Hey user. Could you maybe tell me about how you're doing today if it isn't too much trouble for you and you feel like it right now?
Hey user...
Other urls found in this thread:
I hate niggers trannies shitskins faggots and kikes so much meguchan. The struggle never ends
I can't wait for pay day.
It's on Friday.
I work for Fed Ex Express. The less shitty branch.
Could be worse.
Wow, I gotta leave for work soon.
I'm at work wishing I was at home with a husky
I feel like I want to get back up and not sin again. But I feel too filthy to approach Jesus and Mary. I wish I knew what to do
>Fed Ex Express
Isn't the "Ex" short for "Express"? So it's the Federal Express Express?
feels bad user
>keep going on and off meds, gaining weight, failing school
Yes, Yes it is.
It's not a bad gig though. I've had worse pay and worse work though.
>skipped uni for an entire week
>procrastinating a lot
>feel completely devoid of any motivation
Meanwhile, an old classmate of mine has graduated and I feel like I'm falling behind everyone. People used to have expectations about me, but now I don't have any expectation myself. I just wish I could disappear without leaving a trace.
If something is worth hating it's probably not something worth killing. Love your antithesis, ignore distractions. The ride doesn't end but along the way something might end up breaking and it all goes off the rails. The sheep keep their hands and feet in the vehicle and complain when they arrive where god intended them to go. Destiny is gay, not the starcraft one though he has a kid I think. But the other destiny. The one that slots you for something retarded. Fuck that concept, kick it in the balls and run away so it can never catch you.
Enjoy your money user, hope work today goes alright for you. Make sure when you get the money to not be too prodigal.
>at work
>still no husky
Sorry user, sounds lame. Huskies are cute, hope your wan wan comes around soon. You need to get a situation that allows it, because you talk about her way too much for it to not matter immensely to you. Please get the dog soon, it makes me sad to not see you reach such a straightforward goal.
The human condition is an abomination and is inherently disgusting and worthless. Trying to not do wrong is lipstick on a pig. The good in the universe respects the sentiment of rejecting evil more than the avoidance of it. You can't make a virus more sick, just show you're doing your very best and all is happy times.
Sorry dude, meds suck. Getting on and off is the worst part, I'd quit entirely. All that garbage is a castration of the human spirit, and all that's left after that is a human. A disgusting little cornered animal that walks back and forth. Keep it together and live with some gumption user, you've got this.
Sorry user, losing your will to prosper sucks. I hope everything is ok. If people are sad it is because they care about you, if they are angry it is because they care about themselves only. Either way in the end it's more important to concern your own matters with what fulfills you. The blood has to go somewhere anyways
I woke up at 5pm. I did absolutely nothing besides browse Jow Forums and eat some pizza my mom got before she went out for the day.
What timezone? You been awake a long time or a few hours? Doing nothing all day can be ok, hope it was for you. Why was mom going out for the day in the evening? Doesn't make sense to me. Hope things are going happy for you user, I need to go figure out today and my history now.
I went to sleep earlier than I wanted to and got 6 hours, felt quite harsh getting up though now I'm better. Got the day of to a decent start though I really need to push Victoria II the heck away before it kills my concentration. Reading a lot per usual though not taking much in. Hmm... don't really know how to go about this day, its so straight-forward and I have a ton of time which worries me, I prefer being in rush so it forces my body and state of mind into high-speed.
*hugs* Its okay user, really. How come you have been skipping university? Honestly don't believe one needs motivation, forcing oneself mechanically in a ritualistic sense can be sufficient, after all you can make back the time at night or do what you want. S-sorry if that's projection. Kotomi is best Clannad, you're a good fella.
OP this is such a good thread. Everyone on r9k is a roodposter but you op actually made me feel a bit better. God BLESS (You)
Sleeping more is better user, if you go without for too long things get worse. Don't obsess too much over productivity if you can, self immolating ends up achieving less than gathering wood for the fire. Just enjoy the break while you have it, and recharge for the next major stressors in life coming up. Take care of yourself best you can user, good luck.
Nothing to play up about me or the thread user, it's not because of any virtues. Fighting all the time with people just gets tiresome honestly. Don't understand how people can give a shit about making others look like idiots so much. It's fun to troll but Jesus Christ.
