haha lol so true!
Haha lol so true!
Other urls found in this thread:
17k likes btw
So is that from betas or from roasties?
All roasties of course, some of the comments
don't make nice guy posts op
it's cringey and makes people wanna bully you
see facebook
Read some of the comments for yourself.
OK at least I can still pretend this is just a prank roasties are using to make fun of each other
fuck off
>it's always a little girl
all women are children
Then why is it wrong to fuck children?
To be fair, we're not the ones who've ever said they were any different.
children are not childish enough
>show this to a women claiming they don't prefer bad guys
>17k lifes from all women
>instant denial
The absolute state of women.
my mom doesn't prefer bad guys but she ends up with them. She fell in love with an actual nice guy but he moved across the world ((and then she dated another ex con)
As someone who was just told by her bf that he's losing interest, starting around the time I decided I'm all-in in the relationship and my interest and dedication's exactly what seems to be putting him off, this thread is bullshit.
Seriously, show me ONE man who isn't only in it for the chase. I have to play some stupid game where I act standoffish and unsure to get their appetites up, up, up and only once they've reached a certain point do they reciprocate.
it's amazing sometimes the difference a single word can make
All of them are retarded
>Seriously, show me ONE man who isn't only in it for the chase
I am one but I'm not the kind of guy you are interested in so you just assume they don't exist.
Idk not really in for the chase anymore. I'm not gonna hardcore chase anyone anymore. Focused on getting a long term partner
God I hate women make it stop please just end it right now
the chase is really only for a small portion of men, for the rest it's just trouble to be avoided
FUCK OFF YOU DUMB SLUT. All you have to do is go up to a guy say 'wana fuck' and 11 times out of 10 he'll say yes. WE ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE TO PLAY GAMES.
Now gtfo my board you roastie whore.
See you say you're not in it for the chase but if some girl was suddenly all over you you'd be put off.
and w*men are still wondering why no man resptects them.
Some women are cute, but none of them are as nice as you think.
Not him but of course not... What makes you think that. I'd be so happy if a girl finally has some interest for me and gives me some attention.
she does, she just cant admit it. just like op's pic. they know it's wrong slutty to do but they can't control themselves because deep down it feels good.
>my mom doesn't prefer bad guys but she ends up with them.
This guy will inform you.
The way they talk is horrendous. Fucking hell, go take an elementary english course or some shit.
The nice boy is insecure, the piece of shit is not.
I'm a guy who genuinely wanted a relationship. But, then I'm expected of playing stupid fucking games as well. I have to time when I text her to the minute so she knows Im interested. I have to act confident enough in choosing where and when to take her, but also be open to her likes, so plans could change at random. I have to feign interest in her stupid stories about her friends. And when I do try to talk about something serious pertaining to the relationship, she gets all wishy washy. Women are a fucking meme and deserve to be put into camps. A woman in her 20s needs to be chained up and given into forced servitude because they are all low iq degenerates who add absolutely nothing to society. Fuck off with your bullshit. You are a hole and nothing else. Accept your place in society and move on.
why do you have to be insecure to be nice?
What if I told you that you don't actually have to do any of that shit, but you do need to wade through a lot of thots before you find a keeper?
You'd get bored of her really fast, not even that roastie, people don't get excited by full on dere-dere people who are all love all the time. At most those people get relegated to the friendzone or the fuckzone if you're a dude, they're never anyone's long term partner unless that person literally can't do any better.
You absolutely don't. The stereotypical "nice guy" however is and will deal badly with rejection.
I'm nice deep down, but I don't take shit and I'll be out in seconds if a chick thinks she can manipulate me. Nobody has ever called me a nice guy.
>The stereotypical "nice guy"
see >me getting asked to go out for lunch with a genuinely nice guy vs Hayden booty calling me every Friday night
>find a keeper
I did. And she spent last weekend in Charlotte with another guy. Now they smoke weed together. All girls have the mental capacity of children. She couldn't see that I'm one of the few people in the world who was willing to put up with her shit. This current guy will drop her and then she'll come crying to me. I'm gonna hit that dab and tell her to fuck off when the time comes.
>>me getting asked to go out for lunch with a genuinely nice guy vs Hayden booty calling me every Friday night
Sounds like a beta to me.
Doesn't mean he's insecure, a "nice guy"(versus a guy who's nice) or will deal badly with rejection. As far as we know he's just a dude that's nice and that isn't appealing to women, the entire point of the thread and a fact most people here already know. Women don't like men who treat them well, they find them boring.
