Whats wrong with me faggots?
I can deadlift 120 kg but only bench 20
You are a triangle
you're a weak, middle school aged faggot who needs to fuck off because Jow Forums is 18+.
You're a weak fatass. But you already know
Stop wasting our time
im 27 lol , and i can do pull ups and push ups, probably not with perfect form, but why cant i bench more?
my height is 175 cm at 72 kg
I hope you're a troll. It would be a shame if you're actually retarded.
Doing pullups and pushups doesn't mean shit. Weights and calisthenics are completely different things, even if some people think they aren't.
How many pushups and pullups can you do? Less than 40 in a row, right? Because that's literally nothing.
Anyone can bench 20kg. Just keep training and you'll do it.
Do you have enough bench volume? Could be you simply need to subject the muscles to more stress.
man stop trolling me, 40 pullups is hard as fuck lol not even trained people can do that in a row
i thought about volume, i do 3x10 once per week with 20 kg , but its really hard and it doesnt seem like i am able to increase the weight
im also not a triangle btw, i have a V taper and wide shoulders, my body fat is probably 20-30%, so yea i need to cut but i wanna build some triceps muscles
>bf around 20-30%
>40 pullups
You aren't even trying now op
this is bait stop replying u faggots
Hahaha lmfao of course you can’t increase the weight with volume that low rofl. I’ll just let you in on a little secret, the minimum effect dose (MED) of a given muscle or muscle group is 60 reps per week. The maximum dose or whatever the fuck it’s called is 180. Try to stick within a weekly rep range of that when creating your program.
I like your 3x10 style, kid, as that’s what I do, but you’re going to need to increase your bench frequency if you want to see results. Don’t forget incline bench for the clavicular head of the pecs ;)
its not bait asshole, i legit cant do more than 20 kg 10 reps
i said: not even trained people can do 40 pullups in a row properly , not that i can do 40 pullups with 20-30% BF
You have weak long arms and shitty push strength.
Nvm apparently this is a troll and I’m retarded.
yea, my arms are pretty long , how would you go about training bench when you cant go above 20 kg ?
its not a troll asshole , im serious
Uhh, like this: bench more.
You are following the appropriate progression scheme of the 3x10, right?
what do you mean? i just add more weight when i could do the lift properly and without effort the last week, but its fucking hard for me every week so i didnt really progress
in comparison to DL where iwas able to add 40-50 kg easily in 4-5 months
Have you been doing SS?
You’re one dumb cunt, OP. I suggest hanging yourself until your body is strong enough to break the rope.
A progression scheme is the system you use to know when to increase or decrease weight. For the 3x10, the appropriate scheme is if you can do more than 10 reps, you go up, less than 6 you go down. That would mean you’re always pushing 6-10 reps on any given exercise that you’ve employed the 3x10 on. I was taught, and believe, that the only way to go up is by doing 1 more rep than you’re supposed to on every set and you must go down if you do 1 rep less than you’re supposed to on any set. So for a 3x10, it would look like 11/11/11 or something like 5/6/6 respectively.
Also, of course you’re not progressing, you’re doing 30 reps at most each week (half of the MED) and 18 reps at least each week as well. Once your volume becomes appropriate (which should be done through frequency, not changing the rep scheme, as the 3x10 is very solid) your bench will improve, but not as fast as your deadlift or squat, so be prepared for more gains, but don’t be discouraged when they don’t progress as fast as your other lifts.
Nigga, you have to put plates on the barbell, not to hold them in your hands.
It's not Jow Forumss fault you are a manlet with tiny hands who can't grip 2 plates stacked on one another.