I was feeling really low last night and this morning, like I have depression and I got put on meds but when I was in the middle of the depression everything was just numb, but before I felt like throwing myself out a window and I'm really glad it's calmed down since that is actually a super scary feeling when you've never had it before. Right now I'm doing well, I finished a halloween themed piece of music and another traditional one but I haven't uploaded them yet since I wanted to be back in the right mind. I hope you've been doing well fren, stay comfy
>like I have depression and I got put on meds but when I was in the middle of the depression everything was just numb
Do you mean this as a simile or is like a filler word? Sorry I'm slow to that. Either way I apologize for your feeling bad, hope things don't get like that again for you. That's smart about the music, release it when doing so will make you happy, like you save a bottle of liquor for an occasion. Hope it turned out very nicely for you and you're proud of it. Thanks for kind wishes. Things aren't comfy right now but nothing has changed.
Things are more or less ok. My mother actually cares about me, not so sure about my dad and my brother. I feel like they think I'm some sort of weight or their servant. It's just that failing makes me feel guilty towards my mom's expectations. Some years ago, I told that I would get that degree for sure. Now I'm not so sure about it.
*hugs back* finally someone who appreciates Kotomi. I've been skipping uni mainly because attending classes alone is becoming more and more tiring. I should probably consider taking online classes. Motivation helps keeping the stress low. Too much stress and my concentration is dead.
Try to recover the hours of sleep you've lost next night. What kind of stuff are you studying/reading these days?
nah I mean when I was depressed it was like a constant apathy where I was generally just an eh and didn't want to do anything, I still forced myself to do stuff since I felt bad if I didn't do anything. I got antidepressents a few months ago, and my average mood has substantially increased, it's no longer this apathetic eh it's like hey I'm kind of happy, hey I'm kind of sad, I guess this is normal. But the last day & this morning it was like why am I alive I don't want to be alive there isn't any point in being here why's my life so shit why am I so shit whats the point of even trying if I can't do anything worthwhile; and really taking a train of thought like that to heart. musicwise, I'm only happy with the halloween piece I don't like the traditional one it feels mediocre and subpar to what I'm able to do. I really do hope things get better for you friend, you deserve happiness as much as the rest of us.
Feel very comfy. Rereading Katawa Shoujo for the first time since I was 14 in 2012, and I'm cooking beans to eat all day.
It's going alright. At work now working next to an abandoned factory might go urbex when in between trucks I have to offload usually gets really slow 9am till like 11. This weekend gonna drop the transmission out if my brothers truck and replace it.
I'm glad things are ok, just don't let other people's desires turn your life into unhappiness. Respect your parents and entertain them when you can, but at a certain point your life matters more to you than it does to them.
It's all relatives, going from a high to a medium is worse than a low to a low. Also being more emotionally vulnerable changes how you react to the same stimuli. People will scream in pain up to a certain threshold, and then they stop. Same idea but psychologically. That's why antidepressants have a massive fucking suicide rate, it's all garbage. Sorry the second one didn't turn out special for you, I hope it can be fixed or good despite shortcomings. Don't worry about me, I'm getting what I should. School is gay, I don't blame you for dropping out if you do. Just keep in mind jobs are also gay so you need the gay stamp to get more money for a lifetime of your work.
Sounds great!
>Katawa Shoujo
>cooking beans to eat all day
good (insert ribbit response more canned than the beans)
You're all set and clear to enter maximum comfort. Have fun with it user!
went to psychiatrist and he bascially said im fucked in the head and unable to feel any please.
I was mad honest even said how when I cum I feel nothing.
He gave me fuck all valium but wants me take some other drug i dont want to.
plan to look like im seeking treatment and then say that medication isnt working for me in a month
I got paper work for my disability claim and shit.
I really just want them to give me benzos instead of this SSRI shit.
getting medical records sent to me from when I was a small child and diagnosed with shit so that will be interesting read.
Kotomi appears far more huggable than the rest of the cast and you really want to squeeze her as a result, not to mention that in spite of those scenes she's easily the least dramatic of the cast. You really should turn up be it tiring or not, you can always drift off and be in a world of your own without consequences it seems. I can't really recover until perhaps the weekend as I haven't slept much at all over the previous two years. W-well its embarassing to give the whole list so here is a pic of the short-stack which even then is embarrassing as my attention span is poor and even if I'm far through most I could probably barely explain like 10% of concepts if that.