Eh, it also really depends on the woman itself. Personally I had much better experience by being a cheeky cunt that challenges everything they say (for normal ones), but there's also those where I just say what comes to mind and it never goes wrong. Most don't like to be put on a pedestal, that is certainly true. Doesn't mean you have to be a dick, just threat them like a normal person.
God, I'm drunk.
now imagine what it's like for actual good-looking guys like me and not the mousy bumboy bf you put in time with
I don't even have "the chase" because all it takes for a girl to be smitten with me is me coming up and saying hi
>i do nothing but try to be sweet but yet it still happened to me
t. role playing uggo
all fucking women must fucking hang
originali commentari
would you say that to your mom, user?
all is as expected
these normalfags are so annoying holy fuck kill them all
How does anyone just text "u up?". How do you follow up after that? It's so foreign to me.
Well it looks like you just waded through another thot, you just played your hand too soon. No reason to stop trying.
extremely based and redpilled, original
>mfw got stood up at the movies once and never asked a girl out again
Fucking sick of this world
Floated the idea to other girls and nm they never reply and the latest 2 went to uni so I'll never see them again
>my oneitis actually tried to have sex with me and I just got really uncomfortable
>she got irritated and said I need to get more experience
I just wanted to cuddle
pretty autistic lad
I hate you user
why did you post a meme from See More facebook page
Pls go back to iFunny user pls
>OP is a flaming homosexual
haha lol so true!
It was very important for me to find a woman who doesn't think like you. Thank god I did.
I never wanted to make any separation between sex, love, and a lifetime relationship. And I was fortunate enough to find a woman who doesn't want to separate those things either. There's not a lot of us, but we do exist. And if I had to guess, I'd say we're about 5% of the population. You're free to falsely claim that we don't exist, but all you accomplish by doing that is to demonstrate your ignorance.
>Nobody has ever called me a nice guy.
I've never been a "nice guy" either.
I'm sincere, and I'm serious, and I'm loyal, but I'm not particularly "nice". There are far too many bullshitters and game-players in the world to go through life being "nice".
>What if I told you that you don't actually have to do any of that shit, but you do need to wade through a lot of thots before you find a keeper?
Quoted for absolute truth.
What's the original context of this?
You're forgetting that the "nice boy" is usually just a fat, frumpy beta orbiter while the "absolute piece of shit" is usually handsome, confident, and athletic.
The truth is, if you don't meet a certain physical attraction threshold AND mental connection threshold, a full on chase won't ever work.
Truly redpilled and based.
>no recoil
>angle would suggest exit wound out the side.
>no one would keep a hand job going after being shot in the chest.. at that point there is nothing WORSE that the attacker could do at this point besides make your suffering end quicker.
About as fake as it gets.
it goes both ways hun.
>be nice guy
>be myself, 6 feet tall, skinny, glasses, intelligent and a bit socially awkward
>attract women, have had some relationships
Sure, the majority of women are clueless children when it comes to what they want in a relationship, but there's still plenty of decent girls to go around, if you know where to find them. Getting a shower, a degree and a job would be a good start.
Social media is ruining humanity.
These are the type of women who probably say some wild bullshit like "its ur bad personality keeping u from getting a gf we dont prefer anyone at all".
I wish they'd just be that fucking honest with us to our faces so we could go about our lives and do something besides worry about some dumb thots opinions.
I do this because I assume it's a practical joke whenever someone shows anything but disgust for me.
I'm currently dating a girl because she was all over me and I thought "huh, how strange, this has never happened before, let's ask her out and see what happens."
B b but.. muh personality!!
I'm glad I recently decided not to let sexuality ruin my life
There's a very clear disconnect between what Jow Forums and normies consider a "nice guy." If you've ever seen a guy apologize to a girl when she cheated on him, that's a "nice guy."
"Nice guy" does not mean "guy who is nice," it means "guy who is a total pussy and/or a pushover."
>women: "absolute piece of shit" > you
>Well, actually...
She'd rather be with someone who's acts like a human being than a robot that is always complimenting and being overly nice around her.
Don't take shit so literally, you retard.
Man this world makes my fucking heqd spin.
Sorry that happened to you me laddo
the only men she really loved were the opposite of that but they didn't love her back.
This is only vaguely related, but when the Caps won the Stanley Cup in Vegas, some Vegas girl flashed her tits at Ovechkin with her bf/husband standing right next to her. Felt like that was a bigger redpill than this meme that tries to use a little kid getting excited about catching a puck.
It enrages me how women (or as I like to call them, fuckholes) refuse to appreciate me, a kind and respectful gentleman.
if women love pieces of shit then why are there so many incels on Jow Forums?
because they dont have Chad's appearance
sounds like it's about attractive then, not being a piece of shit