raise children is 'repressed'.
It's fucking sickening when you realise what's happening.
find a way to get the feds to stop fucking with your brain waves
alright, keep telling everyone that when some homeless schizo shanks you
No mental illness exists but it's so easily treatable that if you use it as an excuse you should just die
ow the edge m'boy
>mental illness
>easily treatable
Are you posting this as a joke to make fun of people who post things like this or is it real bait? If it's real bait you have the iq of a cockroach, fuck off.
>promotes psychology denialism
>writes a complete schizo rant
No I don't promote psychological denialism. I fully believe that there are such things as mental illnesses. The problem is that kikes are subverting and perverting the field of psychology to try and make the pathological seem normal and the normal seem pathological.
Nobody is saying that gun ownership is mental illness. Your strawman sucks.
you sound like you have no experience with it at all
my mom has been on different medicines here and there for several decades and as soon as it seems like something works, there's a discovery that it causes some horrible side effect and the doctors try to find alternatives in new drugs and combinations of drugs
in the 25-30 years since her schizoaffective diagnoses she's probably been "stable" for a sum total of 2-3 years