Wow you're good with cars. That's really cool user! Hope work is treating you alright. Ubran exploration was never something I've done, but it sounds cool. If you do decide to make sure you enjoy yourself. Good on you for helping your brother, take it easy and have an awesome day!
Psychiatrists are just dudes, shit's fucked but you probably already knew that. Using meds and diagnoses to have some comfort doesn't really do anything though, that's why I don't like psychiatrists. Don't get yourself hooked on benzos, they make you seriously retarded. Hope you're taking good care of yourself gunjy, don't understand what drama made you shift your posting style but take it easy please. Things can realistically improve for all of us as long as you have a soul.
I seem to be sleeping too much though. Hope you are doing well though, much to do today?
>don't understand what drama made you shift your posting style
Wait my posting style has changed?
this is concerning to me.
thanks for nice words.
vacation for ten days
been cleaning up the house and eating whatever i want for now, im coming out of a dark period and i really let the place get bad
i got most of the actual trash, just need to get rid of boxes and organize my shit there's a lot of clutter
probably gonna head out tomorrow, see what i can find on a thrift store run
I want to die a little less today. I suppose its a "good" day. What about you OP?
6 hours isn't too much man, please take good care of yourself. It's not optimal for anybody really, that's like beating yourself up for eating 3 meals a day.
>much to do today?
Gonna feed the dogs, maybe take a shower, try my best to not disassemble the flesh, and use the computer until I'm too tired to stay awake. Things are pretty usual, I don't do anything productive. I wish I'd saved all the pics from that constanze user a few months back, haven't seen him in a while.
Images and vernacular appears different to me, maybe it isn't. Sorry. Forget I said anything, you're obviously still recognizable so doesn't matter much.
That's a big vacation! Enjoy it while it's here. Good luck on organizing, I hope you're feeling well now. Hope you find cool stuff at the thrift store too!
The present is harsh, but the future is harsher. Its my first year in uni and it is certainly challenges your values and constantly questions you why are you keep going. But deep down I know i will prevail. As I believe in one true god, myself. Keep your guards up anons, The Great Ordeal will come to all of us.
ok cool, I dont really care about drama.
do you like emo music?
a lot of emo stuff is great and its more like punk with emotional charged lyrics etc.
not teenage emo shit.
I try not post megus in your threads and im too paranoid to do similar threads incase you have one up.
its good you talk to anons.
Nice, a fellow engineering student. Mechanical or Aerospace? I guess the latter, but some of the subjects are in common, from what I remember.
>Kotomi appears far more huggable than the rest of the cast and you really want to squeeze her as a result, not to mention that in spite of those scenes she's easily the least dramatic of the cast.
This. She doesn't get dramatic even though she's the one with the most reasons to be.
>I can't really recover until perhaps the weekend as I haven't slept much at all over the previous two years.
I guess sleeping only a few hours has become an habit at this point, but if you can sleep on the weekends it should be almost fine.
>even then is embarrassing as my attention span is poor and even if I'm far through most I could probably barely explain like 10% of concepts if that.
That's way more than I can read at a time. Your attention span isn't that bad. Also, no one remembers everything on the first read. It took me two years to understand Calc 1's theory.
What emo artists do you like user? I've only really heard the basics (American Football, Cap'N Jazz and Snowing). Any recommendations?
I mean, no doubt it does seem to gradually turn you more racist as you go quite contrary to what the uni stereotype is. I'm so sick of going pretty much anywhere on campus then being hailed by 9-10 Arabs like a taxi service and having to teach them how to write reports, how to do labs, basic concepts that they didn't learn because they were on multiplayer during lectures/ seminars etc. I feel like pic related whenever I'm with them yet I can't refuse because if I don't "work as a team" I'm the one who gets penalized for it, really hope I get in a different group next time.
Urbex pic and I like to explore never really to be a vandal or anything just to look
megumin is the only thought i can cum to. im a pedo weeb and dont even have friends to talk to about how awesome megumin is. hopefully i can finish uni and get a job in my field and move away from my family before they realize what a loser i am
I'm partaking in a foundation year at the moment given that I'm a brainlet and failed A levels three times in a row. Apologies if the books give a false-impression, many tend to over-estimate my mental capacity due to the semi-posh tone of my voice (presumably passed down from my mother's thyroid imbalance) and the fact that I wear charity shop clothes (which ironically look far more sophisticated than expensive track-suits and t-shirts). I'm planning on studying Civil engineering and that is what I have written down though honestly I'm thinking of changing it to Mechanical if the end of the year will allow me. Not that I don't enjoy the Civil aspects (Materials Science I've been enjoying more than all the other disciplines, though not having a back-ground in chemistry means that I couldn't hope to be properly educated on it and being at a low-ranked university re-enforces that) though I plan on returning home after university and there is no manner by which Civil will land me a job there.The aerospace books are to feel less inferior to aerospace students (since the lecturer for that subject during induction was quick to champion it as the REAL branch of engineering), it is interesting learning about flight control systems though and how great a degree of computerization is in even the most minute of aircraft.
Did you enjoy one of the last episodes of the original series when Kyou and Ryou both realized they had no chance and started weeping quite hysterically? I was very amused! Kotomi needs to be given tons of hugs and affection, though the manner in which she turns things around really on her own behalf does make her more respectable than most the cast really.
I have no idea how American universities fair though calculus is lost on me - I can memorize all the formulas, learn how to apply them, where they are derived from and their histories and still seldom ever get anything right - yet I try hard as anything.
Today I'm doing a lot better than yesterday. Just waiting to be able to fax something over and hopefully hear back from them, and for a friend to be online so I can talk to them
What are you up to today?
I might really sound like a Nazi at this point, but anyways; You are doing God's work, you know why? Because you are God. Accept the fact, that you are an ultimate being. Unstoppable force and unbreakable will are your traits and only yours within your group of junkies. I admit it is really hard to push this idea into your head considering how much suicidal-depressing shit can come through this board in a single hour of a day but constant self-propaganda and lowering your consciousness will help you. The most effective way of doing so is music, march music, epic music and such. Personally recommend The Russian Theme from CoD WaW and Propaganda from JoJo... if interested of course. But Stay Strong user! No is forgotten in your world!
If things are always better than usual eventually they'll be great! Keep at it user.
I'm me, nothing special really.
I'm not sure what you're getting at user, sorry. Guess just some Stormfront memes? Hope uni is going well for you and life is treating you alright user. Sticking to your values is great but deafening yourself to controversy is bad, make sure you stay doing the former. I think a lot of that nazi stuff is indoctrination more than anything, Mein Kampf was a shitty book in my opinion. I think the coordinated reinforcement is what keeps the philosophy alive more than its merit.
Not too much. Some music probably would count as that but I don't listen for the lyrics on those ones. Thinking about shitty stuff just makes me feel shitty. Most music I listen to is some smooth electronic music. Don't worry about that stuff, you posting doesn't irritate me man.
That's really cool! Nature starts reclaiming it I guess, there's a poetry to that. All human works are temporary. Hope you have a lot of fun with it, it's really cool to do.
>megumin is the only thought i can cum to
Do what you gotta do but I've never heard of that, hope everything is working ok for you user. Sex is weird, I'll never claim to understand to intricacies. Megu is a cute, can't fault you.
>move away from my family before they realize what a loser i am
The grandkids question will catch you eventually, even if you prolong it. Don't be ashamed of stuff you can't control, just express it in a way that isn't egregious to everyone and you'll be fine. Just don't stress it user, hope you're doing well today.
That's good. One step forward is still progress. I hope you're even further along tomorrow. Have a nice time with your friend, hope the faxing stuff doesn't take long too. I haven't done much. I sat in front of the computer and did nothing. I did some thinking and used Jow Forums.
The beans turned out horribly. I'm not longer comfy. I feel really bad for wasting the beans, I feel like I've disrespected the beans themselves that worked so hard to grow, I feel like I've betrayed the farmer that helped them grow and brought them to me. I feel like I've let God down.
I hate this, I hate myself. Why do I get ideas in my head? I'm already so stupid, why can't I just be happily stupid?
this mixtape is great man.
I normally listen to doom metal but it will just drive me to drink if I do.
why do I have 24/7 free time yet I cannot even find time to watch one anime ep a day
reminder to take the black pill and indulge in your own self destruction as it never gets better
dude your obviously being a cunt, OP isnt gunjy you fuck head.
duck off man megu is pure.
make me sick, and not because your a pedo because like lal my frens are pedos, but your so lewd about megu.
I swear you are baiting so hard.
>That's good. One step forward is still progress. I hope you're even further along tomorrow. Have a nice time with your friend, hope the faxing stuff doesn't take long too.
The only thing I can think of going wrong today is the fax and that's probably not going to go wrong so today will be great.
I hope we have a nice chat too, didn't get to do much of it yesterday which kind of sucked but what can you do.
>I haven't done much. I sat in front of the computer and did nothing. I did some thinking and used Jow Forums.
I read that as "I sat in front of the computer and helped out various anons by giving them an outlet to talk about themselves."
Thanks for that by the btw bud.
>I normally listen to doom metal
My dude what doom bands do you listen to? I'm a big fan of stoner doom bands myself.
At least you're trying hard. How do A levels work? You can follow some courses only if you get a certain grade?
>Not that I don't enjoy the Civil aspects (Materials Science I've been enjoying more than all the other disciplines, though not having a back-ground in chemistry means that I couldn't hope to be properly educated on it and being at a low-ranked university re-enforces that) though I plan on returning home after university and there is no manner by which Civil will land me a job there.
Civil engineering is a field where you can work almost exclusively if you know the right people, especially in small towns. Nothing keeps you from studying civil eng. subjects though.
>The aerospace books are to feel less inferior to aerospace students ,it is interesting learning about flight control systems though and how great a degree of computerization is in even the most minute of aircraft.
Control systems are really interesting, even though I had only one course in my branch that is somehow related. Unfortunately, I study software and not robotics.
>Did you enjoy one of the last episodes of the original series when Kyou and Ryou both realized they had no chance and started weeping quite hysterically? I was very amused! Kotomi needs to be given tons of hugs and affection, though the manner in which she turns things around really on her own behalf does make her more respectable than most the cast really.
Yeah, I had a laugh too on that scene. Kotomi definitely needs affection and I'm happy of how they adapted her route. Without meeting the main cast, she would have probably gotten to achieve the same things, but she would end up all alone, no friends nor family by her side. Would have appreciated a bit more of her in After Story though.
>I have no idea how American universities fair though calculus
I have no idea as well, but, from what I read on Jow Forums and /sci/, some unis don't even care about theory, while other do.
yeah that's true fren, honestly the biggest benefit of the pills is the disappearance of my panic attacks and 24/7 anxiety about everything. I ended up uploading the pieces not long ago though and since I'm in a better mood I guess I'm a bit happier with both of them. try to stay comfy
Don't get yourself down user. It's just a mistake. No one will pay it much mind at all. It's gonna be ok. You aren't letting anyone down and you aren't stupid, please just take a second and relax. I get that your disappointment is immeasurable, but keep your day intact. It's okay user, you need headpats until you feel better.
Oh I don't usually listen to that type of music I thought you meant just edgy type sad boy music in general, sorry. Glad you like it so much though.
>indulge in your own self destruction
That's not a good idea dude. It's better to take a cyanide pill then that. You're basically just torturing yourself into suicide with that outlook.
I don't think he was mocking anybody. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think he's just a classic nice dude with a refined taste.
Glad you're feeling good about the day! Keep cheery user. Don't thank me please for anything, it unsettles me. I'm saying that in earnest, please don't. I do nothing worth gratitude so it just makes me feel dirty.
To be honest, not well. I masturbated to porn again. I fail at nofap and I fail at noporn when I KNOW it's harming me, my memory is shit and so is my energy and temper. I'm so weak willed it's disgusting, and I have only myself to blame, but I get so bored and glum I do it to cheer me up.
>Don't thank me please for anything, it unsettles me. I'm saying that in earnest, please don't. I do nothing worth gratitude so it just makes me feel dirty
Sorry about that bud, I'll make a mental note of that for next time
Hope you have a great rest of your day
Don't fall for the 3D meme lads. I slipped up this summer and now she has me running around like a lunatic. She's started smoking weed like a fucking degenerate now. I may be late, but time to drop her and go back to 2D.
Yeah, I get what you're saying. I just don't advocate for those things personally and will never voluntarily take them. The pieces both sound good, don't worry about it user. Glad you're in a better mood now than just a little while ago, I hope you're in a good mood soon!
Sorry user, just have some discipline with it. Thinking about sex stuff feeds into perversions. Maybe find something better for you to do when you're feeling down. Curling up into a ball works alright for me, maybe try that instead or some derivative of it.
Thank you for hearing me out. I'll try to have a nice day because you asked so nicely. I snuggle with my special boy blanket and feel comfier, I'll try that more.
Is the 3d meme really that bad? Sorry you got let down man, I hope you can be satisfied by companionship in the future, 2d or 4d.
The 3D meme is awful. I hadnt talked to a female in close to 5 years, but through some shit I came in contact with one. Obviously I developed feeling after being starved for so long. Slowly starting to realize she's crazy. I try to be nice and supportive of her decisions, but then she just does a 180 of what I say and it goes poorly for her, so then Im the one shaking my head saying "I told you". Getting real tired of if.
Also, cute Tomoko.
Thanks, I'll try that. I've had the flu so I really can't do many activities besides use my computer alone, I'll try and stop. Another problem is I'm lonely in a way my internet friends can't help. Even though it ended in disaster and nearly ruined my life last time, I wish I had a real girl to talk to, even if I never meet her.
I woke up at 6 and went to my dads place, just to get two or three hours in for a little extra cash. It was nice just mopping and autistically dancing to whatever I felt like listening to.
Other than that, I actually have the day off from my movie theater wagie job, so Im gonna go home and jerk it for a bit, then get a haircut and maybe play some vidya.
Talking to this girl that a friend of mind is friends with, she seems cool. A bit bigger, but she has some really rockin tiddies and she likes smoking weed, so Imma shoot my shot and chill with her at some point.
pallbearer umm hillmis and stuff.
year of no light has donme shit.
IDK man...>I thought you meant just edgy type sad boy music
dude im not the edgy type.
>You're basically just torturing yourself into suicide with that outlook.
Yes it is admitting self defeat and seeing that suicide is the inevitable answer.
I want people to take black pill as it has made me a bit "happier".
do nothing to help your future as you decided not to have one so you embrace the moment or waste it.
I picture it like standing on top of a sinking ship and taking in the view as you inevitably sink to your death.
#lifehack just KYS someday and you can avoid responsibility for your future.
>I masturbated to porn again. I fail at nofap
of course you did its set up so you fail its a reddit meme.
> I KNOW it's harming me, my memory is shit and so is my energy and temper.
he thinks chad doesnt cum daily
dude you need 2D pill, no shit man.
its life changing makes you pure.
its no fap with fapping
>go back to 2D.
based 100% based
females are gross I avoid as much as I can
Maybe it's not 3d maybe it's just her. If she doesn't trust you enough to listen to what you have to say she might not be one of the keepers. Either way if it's stress not worth dealing with getting rid of it is prudent, good luck user.
>Also, cute Tomoko.
Yeah, I feel you. When you get too into the computer a trick I learned was to turn completely away for 10 seconds. I used to get really sad when I lost in games so I did that, and it's stayed useful. Living as a loser is all about maintaining a balance between escapism and real life. Go too far either way and you're a lost cause. Go too far towards escapism and you become a pathetic caricature of yourself, focus on the real too much and you will die. The illusion of happiness the computer gives is useful but dangerous. Just do what you can to keep from becoming too lonely, and things can turn out well. Good luck dude, it isn't always easy. Hope you get better from the flu as well, that shit can really knock you out of commission.
Nice! Sounds like things are going alright for you. Hope everything pans out well man, good job being a well-adjusted member of society. Have a great day, and enjoy your free time as much as you can. Good luck with the girl too.
>suicide is the inevitable answer
If someone wants to commit suicide they always can, unless they're bound up. It's not something worth striving for. It's like lighting your apartment building on fire so you have an excuse to climb down the emergency escape. I think people just use that outlook as a crutch to not take responsibility for their harmful habits.
Thanks user, I'm almsot all better
I've tried 2D, it's better because I feel no guilt about taking advantage of a terrible industry like the porn industry, I feel guilty about the men and women in the videos, is this what they really aspired to be when they grew up? And how they set aside their dignity for money
Wew today I either get told how long until I get kicked out of my apartment or everything is alright.
I have no idea how long they would give me. If it's only till the end of the month I'm just going to off myself I have no where to go on such short notice
Yay! Glad your health is coming back, that's great to hear. A lot of 2d artists aspired to do more with those skills as well though. Idk, not gonna act like I've never masturbated but the whole business is dirty.
Whatever happens user, you don't have to kill yourself for it. Even if you go homeless for a little bit things can get better. It's also less rare than you'd probably think. Homeless guys I've known are cooler than you'd assume. I hope things go well for you whatever they tell you.
Yeah I guess homelessness isn't the worst thing. Would be better if it wasn't cold.
Could stay at a cheap hotel or something for a couple nights I guess while I look for stuff
>I feel guilty
> their dignity
stop caring about people.
some people need to take the black pill and give up.
Yeah I understand. It's not good at all but you can survive and live a good life after being homeless. Don't feel like everything is over because of one eviction.
>some people need to take the black pill and give up
Don't preach something you aren't practicing. I'd only be ok with someone having that opinion if they were locked in a psych ward or wrote it in their suicide note. It's not internally consistent. If everything supposedly is leading to suicide then just do it right then and skip the fluff. A person who has profoundly lost all hope in existing permanently is hard to just look at. Their eyes stop being human.
Those do sound very useful and pleasant to listen to, will have to try a great deal of Soviet classical at a point, listened to plenty of their jazz-rock and that is generally of serviceable quality. I don't really appreciate self-propaganda as it breaks the point of self-improvement if one is barricaded from reality, still do as one will.
I shall never give up user, though I do understand your point, I used to be quite like that (not to patronize). Thank-you for the mixtape.
A levels are our equivalents of SATs except we get proper grades instead of GPA and are admitted to universities on that basis (grades range from A* [pronounced "A star"] to E, U being failure). Typically someone in higher education (colleges or sixth forms) will choose 3/4 A levels and the results for three will be submitted to a university (even if you do 20 of them you'd only be allowed to submit three) from which you receive an offer. The average offer is something like BBB-CCC. Top universities such as Oxbridge, St. Andrew's, Durham etc. will usually make offers like A*A*A* w/ proper interviews and their own specialized tests and such. Personally I went on foundation to a former-Polytechnic university where I got an unconditional (guaranteed place) and got on my exams EUU, as you can guess I'm a moron.
I'm not sure how far you can go with civil engineering though without having to move around a lot though, that and my home-town is rather derelict so I'm not sure where development can be - though for the other branches its very obvious.
In regards to later post its good to see that Kotomi had a far greater degree of independence as far as her actions go and that she could achieve greatness without intervention. I hear similar things about calculus, I got another book that I didn't include in the image because it is very /sci/ and way beyond my level. Felt like I was appropriating it by putting it in.
Ok, I get A levels now. Not really sure if they are better than university specific tests. What happens if you fail them and you're going to attend a uni with unconditional places? Do you have to take extra lessons or nothing happens?
>Personally I went on foundation to a former-Polytechnic university where I got an unconditional (guaranteed place) and got on my exams EUU, as you can guess I'm a moron.
EUU, more like wew lad. Jokes aside, these kinds of tests are made only to determine your preparation more than anything else. If your high school sucked, you're still going to score poorly, even if you had good grades.
>I'm not sure how far you can go with civil engineering though without having to move around a lot though, that and my home-town is rather derelict so I'm not sure where development can be
Yeah, old towns aren't definitely a place for civil engineers unless there's some big change on the way.
Still waiting for a Kotomi after, I want to know if she actually proved the existence of the other world.
Name of the calculus book? I read two or three before being prepared and there was one I found on /sci/ that was really good for practical matters, not so much on the theoretical part though.
i have to go for a while
nuthin personell kid
You're right it was just the stress talking I've got back up plans and I'm going to be happy
You send five universities your application and usually receive and offer for them (either conditional i.e. you need specific grades or unconditional as stated before). I'm already at university. At the sixth form I went to, I failed during the first year (you do AS levels at age 16-17 you see then the full A level the year after, sometimes the AS counts towards the entire award and more often now some subjects skip the AS exam in favour of one large two-year course), due to reform I wasn't allowed to retake the subject at any local university and be taught it so I had to self-teach for two years after and specifically take the exams and that's how I got in. I'm in foundation year which is essentially a year you do before the first proper year for those who got lower grades or are otherwise retarded for lack of a better word. Didn't have to take extra lessons, had to do an interview and the interviewer was surprised that I didn't apply to get on the proper course though I knew my grades weren't going to be great based on history. The sixth form I went to was great though I was poorly prepared, counter-productive and in a rough place mentally, that and lazy. Self-teaching was far better for me though the results seem to say otherwise.
Its the Serge Lang calculus book, you open a page and bam, topology. Its insanity. Here's a pettin' by the way, you need one.
Got off work and back is sore.
laying down kinda helps which i am.
Ok, now everything is more clear. So you start with this foundation year and then you start regular uni after an interview, have I gotten it right?
Checking that Serge Lang book right now. Definitely not a beginner book. My algebra course ended where this book starts. Search for Piskunov's differential and integral calculus, that's the one I had. You'll probably need another one for limits and stuff like that.
O-oh and t-thanks for petting, eh eh
I have to go for a while, I hope this thread will still be up when I come back
Baka, I'm already in university - but its a year behind everyone else who got the proper grades and started properly on year 1. I did the interview already, was accepted last year and got in (started in September), then when I'm done next year I'll be on year 1. Got seminars, labs, lectures, societies etc. like normal university just that its toned down in difficulty to build a foundation for people who weren't very bright and need extra guidance to get them on track for the proper think.
Yep, the Lang book is a graduate book, still curiosity makes one look at it. I'll have a look at those books though I don't think our library has them (I spend almost all day there and frequently look at those sections, appears to be restricted to two columns of one bookcase and even then most of those be GCSE/ A-level material. There is far more statistics for whatever reason. Have a nice day user, do your best for the rest of today!
I was supposed to study for my internacional buisness' exam, but I just lost my time in Youtube, movies on Netflix and Animu. Also I have a project of culture and arts that is the 100% of my grade of that class.
Now I'm waiting to be 2:30 pm to go talk with my teacher, and beg him to move the proyect hand over to thursday.
I didn't sleep well, because of vyda. I really fucked everything up.
I hate how this OP is replying like he has all the answers in the world when he's just giving out extremely general advice. Scum.
You misunderstand the black pill.
I dont mind OP despite knowing he likely thinks im a bad person and I think he does a good job chatting to anons.
You sound as bitter as me, but I would never be bitter at someone helping robots.
dont be mean to robots man.
OP is fine
>thread in page 9
Looks like I got back right on time
>Baka, I'm already in university - but its a year behind everyone else who got the proper grades and started properly on year 1.
That's what I meant. I guess "regular uni" was a bit vague.
Come back to the Lang book when you'll be done with Calc 1 and everything will be more understandable. The Piskunov one can be easily found online if your uni's library doesn't have it.
You're a good guy, user. I'm sure we'll meet again in one of these threads.
Have a nice day and find some time to sleep properly.
I could go back to it though the issue is that it'd take three years to be at the region of the course where I'd be even remotely prepared for proper calculus (it is an engineering course first after all). I do enjoy reading material in advance especially when I don't understand it as its like gaping through into another world, sort of like when you're a child and you accidentally overhear a couple adults talking about stuff you don't understand. T-thanks for the compliment by the way, and your Kotomi-posting made my day in all honesty. Best of look to you too and I shall sleep well on Saturday, going to go as long as I can tonight though who knows what'll happen. I've been slacking recently, guess I'm on a down phase, mind when I've finished this book I'll be on a rush. Perhaps that Lang book might be a little invigorating, will read more of that. There's only so much time I have to read and while I can get through most it's always tricky and comes at the cost of concentration.
>pic related is me tonight